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  1. I can only assume that when you connected to her WiFi, you were actually connecting to a Man-In-The-Middle access point, like a Raspberry Pi. Quite easy to do. She then set it up to forward traffic between your phone and the real WiFi access point, picking up anything in-between with tools like Wireshark. I doubt she would be able to read text messages, as that would involved a Femtocell, which is more complex and highly illegal. She's likely over-exaggerating about that, seeing your internet traffic would be enough to work out the topics you were researching.
  2. The quickest way to crack a WiFi password is to know it's standard before attempting, otherwise you'll be waiting for weeks, months or even years. See my old post below. Most of it will still be relevant, although obviously you should go and do your own research about the likely keyspace.
  3. I would use Python for this, something like; import threading import time import win32gui import win32api import win32con # Define the text inputs and their corresponding completions input_mappings = { "hello": " world", "goodbye": " cruel world", "foo": " bar" } # Function to send key strokes def send_keystrokes(text): for char in text: win32api.SendMessage(win32con.HWND_CURRENT, win32con.WM_CHAR, ord(char), 0) time.sleep(0.05) # Thread function to monitor user input def monitor_input(): while True: window_title = win32gui.GetWindowText(win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()) if window_title != "Python": # Listen for specific text inputs if window_title.lower() == "hello": send_keystrokes(input_mappings["hello"]) elif window_title.lower() == "goodbye": send_keystrokes(input_mappings["goodbye"]) elif window_title.lower() == "foo": send_keystrokes(input_mappings["foo"]) elif window_title.lower() == "closeapplication": break time.sleep(0.1) # Create and start the thread to monitor user input input_thread = threading.Thread(target=monitor_input) input_thread.start() # Keep the script running until the input thread is finished input_thread.join() I used ChatGPT to assist in writing this. Add as many input_mappings as you like. It will run in the background. Typing 'closeapplication' will make it shut down. You'll need to install pywin32 using pip install pywin32
  4. Aircrack can do what you require. Example; airmon-ng check kill airmon-ng start wlan0 airodump-ng wlan0mon Under the second section in the output, where the last column is 'Probe', you can see Station MAC addresses and the Probe is the name of Wi-Fi access points they are attempting to reach out for. For example, in the following image, the device with MAC BC:D1:1F:0A:6D:AE is attempting to reach out to a Wi-Fi access point with the ESSID of "JioFi2_D0A281". You could then create an 'Evil Twin' using Aircrack, with the same ESSID and no password, and hope that the device connects to it. Get close and boost the signal strength. Note that this will only work if the Probed-for ESSID is passwordless. If it has a password assigned (most will, of course), then your Evil Twin will need to have the same password. Looking out for something like 'McDonald's WiFi', 'BT Open' or 'Public' Probes may suggest an easily spoofed AP that is likely passwordless. If you need to create an Evil Twin with the same ESSID and password as the target's Probe's are looking for, you will need to find the Access Point, capture and crack it's password. Something like https://www.wigle.net/ may give you information on where a Wi-Fi AP is located, if it's name is unique enough. You can then go there, capture, crack and then re-locate the target device and set up an AP with the same ESSID and password.
  5. If it's something you want the target to click/load, https://iplogger.org/ will do this for you. There's an option, on creating the URL, that gives the target a message to confirm consent.
  6. The idea of having a 'wide' antenna is the capture of data, via a higher chance of capturing the signal output from a distant radio source. So, yes, having two antennas is best, one either end. However, you can capture traffic with one antenna, your end, from a much smaller antenna the target end. You just might struggle to send data, such as keeping a shell open for example. Distance also matters. Having a large, wide antenna your end, say a mile/1.3km away, when they only have a standard WiFi hub would be OK for capturing a 4-way handshake for later cracking, but probably not good enough to keep a reverse shell open without issue. Get a little closer though, say 300 metres, and a wide antenna would be ideal. Now a 'Yagi' antenna is the opposite of the above. It is 'long' rather than 'wide', which means it's more suited for transmitting data, so great for reverse shell over long distance, but you might struggle to keep a connection open because the capture of signal back your way would be diminished. This is why a 'cantenna' exists; it's a little of both. A Yagi, one-directional signal is transmitted, but the 'can' captures a bit more of the wavelength coming back towards you and keeps it's signal bouncing around within the can for a moment, allowing the antenna to pick it up again more easily than not having a 'can'. There is a possibility of using both, and configuring the transmitting of data from a Yagi and the capture of data from a wide antenna. And none of the above comments take in to account the dBi of different shaped antennas, which again plays a role.
  7. For anyone that comes across this old thread, LoRaWAN is also an option, and has the capability of producing a shell between 2 RPis, for example.
  8. 00000100 is a disk I/O error code. It's picking up a disk/partition, but can't read it. I've had similar issues in the past where 1 disk/partition actually shows as 2; one OK and one corrupt/unreadable. Try unplugging all USB related items first and check if it disappears after one of them is unplugged. Then, try disconnecting your Hard Drive temporarily (just unplug it internally, but leave in situ) and booting from an external OS. See if the errored disk shows up then. You could even make the external OS a Linux one and use something like GParted to see if there are any unreadable partitions anywhere. Lastly, if it's not too much of a pain, try backing up your system, formatting your HDD and reinstalling everything. Sounds like a pain, but usually only 1-2 hours work nowadays.
  9. Hi all, Creating some monitoring scripts for a HP-UX environment, however I don't actually have direct access to the HP-UX environments to test the syntax. Does anyone know of a POSIX compliant Korn Shell distro, similar to HP-UX, that I can throw in to a VM and use for testing syntax? Thanks
  10. This is regards a HP-UX box. I have the following; #!/bin/bash # Exit script if program fails or an unset variable is used set -eu server="BLABLA" port="443" graceperiod_days="30" # Get expiry date of SSL certificate, in format 'Jan 31 11:59:00 2018 GMT' enddate="$(openssl s_client -connect "$server:$port" 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -enddate | sed -e 's#notAfter=##')" # Get today's date in format DD-MM-YYYY todaysdate="$(date "+%d-%m-%Y")" echo "Today's date is $todaysdate" # Convert $enddate to format DD-MM-YYYY enddate_formatted=$(printf '%s\n' "$enddate" | awk '{printf "%02d-%02d-%04d\n",$2,(index("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",$1)+2)/3,$4}') echo "Certificate expiry date is $enddate_formatted" # Compare expiry date with today's date if "$todaysdate" -ge "$("$enddate_formatted" - "$graceperiod_days")" then echo "$todaysdate is greater than $enddate_formatted. SSL certificate has expired!" elif "$todaysdate" -lt "$("$enddate_formatted" - "$graceperiod_days")" then echo "$todaysdate is before $enddate_formatted. Everything is OK!" else echo "ERROR"; fi As far as I can tell, this should work, however the output is; Today's date is 29-08-2018 Certificate expiry date is 21-07-2018 ./test[22]: 21-07-2018: not found. ./test[22]: 29-08-2018: not found. ./test[24]: 21-07-2018: not found. ./test[24]: 29-08-2018: not found. ERROR What's going wrong?
  11. https://paleoflourish.com/recipe-copyright/ "The general test for copyright protection is originality, and the original and creative portions of the work must be able to be separated from the utilitarian/functional aspects of the work." "Likewise, courts have generally ruled that recipes are functional and therefore not able to be copyrighted." "“[The] recipes’ directions for preparing the assorted dishes fall squarely within the class of subject matter specifically excluded from copyright protection by 17 U.S.C. § 102(b)."" etc. If it's your fair, then fair enough, you can stop people from using phones etc. But legally, generally, food recipes are not covered by Copyright and therefore any competitors have the right to attempt to make their own version. Besides, what's to stop someone taking a sample and analysing it easily anyway? You'd only have to look at a food sample under a microscope for a short while to work out all of it's ingredients. Or, what about people with really good memories? Are you going to ban them, in case they remember the recipe? A bit of logic is required here. Generally, food based companies rely on customer service, competitive pricing, location, advertising, cooking techniques, hiring really good chefs etc. to beat the competition, it's not possible to just blanket ban other companies from making the same food as you. Think about Pizza, Burgers, Fries; all the same concept.
  12. Agreed, however I said generally. Of course us techies know you can use things like macchanger to spoof your MAC, but I believe the OP was looking at 'normal' users, rather than unscrupulous individuals Apple phones, for example, do iterate through spoofed MACs when out in the wild, to stop access points in monitoring mode from tracing them, however when they actually connect to an access point, their real MAC address shows. I can confirm this via personal testing.
  13. Also, here's a nice text-only list of which companies own which OUIs: https://code.wireshark.org/review/gitweb?p=wireshark.git;a=blob_plain;f=manuf
  14. Generally they are only spoofed on most devices when they are not connected to an AP. As soon as they connect, they show their true MAC. Wikipedia actually covers quite a lot on this page; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address
  15. Thanks all, I've ordered a Float Switch :) Hopefully be with me soon and then I'll start rigging her up.
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