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Posts posted by moonlit

  1. Eh?

    Me? I do smoke... too much... I know I should quit but I'll do it someday...

    This is the 5th time I've been to this thread and it's made me want a cigarette... I think I need some willpower...

    Edit: Ehh... it's all good but cheers for stepping in Technologique :)

  2. As would having no lungs... personally I find I don't smoke if I have my head in anything that has screws and is powered in some way...

    Edit: I did find, accidentally, that a session with a Dremel and no dust mask causes one to think twice about smoking for a few hours...

  3. Could you come to some arangement with them, after subtly suggesting that the unit isn't really that useful and is of a reasonably low spec, so you could offer to take it off their hands for a reasonably low price? ;)


    I mean... prolly best not dude... ;)

  4. ok, quick reply, batteries in wireless keyboard dying and I have no spares...

    Old hardware: was almost always bulletproof, the software was not,

    Old PCs: very cool, I've had numerous early x86 machines but no 808x machines - had a couple of 68xxx machines though :D (gotta love Amigas and Macs :b)

    Bling: ...Bling? Have you seen any old Macs? Ever? Ever?

  5. I gotta say I'm not all that keen on management utils for vidcasts... I do use iTunes for my regular audio podcasts which dumps them right to my MP3 player (lazy, so lazy...) but for video I just use iTunes for 'casts that are available and good ol' websites for those that aren't :D

    Edit: Note to sentinel: I <3 CANADA!

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