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  1. @whistlemaster, Will that update fix my issue above? "Fairly new to the Mark V, after downloading WPS, downloading reaver and bully, enabling wlan1 and refreshing APs, clicking the wifi i want, disabling wlan1 and clicking "Start Monitor" it says ...loading, goes away and nothing happens. Nothing pops up in Monitoir Interfaces and down in "General" monitor interface doesnt show anything for me to select."
  2. Hello, Fairly new to the Mark V, after downloading WPS, downloading reaver and bully, enabling wlan1 and refreshing APs, clicking the wifi i want, disabling wlan1 and clicking "Start Monitor" it says ...loading, goes away and nothing happens. Nothing pops up in Monitoir Interfaces and down in "General" monitor interface doesnt show anything for me to select. Anyone have any ideas.
  3. So im not completely ignorant when it comes to this new Ducky i got. But for some reason, even though the code executes perfectly (slowed it down to make sure it clicks all the right places etc.) the payload never does what it said would happen at the end. For instnace, a simple test i did to copy a wireless profile, save it to an .xml and save that to the desktop of the user(couldnt think of an easier place to do so to test) and thats it. Ran through all the code what i thought was flawless but still, nothing. Ive tried 15+ different payloads people have put out and not a single one worked like it said for the end result. Im using the encoder on the ducky toolkit, can that be the problem? should i be using a downloadable one? i tried to download the java file but after trying to open it, nothing happens.
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