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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hi im trying to record the signal of a garage control but when i open in audacity it doesn't appear like youtube. It does not distinguish between ones and zeros. And another problem is that the frequency change between click on control. Is normal? Because i cant determine exactly the freq. Thanks!
  2. Alguien que hable español me puede ayudar ?? De donde puedo sacar un evil portal con un payloader para conectarme por conexión reversa por msf. GRACIAS!!
  3. Hi, anyone knows how to inject the fake adobe flash update like Kevin in the MKV and where i can found these scrips(fakedns & beginspoofing.sh) Thanks!
  4. Helloo! Any knows how can an hotel can redirect www.google.com to the loggin page of the hotel? And abother cuestion, is possible that when people connect to my mark v and open the browser automatic open a new page with my evil portal?? Thanks!!
  5. Hello guys can anyone explain me how is the best way to sniff! Thanks !
  6. Heyyy anyone can helpme to use the evil portal + metasploit to do a Mac and Windows pentest. Thanks!!
  7. Hola no logro entender si el sslstrip sigue vigente o no, y que pasa con el hsts. Gracias!
  8. Sorry what is Cron? i believe that this is my problem, is posible?
  9. Bene i have the same problem do u find a solution? Please post it
  10. Heyy can anyone share good materials for newbie? Thanks!
  11. Hi! is possible to redirect https://google.com to my evil portal? Thankss If anyone want to share your portal thanks!!
  12. Hola!! Alguien que hable español me puede ayudar con unas cositas! gracias!
  13. Hi!! Can anyone tellme what is the next step after the client connect to MKV? like sniff and how to? Thanks!!
  14. heyy i have the same problem, when i run karma all the networks appears as encrypetd, and the problem 3 too. Do u know the solution? thanks!
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