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Everything posted by Plazmaz

  1. Ugh there's too many distractions to make cool things. Stupid business and ADHD... It's the killer combo :(

  2. First day of school...

  3. #Ferguson should never have happened, but it does show an interesting perspective on human ethics and how important a human life is.

  4. You should be able to use this on windows 8.1: GUI X DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN ENTER ALT y
  5. So many awesome projects and so little time. Darn you school for taking up all my programming time!

  6. Krish the ninja tweeter strikes again...

  7. Woo four hundredth tweet, as usual I'll fill it with crap! Of course I need to put something meaningful here! I hope I don't run out of spa

  8. On a brighter note, did you hear about Linux girls? They've got aptitude.

  9. Holy crap, free full version of watch dogs! Sooo much fun :) https://t.co/QeUQZamDet

  10. Watching @COSMOSonTV ... It's like @tweetsauce in a television show.

  11. Accidentally awesome photo :) http://t.co/YNSWY9WrLy

  12. Thanks, I really appreciate the suggestions :) will be implementing these soon
  13. Well okay then... Hello deer http://t.co/xwccuYxfXP

  14. Apple released ANOTHER OS this week, OSX Glacier. Like a glacier, it moves very slowly and takes long periods of time to change noticeably.

  15. I've created a basic javascript encoder: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/32719-payload-converter-duckuino-duckyscript-to-arduino/#entry244590
  16. Seems pretty cool, excited to try it out :)
  17. The Duckuino I recently learned that the Arduino Leonardo and the Arduino Micro are both capable of pressing keys as an HID. Instantly I thought of USB Rubber Ducky and Duckyscript. I had some spare time, so I decided to write this, Duckuino, a simple Duckyscript to Arduino converter. It's not very pretty, but it seems to be reliable. Features: Convert Duckyscript to Arduino(Duh!) Basic program memory storage(works better with large programs than traditional SRAM) Arduino code and Duckyscript combo! (fairly buggy in some places) What was that about Arduino code alongside Duckyscript? Due to the nature of the converter, quite a bit of Arduino code can be programmed inside the Duckyscript before conversion. This is useful for things the program doesn't auto-add such as loops and if statements. Known bugs: Letters may occasionally get offsetted For some reason the usage of 'CTRL C' doesn't work but 'CTRL c' does... Examples: Input: DELAY 100 STRING Hello world! I am Duckuino! ENTER CTRL ALT DELETE Output: void setup() { Keyboard.begin(); delay(100); print(F("Hello world! I am Duckuino!")); type(KEY_RETURN); press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL); press(KEY_LEFT_ALT); press(KEY_DELETE); Keyboard.releaseAll(); Keyboard.end(); } void type(int key) { Keyboard.press(key); Keyboard.release(key); } void print(const __FlashStringHelper *value) { Keyboard.print(value); } void loop(){} IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not responsible for anything evil you do or generate with this. Also, this program will only work on Arduinos that support the keyboard library. I'm not the best at Duckyscript so I apologize if I've missed any commands or functions, feel free to contribute and/or download here: https://github.com/Plazmaz/Duckuino If you've made something cool with Duckuino, I'd love to hear about it, send me a PM or post a reply! EDIT: Almost forgot to give credit to http://ctrlaltnarwhal.wordpress.com/2012/10/31/installing-usb-rubber-ducky-on-3rd-party-devices/ for the idea!
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