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  1. https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/30990-dip-switch-and-rickrolling/
  2. No response in that thread yet...and it's still related
  3. Loving it! Issue: I have the Mark 5 and it doesn't seem to auto start with everything enabled needed to get Rick Rolling. Question: Can I set a dip-switch combo to start everything needed to get the Rick Rolling, rolling? If so, how or what do I need to do?
  4. Hay Guys. 1st post. = Me'z a newb. 1st off (again) I'd like to say the RickRolling infusion is HILARIOUS!! :D Question: How can I enable the scenario (since it doesn't seem to be automatic when powered on) to a dip switch? As in what command would I have to put in the DipSwitch setting? Once I get that working, I've gotta show it to my other Tech Buddies.
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