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Posts posted by digininja

  1. Most wifi printers will just show the PSK in the web GUI so all you need to do is to log into it and ask for it. That assumes it also has a wired interface, if not then it is possible to collect enough packets from the handshake to attempt to crack them.

  2. The pot file will be in your current directory.


    $ ls -l john.pot
    ls: cannot access 'john.pot': No such file or directory
    $ ./john --format=Raw-MD5 --wordlist= /tmp/passw  /tmp/md5pass
    Loaded 1 password hash (Raw-MD5 [MD5 128/128 AVX 12x])
    Warning: poor OpenMP scalability for this hash type, consider --fork=2
    Will run 2 OpenMP threads
    Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
    password         (?)
    1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2016-11-28 14:56) 25.00g/s 88650p/s 88650c/s 88650C/s 123456..sss
    Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
    Session completed
    $ ls -l john.pot
    -rw------- 1 robin robin 53 Nov 28 14:56 john.pot
    $ ./john --format=Raw-MD5  /tmp/md5pass --show
    1 password hash cracked, 0 left
    $ rm john.pot
    $ ./john --format=Raw-MD5  /tmp/md5pass --show
    0 password hashes cracked, 1 left


  3. If you have word mangling turned on then modifications are made to the words in the list. Both Obiwan6 and obiwan are in that list so I'd assume that is where it came from.


    Delete the john.pot file and then rerun the command that brought you here and you should find that it doesn't find anything

  4. Wish they would stay consistent with their offerings. That used to be there but then disappeared for a while and all you could get was the trail version of pro which was knobbled in various ways over various releases, the current way is that it is capped at a max of 7 days.

    If this works as it sounds then it would be good for scanning your home network.

  5. Unless you are using an ancient version from before they went closed source you have to have either a trial licence which only runs for 7 days or a pro licence that costs around £900.

  6. It depends on what you are sending him, if it is a script that formats his drive or drops malicious malware then yes, it will kill his machine.

    If all you want to do is get the file to him, encrypt it and tell him the password, then nothing can scan inside the archive and so should allow it through. Where are you hosting the file?

  7. It depends on what is detecting the virus, it won't be your browser, it will be AV or something in Dropbox.

    If you encrypt the file and tell him the password for when he has downloads it he can get it onto his machine if it is Dropbox, if it is his AV then tell him to disable it.

    I'd recommend doing all of this in VMs so that when something goes wrong you don't kill his machine.


  8. It means something responded to probes on those IPs. Without any more information that is about the best anyone can say.

    If you want a better answer you'll need to tell us things like:

    Is it an internal or external scan

    Are the hosts you scanned up or down - do you know for sure

    Are the services really running on those machines - if they are ones you own then you can check them from the machine themselves

  9. Are you sniffing on the right channel? Have you tried running wireshark and watching for EAPOL packets to see what happens during the deauth/auth?


    And why do you need to know how to get handshakes for a business trip?

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