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Everything posted by jaime_lion

  1. So I was looking at computers in a computer store the other day and saw the new macbook with only a usb type c connector for power. It needs a dongle for a standard usb or hdmi. So I was wondering if the rubber ducky is still a viable tool or if it is/ will become obsolete due to no available ports or the ports being disabled?
  2. So forgive me if this is reinventing the wheel. If this can already be done with the pineapple please tell me. But I was thinking about the wireless usb's out there and I was wondering could you plug the usb rubber ducky into the pineapple and wirelessly deploy the ducky? Thanks.
  3. Can a mod move this to the mark 5 pinneapple forum? Thanks
  4. So forgive me if this is reinventing the wheel. If this can already be done with the pineapple please tell me. But I was thinking about the wireless usb's out there and I was wondering could you plug the usb rubber ducky into the pineapple and wirelessly deploy the ducky? Thanks.
  5. So I did a basic hello world but added I'm in your pc. any who I showed it to a person and they said that is scary and creepy. So anyone have any good ideas for one sentence scary things we could have the duck type out? so far I have the hello world script tweaked to say "I'm in your pc and I am watching you" Thoughts?
  6. Thank you I got it to work with your help I am able to retain my title as the champion of Christmas
  7. So I got a ducky and am trying to do a hello world. I plug it into my windows 8 machine and I get the screen with the lock computer option and task manager etc. is this a windows 8 problem or a noob problem? DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 200 STRING notepad ENTER DELAY 200 STRING Hello World!!! ENTER I copy that into a notepad file and save to the micro sd card as inject.bin. I also have lengthened the delays to 30 seconds then 5 seconds on the next two. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. So should I buy a ducky to play around with it? At the moment I dont have any pen-testing jobs and I dont see any in the near future. Aside from playing around with it and maybe playing a prank or two on a friend I dont think I will be using it for that much. I also am wondering is the ducky useful in pen-testing cause from what I have heard alot of places physically disable usb ports. Thoughts?
  9. So I am wondering is there a good job market for people that just specialize in the social engineering part? or are business's looking to hire pen testers that can do the computer part more than the social part? Also any tips for getting your foot in the door with pen testing?
  10. I got some. they are from my parents not from clients. Both my parents are technophobes. My father has stated numerous times that the world would be better off without the internet. cause "you didn't have Chinese hackers breaking into computers when I was a kid in the 60's." Anywho one time he asked me how he could write an email so there were no spelling errors in it. So I told him to open up a word doc and type it in there. He types his two paragraph email and asks me what the red underlines mean in word. I tell him that he spelled the word wrong so he asks me to hand him a dictionary. I try and tell him that there is an easy way to fix the word but he wont listen to me and gets a dictionary. At this time I am laughing to hard and have to leave the room. 30 minutes later he calls me in to ask how he copies and pastes the word doc to an email. My mom also has done some funny things. After explaining that she doesn't need to do this at least 50 times she still does. (im serious on me telling her over 50 times) Anywho she will log onto facebook then "surf" that website then log out and closes the internet window. She then will open a new window and go to QVC.com and close that window when done. I have tried opening up a new window but she still closes them all. Anywho if anyone wants to see the world I live in come to south dakota where we have a police station, city works, mayor office, and library in one building and a fire house right next to it on the same block. and the public restrooms in the library have a lovely sign "please do not spit chewing tabaco pieces in the urinals"
  11. So when I buy the rubber ducky when it become available I am going to put a document version of the art of war on it and have it set up so when I plug it into a computer it pulls that up. I am wondering is there a way I can have the file in like a rich text format or such so that it will work on mac and pcs and linux computers? thanks
  12. cant see a picture is there supposed to be one or a video if so can you post a link to it? thanks
  13. noob question alert, Doesnt the bluetooth keyboard "get in the way" when sniffing bluetooth packets?
  14. So I am looking at getting a pwnpad or pwn phone and was wondering is typing on them hard? Like I wouldn't want to type on a regular tablet comands, does this have a shortcut or gui or such for typing? What are your guyses experiences?
  15. so anyone else have any thoughts? or can you jamo explain?
  16. are you using kos's framework? or other things?
  17. So form a previous post I made in the question section that someone replied to they said that adb over usb dosent work on android 4.0 or later or such, is this true? has anyone figured out how to do it with the latest version of android? Thanks
  18. really? did people not do much with it? cause it looks awesomely cool to me but i know next to nothing about codeing and the like. or did the phone people catch onto it?
  19. So I like android devices, but i am like totally noobish when it comes to codeing and programming and such. well I was wondering if anyone has any stories they could share about useing the p2p adb framwork and such? It looks like a cool idea. Thanks
  20. So I am a noob when it comes to hacking/modding computer stuff. But i like android and want to work with it in this way. So i was wondering is getting a micro usb to micros usb otg cable and a rubber ducky a good place to start with this stuff? or what do you guys recomend? Thanks
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