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Everything posted by vailixi

  1. I have SSH into this Ubuntu machine I'm checking out. I've tried just about everything to start mysql. But it's just broken. Some of the errors lead me to believe it's a file system issue like the system is out of space but it's not even close. I cleared the caches thinking that would do the trick after fussing with permissions and ownership stuff. There were some errors that made me think it was configurations. I haven't looked at dude's command line history but I'm pretty sure he broke it. What is the best way to, well firstly back up the data? Secondly copy all of the folders and contents from the mysql directory to another directory? And finally completely wipe mysql reinstall?
  2. Are there any cryptocurrencies that are still profitable to mine. I think I'm going to look for some kind of alt currency that is easy to mine now but will go up in difficulty and price. I'm just not sure where to look. There are somewhere in the order of 700-800 traded cryptocurrencies right now. I'm not sure where to start I might try mining a brand new currency that is not traded yet but shows a lot of promise for investment purposes. Where should I start looking for cryptocurrency mining options. Is there a good forum you could recommend that would have up to date information?
  3. I reading up on this JS Browser. I'm thinking to myself it's javascript so you could embed it into a webpage and visit it remotely. It would make proxying pretty easy. I'm thinking someone will come up with a way to exploit a client and use their browser as a proxy pretty quickly. Here's the source code: https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/JSBrowser/ I don't have a lot of time to explore this as I'm in the midst of some other work. But I thought I would go ahead and share the source code.
  4. What the crap?! They can quantum teleport data. This is pretty big because conciousness happens on a quantum level. If you can teleport data you can basically intercept or even transplant data directly to someone's conciousness. I know telepathy works. I understand the there's a whole psychic internet where people are connected. I didn't think that we were anywhere near having machines that could interact with that. It's going to be like children playing with matches. So if they can teleport data and we know how to create anti-matter give the computer we can quantum tunnel data back time. So a computation that takes x amount of time could actually be answered in zero time because you are creating a matter collision to actually tunnel the data backward in time so cracking any cyptography with a known algorithm would be absolutely trivial at that point. Brings up a whole lot of questions about the nature of space time and existance in general. So really if you could send data back in time and target a person. If anyone is reading this 300 years from now: Send me everything. I want to know. kek. The whole thing about lattice cryptography is interesting. Lots of concepts here.
  5. https://github.com/droe/sslsplit I'm not going to get into this conversation to much. Check out SSL split.
  6. Find a tutorial series on YouTube and learn to code something. My first language was BASIC. I would probably recommend learning Python as a first language after having learned a few languages I think python is about the simplest syntax. Language is less relevant once you know programming terminology and logic. For instance constructs like loops in C, C++, java, are virtually identical. So once you know a language learning another one is a lot easier. This will come in handy when you want to mod a software but the source is in a language you have not worked with. Some languages are easier for things like networking, databases, or graphics. Some languages are great in some areas and poor in others. Some languages have built in features, other require external libraries and such which might be confusing to install and might have you rage quitting every other day because you just can't figure out to make things work. Find a language with documentation and tutorials that you are able to understand. Keep in mind there may be many versions of a language and things change over time. The syntax for C99 is not the same as C11. So when you look up tutorials make sure you know what version of the language you are looking up and understand those versions will be different. There are ton of books on Visual BASIC 6 that will tell you everything you can do with Visual BASIC 6 but if you trying to learn a current version of VB those books are just going to confuse and frustrate you. That being said, there are some real gems in some of the older programming books.
  7. Getting anything from the VA is like squeezing water from a stone. You're better off just paying for out of pocket. Your time is worth more than dealing with it. Unless you are %100 disabled or something like that. Any infosec course is better than no course.
  8. Yeah, if they come up with some of kind stable high temperature superconductor it drive down the cost significantly and also bring the computer down to a more managable size. Thanks for the video Cooper I'll have a watch when I get home this evening.
  9. I was kinda curious about the whole quantum computing thing. I had read about it in Michael Crichton's Timeline 1999. I hadn't really paid it much thought after that. But it's been in the news a bit lately. D-Wave systems is the only known manufacturer of quantum computers. From what I read the chip is only 340GFlops (a little bit more juice than Invidia's Tegra K-1 Development board) but the entire machine cost's about $10 million. They are in the process of developing better quantum chips and the main problem that I'm seeing with it is that the chips themselves have to be operated at 0.1Kelvin which is just a smidgen above absolute zero. (no molecular motion). And that's how you get the unique quantum properties that allow the processor to work. But it takes a lot of cooling equipment to make this happen it takes up a lot of space. I realize this technology is quite new and we'll probably see a lot of further development in the field of quantum computing. But I really don't see what all of the fuss is about. There were some articles and posts talking about how the NSA is worried about quantum computers being able to crack encryption but at the current state of quantum computing I don't see it doing anything like that. My question is: What's the big deal? Am I missing something? I'm sure some of you are way better a physics and also computing and someone will have something intelligent to say on the subject.
  10. For reference what is the official wifislax site? I was going to have a look but I really wasn't sure.
  11. I'd say probably C++ and OpenGL or Java 3D graphics is probably going to be the easiest to set up. You can probably find some ready made Blender models. I had thought about making a graphical way to navigate a Linux file system Lots of corridors and elevators each folder a room. Mostly just to teach file systems and commands though. It's not a bad idea to do this. But I think a certain genre would be best. The entire internet is pretty big to make a model of. If you were just going to do hacking sites. Take a big list of pages and sort them by subject. Make something in the way of a graphical web directory that is searchable. You could always to a graphical of a site like wikipedia. That would be useful. You could do one for gaming sites.
  12. I meant frequency scanning. Sorry frequency hopping is something military radios do as a countermeasure to barrage jamming and monitoring. There's an algorithm that controls the hoping. So you have two or more radios hoping in sync and any radio that doesn't have the algorithm can't really communicate or intercept communications. I think it would be pretty sick of wireless routers could be made to do this with clients. It would be an added measure of security because you would have to have the WPA key then you would have to know the frequency hopping algorithm. Maybe starting on a given channel. airodump-ng wlan0mon --channel 6 I'm out of ideas after this.
  13. I put my list on Drive. It took a while to upload because I have slow net. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Mz8bu8fJ4kTnJXWlZLMUtmRkk/view?usp=sharing
  14. I got those a while back. Most of them are for default access points that are not around my geographic location. But there are some like NETGEAR that are fairly common ESSIDs. Mostly it just takes up space my hard drive. There are some useful scripts on the renderman site as well. My wordlist is almost uploaded to drive on really slow network speeds. Nobody got the torrent so I'm probably just going to kill that in a few.
  15. Here's my list of about 1.2 billion words.15.3GB decent compression with 7zip. The file is 2.8GB Collected from about 1200 sources and sorted. Sort of. The files got to big for the ammount of ram and swap space on my machine. But you are welcome to it. Mostly 8-63 character strings. Have fun. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d39773d2f403a8f5196081226d8f5134f4546b3a&dn=vailixilist.7z
  16. Stupid question but do you have it set on the right channel when you put it in monitor mode? It should be on frequency hop when it start by default.
  17. Is there a straight forward way to create a shortcut via command prompt? There are some java libraries that will do it. There's SWT Win32 Extension for eclipse but it looks overly complicated at first glance. There are some VBS that does it. But I'm trying to get this all to go in the same language. All of the install wizzards give you the option to create a shortcut. Back in the day there was something called shortcut.exe. Is there a modern equivalent to that for newer versions of Windows?
  18. So if the access point you create has the same channel, BSSID, ESSID, everything, some network managers will autmotically login. This was a thing saw a while back in some current state of wireless security slideshare. Basically it was saying it's fixed in iPhones but not in other smart devices with the way they probe. You basically take the probe and create an access point based on the probe information. Mana is a more current tool than karma but it's essentially the same idea. I can spoof any and every access point within antenna range. For my hack I'm not going to get the client to log in or handshake or anything. I'm going to rely on either the network manager loggin in auto or the client mistakenly logging in manually. They will not need the authenticate with the actual password because. I'm just going to steal the passwords off of their machine once they are on the network. I tried it out for a minute but I was having numerous issues getting mana to run on Kali 2.0. IDK I'm in the midst of a couple of other projects and I think work is going to pick up. If I make this work I'll write up a tutorial. It's kinda like if you were already on the network just fire up subterfuge and use http injection. Inject an applet into whatever page they are visiting with a metasploit signed applet attack. Then dump the stored wifi passwords from the machine post exploit. Then you can log in. No collecting handshakes required. I noticed one of the applications I was running had a wifi lock that would ask for you WPA key. You could always incorporate something like that as well. Only I'm thinking it's going to be easier with a spoofed access point because you're already in the middle. You're just forwarding traffic from one NIC to another so you can just intercept or inject whatever you want. Sorry if this is sounding vague. I'm going to have to hammer out the details at a later time
  19. I'm trying to schedule a startup application with schtasks on a Windows 7 box. I get Access Denied. schtasks works without administrator privileges if you are setting it for specfic time of day but not with startup tasks. Is there a tricksy way to schedule startup tasks on Windows 7 and later without being admin?
  20. ^ Cash money oh something wrong with the bytesRead variable
  21. I was having about zero success with powershell but I did find a nice java snippet that works. I need to include some error code so it doesn't crash if the server comes back 403 or something like that. But it does download and save the file. Not exactly a one liner though. import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URL; public class DownloadFile { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String fileName = "filename"; //The file that will be saved on your computer URL link = new URL("url"); //The file that you want to download //download InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(link.openStream()); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int n = 0; while (-1!=(n=in.read(buf))) { out.write(buf, 0, n); } out.close(); in.close(); byte[] response = out.toByteArray(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); fos.write(response); fos.close(); //end of download } } Got it here: http://code.runnable.com/Uu83dm5vSScIAACw/download-a-file-from-the-web-for-java-files-and-save
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