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Posts posted by kpoeticg

  1. I figured out what the problem is. The infusion installs to /infusions/eviljava and the app is looking for the files in /infusions/EvilJava. If you ln -s /eviljava/* /EvilJava/ ln -s /eviljava/user/* /EvilJava/user/. It fixes the problem!

    Also on a less important note if you edit the /infusions/moduleList so the eviljava line looks like this "eviljava|2.3|usb|index.php|http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=29080" it will give you the support link like the rest of the modules

  2. I was scared from what happened to deathdealerxx too, but I can confirm that I haven't had a single problem with it either. It seems like that was just a fluke thing that had nothing to do with the fw. Don't be scared to flash it. There is nothing in it that causes bricks.

    And I'm also new to OpenWRT/Jasager/Karma. You don't have to be elite to contribute back to the community by helping test the fw. Just flash it, test what you're asked to test, and type out how your tests went. Nothing unreasonable or difficult is asked of you.

  3. I've been going back and forth for about a month on what the best long range antenna i can get for the money. I've been trying to decide between the Backfire that sugarat posted Here http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/29422-what-is-the-best-antenna-you-have-for-your-setup-for-advance-case-project/?hl=antenna , The Bilco Wifi yagi Here http://www.bilcowifi.com/main.sc , and the yagi from simpleWiFi that you just posted. What's you're experience with the simpleWiFi yagi Mr-Protocol?

  4. Thank you for responding. I got no problem setting things up manually. I'm just having trouble deciding between 2nd Pineapple & Odroid U2. It seems like the PoE Lan ports are used for everything important so I don't want to order a second Hornet UB and find out I can use Tango or Forwarding to Kali but not both at the same time. I'm still pretty new to OpenWRT/Jasagar. Just learning as i go and trying to retain as much of the knowledge as possible.

  5. Hi I'm still trying to decide if i'm gonna buy a 2nd a Pineapple or something like an Odroid U2. I was wondering if I have 2 Pineapples in Tango through their PoE Lan ports is there any reason i can't use the 2nd ethernet port on the first one to forward all traffic to a Linux box (Kali) to run things like msf, ettercap, sslstrip or whatever else? And if I do utilize the Lan/Wan ethernet port will my Wifi Wan still function correctly? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

  6. Yeah that would be kinda perfect if it could handle that. An external micro pc board would be nice for Metasploit purposes but if 2 Pineapples could handle most functions on their own that would be preferable to me. I guess I'll run some module tests on my 1 Pineapple today to try to get a better idea b4 ordering. Thanks for ur idea's/feedback deathdealerxx. U were real helpful!

  7. Yeah I already have a powered Dynex hub so i can use my Alfa and 4Gig Cruzer Fit. That's why I would love to keep extra AC adapters to a minimum. Maybe that's not an option though. Whichever I buy now (2nd Pineapple or Pi/BBone Black, or oDroid-x) I'll probly end up getting the other at some point. If the Raspberry Pi has stability issue's with the Pineapple then u just saved me a little money so thank you! Does 2 Pineapples in Tango have enough horsepower for SSLStrip/TCPDump/URLSnarf/Karma/Aircrack/NMap/MDK3/Ettercap/Deauth and whatever else?

  8. You'd still need a 2nd AC adapter for that scenario tho. On the hakshop it says the PoE adapter is designed for use with the Pineapple. I don't really see the point of it if u can't power 2 Pineapples with it though. It doesn't seem to add anything to it... I'm just trying to figure out the most space/cost effective way to turn my Pineapple into as much of a beast as possible. I made a post b4 I went to bed last night hoping to wake up to some feedback and for some reason it got moved to the 'Everything Else...' section instead

    I'm planning on ordering either a 2nd Pineapple, Raspberry Pi, or BeagleBone Black today to add some power to my Pineapple. Trying to figure out which would be the smartest decision

  9. So after coming to grips with the fact that the 400mhz on-board isn't near enough horsepower to utilize the full potential of this little device I've decided to get a 2nd Pineapple.....or a Raspberry Pi.....or a BeagleBone Black. I'm having trouble deciding which would be the best option to get the most out of my Pineapple. I was hoping that other's that've gone down this road could help me decide. I would love to be able to run SSLStrip, URLSnarf, TCPDump, Reaver, MDK3, Aircrack, Deauth, Ettercap, WAN or 3G Connection, (Obviously Karma), and any other modules/infusions without having to pick and choose at times which features i can use without crashing my setup. I'm not even sure if any one device paired with the Pineapple would be enough to allow me to go crazy with it. I know there's a chance that the only way for me to realize this would be Pineapple + Pineapple + Raspi/BBone but I'm positive that some of the more experienced members of this forum will have a much better grasp of this than me. I know that for some of those features to run concurrent I'd at least need a 2nd external Alfa (or 6th) which I'm open to. I'm just wondering what would be the most cost/space effecient way for the Pineapple to never be left wanting for more horsepower/radios. Either way I'm pretty sure that this specific topic hasn't been covered and I think a pro's and con's list would be helpful to alot of people now and down the road. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks in advance...

  10. Yeah you're right Foxtrot. I wasn't thinking about the wiki when i replied. I was just commenting that it seems like the forum's like 90% questions, 10% other stuff. So for the purposes of not going back 50 pages and reorganizing the whole thing it would be easier just to make a subforum for 'Non-Questions'.

    But any kind of forum organization always makes things easier to find. So my vote's always yes =]

  11. It's a driver issue only present in 2.8.0 and seems like it's only affecting the Alfa NHA. It has nothing to do with Network Manager. If you're like me and need to be able to connect to WPA2 with your NHA you should stick with 2.7.7 til the next firmware update.

  12. If other people have had no problem at all with flashing to this firmware, testing a little bit, and then rebooting their Pineapple, could u mention it here? As of right now I'm too scared to reboot on this fw since i don't have a serial cable...

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