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Posts posted by kpoeticg

  1. One of the amps on the radiolabs site had a warning about using more than 20dBm would likely fry the amp. I think it was like a 2000mw amp tho. I don't think that applies to the Hawking or Premiertek 500mw amps

    If it does apply to the Premiertek i bought i'll find out as soon as it gets delivered though. My Alfa Awus036H just got delivered today. The only reason i bought it is cuz i couldn't change the txpower on the NHA i got from the hakshop.

  2. Damn lol. I wish u were around when I ordered it. Was it that Premiertek one or one of the random ones that have the same amp with like 4 different brand names? I had the Hawking in my shopping cart then switched to that one kinda last minute cuz of all the positive feedback.

  3. It seems like you're not associated at all with your internet connection. I don't know if you setup your wireless config file like i said last night but if u did it should be solvable in Network Manager. Under the wlan iface you're trying to use click next to SSID where it says [Avaliable AP], Click on the AP you want, Choose the security/encryption the router uses from the dropdown menu, type in the key, then scroll up and click Save, and then Commit. Then do

    killall hostapd && ifconfig wlan 2 down && ifconfig wlan1 down && ifconfig wlan0 down

    sleep 6


    sleep 6

    udhcpc -i wlanX # X being 0, 1, or 2. Whichever radio ur using to connect to the internet

    If it doesn't work reboot. If it still doesn't work it'll be easier to just reflash and start from scratch. Just save ur /etc/config/wireless file on ur pc or usb and copy it back over after ur flash.

    (You can just copy and paste that string of commands into the Advanced tab. Just change wlanX to wlan0 or wlan1 or wlan2)

  4. Has anybody else noticed this in the install.sh output?

    root@Pineapple:/usb/infusions/keylogger# ./install.sh
    Installing kmod-ebtables (3.7.6-1) to root...
    Collected errors:
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-ebtables:
    * kernel (= 3.7.6-1-457c49a821916a4f100490a4508003ce) *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-ebtables.
    Installing kmod-ebtables-ipv4 (3.7.6-1) to root...
    Collected errors:
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-ebtables-ipv4:
    * kernel (= 3.7.6-1-457c49a821916a4f100490a4508003ce) * kmod-ebtables *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package kmod-ebtables-ipv4.
    Installing ebtables (2.0.10-4-1) to usb...
    Collected errors:
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for ebtables:
    * kmod-ebtables *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ebtables.
    Downloading http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/packages/Packages.gz.

  5. O ok. Well in that case u should look at the config i posted last night. putting 'option phy phyX' in place of 'option macaddr' and then putting 'option macaddr (spoofedmac)' at the end of the section works great for me!

  6. deathdealerxx, u don't have trouble getting Network Manager to recognize ur radio when u have ur macaddr set like that in the config file? I started using the option phy because everytime i changed my mac it broke Network Manager.

  7. Yeah i replied to that too. The wireless file is why the top of that picture is all messed up. I don't know how to get ur ICS set correctly if ur wireless radio's aren't setup first...

    It should look something like

    Physical Interfaces

    radio0 wlan0 Enabled [Random Mac]

    radio1 wlan1 Enabled [Random Mac]

    radio2 wlan2 Enabled [Random Mac]

    Logical Interfaces

    wlan0 Enabled [Disable]

    wlan1 Enabled [Disable] [DHCP Release]

    wlan2 Enabled [Disable]

    Then set ur ICS to share from wlan1 to "" (i use wlan0)

  8. Well i made it a little more complicated than it had to be by trying to explain it before i pasted my config. =P

    If u just copy my wireless file and paste it in yours, then follow the post i wrote after it u should be good to go.

    U should definitely take my advice on keeping a couple backup copies around. They come in real handy when u need to configure ur wireless setup.

    And u can change those mac addresses to anything u want as long as u keep the phy option where i showed u.

  9. I don't know how many it's supposed to show but the Infusions UI shows Available Packages 3483

    I think I remember when I first flashed 2.8.1 before I updated it for the first time it showed over 3500. Since nobody else has responded to either of my posts, i don't know if i'm the only person that's experiencing this or if it's a compatibility issue with the 2.8.1 upgrade. Maybe a symlink issue? Or Swap?

  10. So for your third radio you should copy the radio0 and wlan0 sections and paste them under the second radio.

    Then go through and change radio0, phy0, wlan0, and radio0 to radio2, phy2, wlan2, radio2. Then give it it's own macaddr. Then change AndroidAP to it's own AP name. After all that make sure u make a backup of ur new wireless file. Then reinstall Network Manager and it should register everything succesfully. If not u might just need to reboot. Then make sure u "ifconfig wlan1 up && ifconfig wlan2 up" and then try opening Network Manager again

    Hope this solves ur issue...

  11. Here is my /etc/config/wireless file

    config wifi-device 'radio0'
    option type 'mac80211'
    option channel '11'
    option hwmode '11ng'
    option phy 'phy0'
    option htmode 'HT20'
    list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-20'
    list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40'
    list ht_capab 'RX-STBC1'
    list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40'
    option disabled '0'
    option macaddr '00:11:22:33:44:55'

    config wifi-iface 'wlan0'
    option device 'radio0'
    option network 'lan'
    option mode 'ap'
    option ssid 'AndroidAP'
    option hidden '0'

    config wifi-device 'radio1'
    option type 'mac80211'
    option channel '11'
    option hwmode '11ng'
    option phy 'phy1'
    option htmode 'HT20'
    list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-20'
    list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40'
    list ht_capab 'RX-STBC1'
    list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40'
    option disabled '0'
    option macaddr '66:55:44:33:22:11''

    config wifi-iface 'wlan1'
    option device 'radio1'
    option ssid 'H0m3WiFi'
    option mode 'sta'
    option network 'wan'
    option hidden '0'
    option key 'thisisthekey''
    option encryption 'psk2+ccmp'

    That's just for 2 radio's though. You'll need to duplicate for a third and change in the obvious places.

  12. where it says " config wifi-iface " change it to " config wifi-iface 'wlan0' " That will make a complete section for just your internal radio. You need to make a radio1/wlan1 section for ur 2nd and a radio2/wlan2 section for ur third.

    I personally find if u replace all the "option macaddr" with " option phy 'phy0' " or "option phy 'phy1' " or option phy 'phy2' " then put "option macaddr" underneath where it says "option disable '0' " it makes it alot easier for the purposes of being able to change ur macs and the system still recognizing your radio by the phy option. Hold on I'll give u an example of what my wireless file looks like...

  13. I said to go into /etc/config and open ur wireless file. Not bash the /etc/config folder =]. /etc/config/wireless is the file that handles ur wireless radios

    cd /etc/config

    nano wireless

    although it's easier to scp in with WinSCP and just double click the file. That way it opens it like a normal txt document

  14. Oh. In that case all the details or the correct details for it might be missing from your wireless file. Sometimes Network Manager has issues setting up ur external adapters and u need to set it up urself in the config file to get the Infusion to recognize it properly.

  15. You should SSH or SCP in and go to /etc/config/ and open ur wireless file.

    First section should begin with "config wifi-device 'radio0'"

    Second section should begin with "config wifi-iface 'wlan0'"

    "option device 'radio0'"

    Third should begin with "config wifi-device 'radio1'"

    Fourth should begin with "config wifi-iface 'wlan1'
    "option device 'radio1'"

    I don't know where that 3rd radio (radio2) is coming from. I usually share "wlan1" to "wlan0". I don't know which is right. My setup works great for me though

  16. No problem. I appreciate you creating this post in the first place. There aren't enough posts on here with first hand experiences with the various different antenna upgrade choices out there. I ended up ordering this amp instead http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004S3OKLK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2N1S6D8VVCNZ3 cuz some guy that has both left feedback that this one produced like a 30% better signal. I got a 6ft LMR-240 RP-SMA extension too in case this one makes that high pitch wine as well.

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