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Posts posted by dustbyter

  1. This would make the conditional in the SQL statement always return true. I can see the query being something like this:

    select <fields from table> from users where username = 'a'

    If the application is not binding the input to the search fields, then they are concatenating and making the statement become...

    select <fields from table> from users where username = 'a' or ''=''

    The second part of the conditional is or '' = ''; empty string will always be equal to empty string, thus, the whole condition would return true. The first part username = 'a' would be false, but when evaluating false or true, the result is true.

    Hope this helps.

  2. To put the modules in the USB it would take some configuration at the OpenWRT level, and then it would require you to update the module manager to reference the /USB instead of /SD path. This I would consider the correct way.

    You can try shortcut it, but getting openwrt to consider your usb as /sd. You'll have to do some research as I don't have the notes for doing this handy.

  3. The package installed successfully. When you try to run a tool from that package, do you get an error?

    For example, what if you ran the below. Does it work?

    easy_install requests

    I get the error shown below, I would expect that this package would be installed by the installation process as it does on other systems.

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/sd/usr/bin/easy_install", line 5, in <module>

    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point

    ImportError: No module named pkg_resources

  4. Has anyone tried to use opkg to install any packages to the sd?

    I ran the following command to isntall pythong-setuptools, and it seems to fail at some point, b/c its looking at the /usr/lib/opkg/info directory on internal storage instead of the sd, even though i specified the -d sd in the command.

    root@Pineapple:/sd/wigle# opkg update && opkg --force-reinstall -d sd install python-setuptools

    Downloading https://www.wifipineapple.com/nano/packages/Packages.gz.

    Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_pineapple.

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/base/Packages.gz.

    Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_base.

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/packages/Packages.gz.

    Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_packages.

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/management/Packages.gz.

    Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_management.

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/routing/Packages.gz.

    Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/chaos_calmer_routing.

    Removing package python-setuptools from sd...

    cat: can't open '/usr/lib/opkg/info/python-setuptools.list': No such file or directory

    Installing python-setuptools (7.0-1) to sd...

    Downloading http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05/ar71xx/generic/packages/packages/python-setuptools_7.0-1_ar71xx.ipk.

    Configuring python-setuptools.

    grep: /usr/lib/opkg/info/python-setuptools.control: No such file or directory

    cat: can't open '/usr/lib/opkg/info/python-setuptools.list': No such file or directory


  5. My recommendation is to take one of the already written infusions and understand how it works and why it works. This will help you establish the foundation for writing an infusion.

    Next you can take one from the MKV or Nano and analyze the what is occurring with respect to the calls that are made against the device to install packages, etc. You can try to port those commands over to the MKVI if the device has the space to store the dependencies that are installed. You may need to set up expandable storage on the USB stick.

  6. I have to agree with Whistle Master.

    Additionally, the API has changed from previous versions of the MK. The new interface uses AngularJS and this is new for some as myself. We are doing this for fun, to learn something new and at the same time give something back to the community.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Made a bit more progress on this script.

    Now I can provide a street address and get back 100 networks that are listed near it. The output that is returned from the script is shown below. One could run the command-line module to get the results and then convert them to a format that they can post on Google Maps.

    Gonna have to see what needs to be done to make this a command-line module.

    Sample execution:

    python testWigleAgent.py -u <username> -p <password> -a "1600 Pennsylvania:DC:20500"
    [*] WIGLE: This user was validated
    [*] WIGLE: Lat / Long and SSID have been retrived
    BSSID: 00:0B:6C:BD:BD:BD
    ESSID: null
    WEP: ?
    Channel: null
    Latitude: 38.90174103
    Longitude: -77.02464294
    BSSID: 00:15:AF:17:ED:97
    ESSID: GlobalSuiteWireless
    WEP: N
    Channel: 0
    Latitude: 38.90188217
    Longitude: -77.02464294
    BSSID: 00:18:0A:81:EB:88
    ESSID: DCPL_ MLK_Digital Commons_Staff
    WEP: 2
    Channel: 1
    Latitude: 38.89808655
    Longitude: -77.02464294
    BSSID: 00:18:F8:18:84:1B
    ESSID: tiger
    WEP: Y
    Channel: 11
    Latitude: 38.89736938
    Longitude: -77.02464294
    ... truncated result set ....
  8. Regarding the module's I've got. I don't have a Nano yet, once I get one I'll work on porting the modules over.

    Instead I've focused on starting to write a new module, that will be a command line infusion/module that will act as an agent to get information from Wigle. Since its command-line, it will work also on older pineapples. But the module (GUI) is planned as well.


  9. Hi All,

    I've finally had some time to pick up some development for the pineapple again. Starting working on a Wigle agent that will be set up as a command line infusion/module which the rest of the modules can use also.

    Right now, I have it able to search for a location based on a mac address, or to pull back some information about all networks that are found when searching by an SSID.

    Looking for ideas on what else you would like to see implemented.

    If your interested in trying it out, I have started to run it on my MKV. When developing it on my PC, the results are returned pretty quickly, on the MKV, it takes some time. Not sure where the bottleneck is at this point, but will work on it in the future. Have not tried it on a NANO, as i don't own one yet.

    You will need to install some packages on the MKV to get this to work correctly. I don't have that list handy right now, but try to run the script and python will tell you what libraries it needs installed.

    Looking for some feedback. Thanks!


    Below is the code for the three files you will need to create. Place them in the same directory. Location on the pineapple doesn't matter.

    To execute the script, the command line is (with sample output):

    Example run (search by ssid):

    python testWigleAgent.py -u <username> -p <password> -s <SSID> to search for info per SSID
    [*] WIGLE: This user was validated
    [*] WIGLE: Lat / Long and SSID have been retrived
    BSSID: 00:13:10:F8:9B:70
    ESSID: NavyPier
    WEP: Y
    Channel: 6
    Latitude: 41.87978745
    Longitude: -87.62429047

    Example run (search by macid):

    python testWigleAgent.py -u <username> -p <password> -m <MAC> to get the location for a specific BSSID
    [*] WIGLE: This user was validated
    [*] WIGLE: Lat / Long and SSID have been retrived
    SSID: NavyPier
    Latitude: 41.88973236
    Longitude: -87.61649323


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from uuid import getnode
    #from Modules.Common import *
    import sys
    import re
    import requests
    import json
    import helpers
    #Inspired and stolen from Jamie Bull (author).. at http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578637-wigle-wifi-geolocation/
    class WigleAgent():
          #These are the options we will set
        def __init__(self, username, password):
            self.agent(username, password)
            # required options
            self.description = "simple WIGLE query"
            self.language = "python"
            # options we require user interaction for- format is {Option : [Value, Description]]}
            self.required_options = {"wigle_user" : ["offtest", "Set WIGLE User-Name"],
                                     "wigle_pass" : ["83128312", "Set WIGLE Password"],
                                     "mac" : ["00:22:55:DF:C8:01", "Set MAC Address"]}    
        def get_lat_lng_by_mac(self, mac_address):
            #Start with Credintial check
                self.response = send_user_check()
                response = self.check_cred_login()
                if response == 'false':
                    print "[*] Unable to validate this user..."
                #Use this two let user know we had a true login..
                print helpers.color('[*] WIGLE: This user was validated', bold=False)
            if mac_address == None:
                mac_address = self.mac_address
            if '-' in mac_address:
               mac_address = mac_address.replace('-', ':')
                self.query_response = self.send_query_location_by_mac(mac_address)
                #Need to use Try statment since the "message" Key isnt always prsent when conducting query
                    message = self.check_query_limit()
                    if message == "too many queries":
                        print "[*]" + message
                    #Use pass since we dont have an error...
                response = self.parse_response_mac()
            except IndexError:
                response = 'BSSID (MAC) location not known'
                return response
            print helpers.color('[*] WIGLE: Lat / Long and SSID have been retrived', bold=False)
            return response
        def get_lat_lng_by_ssid(self, ssid):
            #Start with Credintial check
                self.response = send_user_check()
                response = self.check_cred_login()
                if response == 'false':
                    print "[*] Unable to validate this user..."
                #Use this two let user know we had a true login..
                print helpers.color('[*] WIGLE: This user was validated', bold=False)
                self.query_response = self.send_query_by_SSID(ssid)
                #Need to use Try statment since the "message" Key isnt always prsent when conducting query
                    message = self.check_query_limit()
                    if message == "too many queries":
                        print "[*]" + message
                    #Use pass since we dont have an error...
                response = self.parse_response_search()
            except IndexError:
                response = 'ESSID (ESSID) location not known'
                return response
            print helpers.color('[*] WIGLE: Lat / Long and SSID have been retrived', bold=False)
            return response
        def agent(self, username, password):
            self.agent = requests.Session()
                       data={'credential_0': username,
                             'credential_1': password,
                             'destination': '/https://wigle.net/'})
        def mac_address(self):
            mac = hex(getnode())
            mac_bytes = [mac[x:x+2] for x in xrange(0, len(mac), 2)]
            self.mac_address = ':'.join(mac_bytes[1:6])    
        def send_query_by_SSID(self, ssid):
            response = self.agent.post(url='https://wigle.net/api/v1/jsonSearch', data={'ssid': ssid,'Query': 'Query'})
            #Check for and handle JSON Errors, due to blank returns
                #print "====>>>>"
                #print json.dumps( response.json(), indent=3 )
                #print "<<<<===="
                #return response.json()
                return response
            except ValueError:  # includes simplejson.decoder.JSONDecodeError
                print helpers.color('[*] WIGLE: Decoding JSON has failed', bold=False, warning=True)
                print helpers.color('[!] Exiting...', bold=True, warning=True)
        def send_query_location_by_mac(self, mac_address):
            response = self.agent.post(url='https://wigle.net/api/v1/jsonLocation', data={'netid': mac_address,'Query2': 'Query'})
            #Check for and handle JSON Errors, due to blank returns
                return response.json()
            except ValueError:  # includes simplejson.decoder.JSONDecodeError
                print helpers.color('[*] WIGLE: Decoding JSON has failed', bold=False, warning=True)
                print helpers.color('[!] Exiting...', bold=True, warning=True)
        def send_user_check(self):
            response = self.agent.post()
            return response.json()
        # this method does not process the response. it returns the object to the caller
        def parse_response_search(self):
            #print json.dumps( self.query_response.json(), indent=3 )
            return self.query_response
        def parse_response_mac(self):
            #print "=================================================="
            #print self.query_response
            #print "=================================================="
            lat = self.get_lat()
            lng = self.get_lng()
            bssid = self.get_ssid()
            string = str(self.query_response)
            return {'lat':lat,'lng':lng, 'bssid':bssid, 'description':string}
        def get_lat(self):
            resp_lat = self.query_response['result'][0]['trilat']
            return float(resp_lat)
        def get_lng(self):
            resp_lng = self.query_response['result'][0]['trilong']
            return float(resp_lng)
        #Request the SSID name of the WIFI point
        def get_ssid(self):
            resp_ssid = self.query_response['result'][0]['ssid']
            return str(resp_ssid)
        #Check to see if we reached our limit of 100 querys
        def check_query_limit(self):
            resp_message = self.query_response['message']
            return str(resp_message)
        #Check User loign creds
        def check_cred_login(self):
            resp_message = self.query_response['success']
            return str(resp_message)


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import os
    import optparse
    import urllib
    import requests.packages.urllib3
    import re
    import urlparse
    import wigle_query
    import json
    wa = None
    def getLocationByMacID(macid):
        result =  wa.get_lat_lng_by_mac(macid)
        print "=============================="
        if ( isinstance(result, dict) ):
            print "SSID: " + result["bssid"]
            print "Latitude: " + str(result["lat"])
            print "Longitude: " + str(result["lng"])
            print result
    def getInformationBySSID(ssid):
        print "=============================="
        # result object needs to call .json() to get the actual dict object back
        result = wa.get_lat_lng_by_ssid(ssid)
        data = result.json()
        for key, value in data.iteritems():
            if key == "results":
                for entry in value:
                    print "BSSID: " + entry["netid"]
                    print "ESSID: " + entry["ssid"]
                    print "WEP: " + entry["wep"]
                    print "Channel: " + entry["channel"]
                    print "Latitude: " + entry["trilat"]
                    print "Longitude: " + entry["trilong"]
                    #print "Lasttime: " + entry["lasttime"]
                    print "\n"       
    def main():
        myusage = "usage: %prog -u <wigle username> -p <wigle_password> -n <macid>"
        #parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
        parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=myusage)
        parser.add_option("-u", dest="username", type="string", help="specify wigle username")
        parser.add_option("-p", dest="password", type="string", help="specify wigle password")
        parser.add_option("-s", dest="ssid", type="string",     help="specify network BSSID")
        parser.add_option("-m", dest="mac", type="string",      help="specify network ESSID")
        #parser.add_option('-a', dest='address', type='string', help='specify address in format address:state:zip')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        username = options.username
        password = options.password
        ssid = options.ssid
        macid = options.mac
        #address = options.address
        if username == None or password == None:
            print parser.usage
            global wa
            wa = wigle_query.WigleAgent( username, password )
            if macid != None and ssid == None:
            elif ssid != None:
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import os, sys, types, string, textwrap
    def color(string, status=True, warning=False, bold=True, blue=False):
        Change text color for the linux terminal, defaults to green.
        Set "warning=True" for red.
        stolen from Veil :)
        attr = []
        if status:
            # green
        if warning:
            # red
        if bold:
        if blue:
        return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string)
    def formatLong(title, message, frontTab=True, spacing=16):
        Print a long title:message with our standardized formatting.
        Wraps multiple lines into a nice paragraph format.
        lines = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(message).strip(), width=50)
        returnString = ""
        i = 1
        if len(lines) > 0:
            if frontTab:
                returnString += "\t%s%s" % (('{0: <%s}'%spacing).format(title), lines[0])
                returnString += " %s%s" % (('{0: <%s}'%(spacing-1)).format(title), lines[0])
        while i < len(lines):
            if frontTab:
                returnString += "\n\t"+' '*spacing+lines[i]
                returnString += "\n"+' '*spacing+lines[i]
            i += 1
        return returnString
  10. Worked on this a bit today and didn't have any luck.

    Starting to suspect maybe some type of permission issue?? although its not a very critical task... just reading the clipboard.

    From a goal perspective, I am able to load a dll into memory of target machine and read clipboard that way, but would have been nice to add it to the stage 1 executable.


    When the process runs as Local System (service) then does not work. But if it runs as a user who is an admin on the system, then it runs just fine...

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