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Posts posted by webdirector

  1. Hello,

    I am using a Huawei E353 brand new from Amazon it had all seal untouched. I am saying this as when I insert the 3G Modem and LSUSB I get:

    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 12d1:1506 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E398 LTE/UMTS/GSM Modem/Networkcard

    So it is showing a E398 instead of the E353.

    Up until version 1.1.0 I had no issues using it with the pineapple. But now with version 1.1.1

    It does not work anymore.

    This is what i was using:


    # ---------------------------------------------------------

    # 3G Connection Script for WiFi Pineapple. "Does the thing"


    # Version: 2012-02-17

    # Supports:


    # ZTE MF591 (T-Mobile) -dkitchen

    # Novatel MC760 (Virgin) -dkitchen

    # Novatel MC760 (Ting) -dkitchen


    # Updated: wifipineapple.com

    # ---------------------------------------------------------

    # -----------------------------------------------------------

    # Configure /etc/ppp/options with hard-coded working settings

    # -----------------------------------------------------------

    echo "

    logfile /dev/null





    maxfail 0" > /etc/ppp/options

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Check for known usb modem vendor and product IDs then switch 'em from storage to serial modem mode

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    echo "Searching for attached 3G Modems"

    logger "3G: Connection Script here, searching for modems"

    MODEM=$(lsusb | awk '{ print $6 }')

    echo $MODEM

    case "$MODEM" in

    *12d1:1506*) echo "Huawei E353"

    uci delete network.wan2

    uci set network.wan2=interface

    uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0

    uci set network.wan2.proto=3g

    uci set network.wan2.service=umts

    uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0

    uci set network.wan2.apn=gprs.swisscom.ch

    uci set network.wan2.username=

    uci set network.wan2.password=

    uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1

    uci commit network

    usb_modeswitch -v 12d1 -p 1506

    sleep 10; rmmod usbserial

    sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1506

    sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop

    logger "3G: firewall stopped"

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE

    iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT

    iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT



    But now I do not get any connects anymore. I reflashed the Pineapple 2 times already. But that did not change anything.

    does anybody have an idea for me ?


  2. Hello,

    In windows i have this:

    I copied "program.bat" and "duck.hex" on to C:

    I then opened a terminal window and typed in " program.bat duck.hex"

    The "bat" file executes but stops with the following error message:

    " The command "batchisp" is either written wrong or could not be found "

    In Linux I have this:

    I put the script above into a file called duck.sh ( and made it executable)

    I then ran " sh duck.sh Duck.hex "

    I got the following output:


    sudo: dfu-programmer: command not found

    Failed to erase

    So also in Linux no luck

    has anybody been able to flash the ducky ?


  3. Hello,

    I updated to V 1.1.1 now when I want to add the Sim Links to my USB drive I get "No space left on device"

    when I do "df -h" I get this:

    root@Pineapple:~# df -h

    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on

    rootfs 1.1M 1.0M 60.0K 94% /

    /dev/root 5.0M 5.0M 0 100% /rom

    tmpfs 14.4M 100.0K 14.3M 1% /tmp

    tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev

    /dev/mtdblock3 1.1M 1.0M 60.0K 94% /overlay

    overlayfs:/overlay 1.1M 1.0M 60.0K 94% /

    /dev/sda1 14.8G 165.5M 13.8G 1% /usb

    /dev/mtdblock7 5.0M 5.0M 0 100% /mnt/mtdblock7

    /dev/sdb1 14.8G 165.5M 13.8G 1% /mnt/sdb1

    any Idea what I can do ?


  4. Hello,

    Just some more info.

    At first I took the Micro SD card out and I was not able to install the drivers.

    I also had issues installing the Atmel drivers.

    So here are my findings.

    1- Make sure to leave the Micro SD in the Ducky

    2- To get the ducky into DFU mode when inserting press the button and hold it do not release immediatly it takes some time.

    3- You should see under Devices a " Atmel USB Device" under there you can see that the drivers are missing, right click and install the drivers from where you downloaded them

    now you should be able to see the ducky.

    So I got that but I believe the flashing is still not functionning the CMD screen pops up and closes so fast I can not see it it flashes or not.

  5. Hello,

    Just for my understanding......

    1- Is there a way to make sure it is in DFU mode ? ( is the LED on or blinking ? )

    2- When I execute "program.bat" a cmd window opens and closes real fast so i am not even sure it updated the duck is that normal ?

    3- How can I see what firmware version I have on duck ? ( just to see if it updated OK )


  6. Should I be looking for something equipped/compatible with a tip (plug) of the same dimensions as one that's included? Does anyone know off the top of their head what those specifications are?

    Hello Darkapple,

    Look at something with 12V. I believe I read somewhere were people had issues with the 3G modem when only using 5V.

    So I would go with the 12V.

    I am using this :


    It has 10000mAH so it will last all day and it came with all kind of kabels including the plug for the Mark IV.

    In case I need something extra in future I still have 2 spare USB plugs to power something else


  7. Hello Guys,

    I am new to the Pineapple so please be patient with me.

    I got my Mark 4 and it is functionning well. I can get everything to work ( i.e. internet , users connect to it, I even got a 3G modem to work).

    But when I look on the Log file I do not see any information. ( yes Karma, URL snarf and DNS spoof are enabled and edited as needed)

    I mean where do I see the information from URL Snarf ?

    Where do i see the information from DNS spoof ( I mean where is the information that the user put in I mean login and password stored ?)

    My "Status" screen also looks different then the one Shmoocon ( as seen here:


    I guess I am doing something wrong or I must turn on something

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction


  8. Hi,

    I also thought it would be that easy.

    But I used Snakes German IBM on my Backtrack machine and encoded and the result you can see here

    You can see below (The Bart simpson picture) where I posted the output.

    So you can see it is not working for me ( see the Y is Z and so on)

    I was looking at the UK and German Java files and there are some more differences.

    But if you want I would be willing to support you in anyway I can


  9. I am a little frustrated that nothing is happening to solve this keymap issue of the Ducky.

    It would be a great product but at the moment I can't use it because of this.

    I hope this gets fixed soon.

    Some guys started work on German keyboard but that has stopped and they encode it to German (IBM) but most used keyboard is German (standard)

    If not I have a very expensive light weight brick ;-)

    I hope that the developers pick this up and find a solution.

  10. What would be cool is to take your antenna on a step motor connected to an arduino.

    Then the antenna would turn until a strong signal comes in and then stop and then you can start hackking :)

    then press next button and antenna would start turning again searching for next signal


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