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Posts posted by telot

  1. Seb you're going to cross the pond? Hells yeah! Forums meetup for sure!

    snubs you should talk to Darren about doing a "find the pineapple" event - it could be a lot of fun and raise awareness for pineapples!


  2. I've had the same issue with the AWUS036NHA here. Virtualbox hates the NHA for some reason. Of course the cross-platform (and most importantly FREE) virtualization software won't play nice with my favorite radio...Oracle just can't get it right lately! I should mention that my AWUS036H works like a charm though with virtualbox.

    Is there a reason you can't use virtualbox venelino? Its 100% free and the rtl8187 works great on it.


  3. As Boba so succinctly put it, you don't make mention of using wp4.sh. Are you using it? I've noticed that I oftentimes have to run it twice to get things "to stick" (I have zero idea why this is, but if it doesn't work the first time, try again).

    To reiterate, it goes something like this:

    |Pineapple| poe lanport----ethernet cable----->backtrack ))))))) Wireless Access point

    So your backtrack box is getting internet from wifi, and is sharing that wifi (via the wp4.sh script) over the ethernet port to your pineapple. You can get fancy with it later with 3G, secondary wifi radio, and doubled up ethernet, but the configuration above is considered the default.

    If you need more assistance, we're happy to help but will need more details on what your trying and where its hanging up. Good luck


  4. Mind if I ask how much a 100mb connection goes for per month in the UK? Of course we haven't speeds anywhere near that available in the states (save for google fiber) and I'm very curious on what the rates are like.

    On to your question, a friend of mine does just what barry suggested - pfsense and 2 nice gigabit nics and it runs great. Good luck Mat!


  5. Very nicely done Cul8terKeyser! Thank you for providing the model number of the dlink usb too in case someone wants to replicate this. Did you just use a dremel to grove out the antenna port, or was there another tool that worked better?


  6. Checkout teamviewer - amazing and free product that should do just about everything you want. But it looks like you had a good time creating your own solution though. Reinventing the wheel can be unnecessary, but in some cases very educational and fun.


  7. Going direct from panel to pineapple isn't advised, as the voltage will fluctuate with cloud cover (especially for those of us not in a desert). It's really best to have the panels go to a voltage regulator, then to a battery, and then to the pineapple. You can get a fancy solar reg that will bypass the batteries when full and power the pineapple direct when applicable.

    Not saying you can't go direct, but its a far cry from solar "best practices".


  8. As Seb so succinctly put it, you will need a powered USB hub. Searching the forums you'll find many threads discussing them, petertfm and myself have used the belkin 4 port powered hub with great success. Its important to power the alfa wifi adapter with external power, as the pineapple doesn't have enough juice on its onboard usb port. With the USB hub you can also plug in a usb drive of your choice for expanded storage for sslstrip, tcpdump, infusions, etc.


  9. Hey dahveed311

    It seems like you might be having a signal strength issue. Try popping open your pineapple (two screws under the usb side rubber footys on the bottom) and check the antenna connection to the wireless module. On my old mark3 I had very similar problems, and it had turned out that the little connection had come undone. Hope this helps!


  10. To be fair, no one said anything about saving money, or cost effectiveness. skorpinok simply asked what was the best macbook to buy to run his VMs and I said I run several VMs on my air no problem. When I say that apple has the best hardware in regards to laptops - they do.

    Apple is in a unique position in the market, being the ONLY high margin manufacturer. Every PC manufacturer is very very low margin (hp, dell, asus, acer, name a major one that isn't). Simply put, the reason for this is because PC's are more commoditized than Macs. By design, anyone can make a laptop that runs windows, but only apple can make a mac. In order to differentiate themselves in the market, PC vendors have to compete on price and vendor specific bundled software. Who do you know that buys a Dell, "Because of Dell's awesome bundled software!"? So PC manufacturers are pretty much forced to compete on price. Anyone can put the same processor, same ram, in a computer and load it with windows. Apples software is a huge differentiator in the market. It is based of unix. But as with PC vendors, they can't sell it on software alone. In order to provide a superior product in the computer space, they need to innovate and be on the cutting edge of hardware as well. They need to invest all that cash they get from higher margins into R&D and talented developers much more so than their competitors. So you have smarter, higher paid people designing your products, which leads to a superior product, which leads to apple being able to charge high margins. Rinse and repeat.

    No one can deny apple is an innovator. Android is open (and I think superior), but they did shamelessly copy iOS. Retina displays (on laptops for sure - debatable on phones) is another example. Aluminum uni-body frames - again, all apple innovation. Quieter fans, ssd's, backlit keyboards, chiclet keyboards, mag-safe connectors, always the cutting edge wifi and bluetooth, ditching outdated I/O, incorporating technologically superior brand new I/Os - Apple did it first and/or best. 2.5 inch floppy, CD-ROM, usb - all of them, apple was the one brave enough to move forward and not look back. It is this level of innovation that you're paying for when you pay "too much".

    I agree, its not for everyone. Apple's mac towers are total crap. If you want a laptop and your on a budget - its a no-brainer to go with a PC. If you want a laptop that has an beautiful bright display, a large glass trackpad with productivity supercharging gestures, and the ability to hold your laptop while open from one corner and not have it sag or bend or go limp? Apples the only way to go.

    /end rant


  11. Cause they are the best :)

    Naw just kidding, they have the best hardware hands down (/flame protection suit on). But they are tough to work with if you want to boot to anything but OSX. Windoze7 is supported, but the drivers suck and battery life is crippled. I use my 11inch air on a daily basis, running win7 VM and bt5r3 vm all day long. Its the full bore model though, with the i7 and 8gb ram.

    Anything with 8+ GB of ram and an SSD will do what you're looking for skorpinok. Quad core might be a nice plus too.


  12. Welcome to the community Ham Radio. In order to recommend anything, it'd greatly help us help you if we knew where you currently are in your tech knowledge. Even simple things such as, are you familiar with linux?

    The next thing is, what are you interested in? Judging by your username, you like the RF stuff. Most everyone here loves hacking wifi, so a awus036h (purchase from hakshop.com to support the show!) is an absolute must for getting started. Watch all of the haktips about wifi for a good starter. If you want to delve deep into wifi, watch Vivek's Wifi Megaprimer on securitytube.net. Once you've got the hang of it, you can get into the pineapples (where the *real* fun is at in my opinion). The pineapple community is huge here - by far the most active sub-forum where you can find tons of helpful folks and tons of reading material.

    I tried as best I could given the lack of info you provided - Hope this helps!


  13. I travel internationally all the time for work. I travel with multiple hacktops, pineapples, alfa's, batteries, you name it. All these things are legal, but could be considered 'shady'.

    I've never once been stopped or even given a second glance. Yes, they have every right to fuck with your computers. Yes, they can boot up your machine to check to see its a working computer. Yes, they can take an image of your hdd for later or immediate analysis. Yes, they can confiscate your computer with no given reason at all (in some countries).

    They can do all these things, but they almost (almost) never do. Why would they? Give them a reason to fuck with you, and they may. Be "just another traveler" and they won't. Simple as that.


  14. Sslstrip messes with apps. I posted about this a few weeks ago, and sadly got no replies (very disappointing Jasegar Community!!). You can find my observations here: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/28385-apps-and-the-pineapplekarma/?hl=%2Bsslstrip+%2Bapp

    I read up about it a little bit since then, mostly on Moxie's website. It turns out that apps allow developers to tweak how ssl works within their app - their not constrained by a browsers implementation of ssl, and the requisite standards that forces them to work with. Moxies sslstrip program addresses vulnerabilities in the standard implementation of ssl found in http(s).

    This is of course hugely disappointing, as more and more people use phones/tablets as their primary computing devices while mobile - which is when their most likely to become pineapple victims. If anyone has any additional knowledge on apps and ssl, I'd love to hear it, as my understanding is just a scratch of the surface I'm sure. Thanks


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