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Posts posted by telot

  1. I use it to play pranks on my wife, friends, and guests to my house. Rick rolling, etc.

    Inside my house, the airwaves belong to ME!

    Kidding aside, I've used the pineapples for calculating historical travel times of vehicles on major interstates for road construction projects. It's not pen testing related, but it works like a charm and is much better than paying $2-5k+ for purpose-built hardware to do the exact same thing. I built up two pineapples that do this in about a days time and saved my company thousands of dollars. Nice bonus for telot that year, thanks to the Pineapple.


  2. I think he means what linux for his laptop that he's attaching the NANO to sud0nick. My mind went the same way as yours at first "What's he mean, get the right linux to make it run smoother? What could be smoother than openwrt?". Now that I re-read it, I believe he's talking about desktop/laptop distros.

    If that is the case Boo51799, most any modern distro is good - its of course all about your preferences. If you're inexperienced with linux and haven't established these preferences (as I assume you are), ubuntu desktop is a good place to start. Mint is also a very nice looking one, based off of ubuntu. Ubuntu is great because its very popular and well supported.



    Hope this helps


    • Upvote 1
  3. Hey Jason! I didn't know you were involved in this project - I should have known you were behind this extraordinary hardware :) Good stuff!

    Thanks so much for your answers. Considering the power draw necessary to run those dual dual-band radios, plus the amps, I can see now why you guys split up the pineapple between the ultra-powerful TETRA and the ultra-portable NANO. It's also wonderful to see that stability was at the forefront of your mind when making these design decisions. Thanks again for the great product!


    • Upvote 1
  4. Hey Darren/Seb et al - mind filling in some details on the new TETRA? Heres what I'm wondering -

    1. Does the USB ethernet share the same bus as the USB host port (like the raspberry pi)?

    2. What kind of power draw can we expect from this lil guy?

    3. On the info graphic, you mention power over dual microUSB. Does that mean both are required if you don't have a 12V barrel plugged in? Are these ports power only?

    4. Do you foresee a spec bump in the future life of the TETRA? Upping the NAND or otherwise?

    5. Why'd you guys choose to not include a microSD this time around? Was it just cost of components, or other reasons?

    6. What can you tell us about these amplifiers? What kind of range are you seeing?

    Anyone else feel free to throw in some more details-related questions below!

    Once again, great job getting this thing out guys. I can't wait to get it this week!


    • Upvote 1
  5. I don't have my nano handy, but you should be able to install dhclient easy enough.

    opkg update

    opkg install dhclient

    You can of course assign a manual IP address to the interface, with ifconfig wlan1 123.456.789.123 netmask

    Hope that helps!


  6. Jaw dropping awesomeness guys! Can't wait to get mine and start hacking around. This thing looks so perf! Do you have a timeline on when intro/explainer videos will be released? There was word about a developer hangout - whats the skinny DK/Seb?

    Great job as always guys! Consistently awesome products from a small band of intrepid hackers. I'll continue to vote with my dollars as long as you continue to innovate and keep raising the bar.


    • Upvote 1
  7. Loving this nano guys! Great job getting them out for the winter holidays! A couple of questions:

    Has anyone setup swap using the sd card yet? I tried to follow the old MarkIV directions from the pineapple book - but to no avail. It also seems that SD cards get mounted to /mnt/sda1 and /mnt/sda2 instead of /sd by default.

    Next thing, is wifipineapple package.gz seems to be down at the moment:

    root@Pineapple:/sd# opkg update

    wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer
    Everything else updates fine, just the wifipineapple.com fails.
  8. I don't have cell service on my android and tethering is disabled (why the hell can't I tether my wifi connection?) comeon folks! Bummer!

    DK: Think you can disable that hard requirement for the app? Would love to use it otherwise. Thanks!


  9. Depending on where in canada you are m40295, Toorcamp might be close by (if you live on the west coast).

    I plan to attend Toorcamp again - its a friggin trip that I'd highly recommend. DK rolled up in the hakvan and interviewed my buddy Jared. Milliways served up epic grub and beer. It was a great time and well worth the travel and expense even for a midwester like me. Other than that I'll hit up the local BSides again and maybe pop my defcon cherry finally if I can spare getting away from work.


  10. It's been about a week, so my memory is already failing me. I want to say I was seeing ~250KB/sec or so. Not bad, but not great either. This was on a 50Mb down connection downloading a VERY supported (and legal) linux distro. I let it run its course and it completed the download without fail or issue, so it seems stable enough. Glad you like it!


  11. Guys, it wouldn't matter if the NANO had a Xeon with 64GBs of RAM and 2TB SSD, you will not defeat HSTS. I urge you to read more about how HSTS works and why you won't be bypassing it soon.

    Thank you Foxtrot. I plan to hold a seance at Toorcamp this year to summon Moxie Marlinspike to blow open HSTS like he did the old SSL. Everyone is welcome, candles, altars and sheepsblood will be provided.


  12. Welcome to the turtle Simon! I just do key exchange the "old fashioned" way. Copy pasta is a delicious dish.

    At the commandline on the turtle:

    cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub

    copy and paste the output. If theres nothing there you haven't generated the keys. To do that type:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Then repeat the first step. Next up ssh into your home server

    ssh user@homeserver

    nano .ssh/authorized_keys

    Paste the key here! Ctrl+x to close, hit Y to save and you're done!

    Hope that helps


    • Upvote 1
  13. To expand a bit on what m40295 is saying, arpspoof is built in to the turtle, but there is no module for it currently. So if you exit the gui, in the command line you can arpspoof your target and become the man in the middle. I can't remember if tcpdump is installed default, but you can always

    opkg update

    opkg install tcpdump

    Then output all the sniffed packets to your sshfs folder and you're golden! Hopefully one of these days sslstrip will once again be updated, then you could REALLY kick some ass.../sigh one can dream...


  14. Thats pretty friggin sweet m40295! How do you like the dir506? How hackable is it? i.e. can you ssh into it?

    I might have to get one for a christmas present to myself :) Thanks for sharing!


  15. Not seeing much new stuff in the turtle world lately, so I thought I'd show you guys a trick I cooked up this afternoon. Its a pretty silly hack, but hey why not.

    While I'm not necessarily sure why anyone would do this, I thought I'd post proof positive that it can be done.

    With sshfs active (I have mine going to /sshfs) to your home server, in the cli:

    opkg update
    opkg install screen
    opkg install rtorrent

    Start up screen with...screen...then

    rtorrent -n -d /sshfs/ LegalLinuxDistro.torrent

    Start up the torrent by selecting it with the arrow keys and hit Ctrl+s to start it up.

    This way the torrent traffic is over whatever network you have your turtle dropped on and your own ISP only sees ssh traffic via sshfs! It's pretty slow, bottlenecked by the turtle's tiny proc, but as far as easy mode encrypted torrenting goes, its pretty slick.



    • Upvote 3
  16. The biggest issue is honestly that I do not own an iOS device, and don't own a Macbook / OSX machine.. Ask Apple why they don't allow emulators + any OS to develop on.

    Even though these are some issues, I am not ruling out adding iOS support in the future. I just cannot give an ETA.

    I kinda figured as much :)

    There are services out there where you can program your app once, and it cross-compiles. I think they're best geared for webview-style apps, but I could be wrong. Maybe worth checking out? No macbook required and I know at least one guy who'd be willing to test!




  17. Anyone know whats going on with the release schedule lately? The rate of new shows seems to be slowing to a crawl lately. I've no doubt they're working on something big (new pineapple - aww yeah), but would just like to see my favorite show come back online on the regular :)


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