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Posts posted by MRGRIM

  1. Hola!

    I am trying to get Outlook to work via RPC/HTTPS, the problem I have is I can't use Port 443 (Citrix Server is running on it, and I can't change this), internally and via the web OWA works fine on port 4433 no problems there.

    Problem comes when In outlook I try to enter a server https://myserver:4433 so what I need to do is somehow tell Outlook to use port 4433 rather than 443 for SSL

    Has anyone ever done this or does anyone have any suggestions?

    I have been told 1 work around is to Multi-Home my SBS server (seems complex)

  2. If its NTBACKUP you'd need a script that would email you the backup log it creates per job. I'm thinking of doing something similar, e.g. shedule NTBACKUP to start at 11PM then at 6AM shedule a script to send the log file to myself.

    Alt: Buy some better software (am looking at Backup Exec for SBS)

  3. most wireless cards that show up as wlan0 create two devices.

    Also, try using airmon.h to set your interface to monitor mode. just hit airmo and hit tab to make sure that is the right one.

    I have 3 devices listed, eth0, lo and wlan0. I am using a live cd version of Auditor, when I type airmo or airmon.h it says "command not found"

    ifconfig wlan0 up

    airmon.sh start wlan0

    iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

    Again when I tried airmon.sh "command not found"

    Quite depressing!

  4. Hello

    I've bought a Netgear MA111 for the purpose of cracking wep keys as I though it looked intrested. I am a complete Linux novice (having only ever set a SAMBA server up) so I've downloaded the Auditor and am booting off the CD. I've been playing round with Kismet etc following some instructions I've found online however I belive I need to set my wireless adapter into monitor mode I belive I can do this by running 'iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor; when I do this I get the following error message 'Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.'

    Being a novice I don't know how to resolve the issue or where to possibly start, I've had a look at some google groups but its awfully scare as they keep telling people to recompile things :shock: does anyone have any suggestions?


  5. Hummm,

    I've been giving this some more though and I'm not sure what's the best idea so someone just needs to be straight up and tell me :lol:

    I want a tablet PC to sit on the wall downstairs from this I wanna be able to have a huge playlist that will dump out the sound to a hifi of some sort (Im guessing I need something wifi as the hifi could be several meters away (I remember apple having a product for iPOD that did this, was in an episode)

    This leads to my next question, where are all my albums going to be stored? People are telling me to use a media server - well ok - but what is a media server (dull question) :roll:

  6. yeah well my main idea behind it was to stick a 60GB hdd in it and then just let media player handle the rest kinda like a 'duke box' would be nice cos I could mount it on the wall etc

  7. Hi Guys, I've got a really really old hi-fi that is on its last legs, see as I have ripped all the albums I own to MP3 and are stored on an external hard drive.

    I've been wondering what would be involved to have some sort of cool music centre using an old tablet pc hooked up to some speakers? The problems I can see straight away is what kind of quality sound card is the tablet going to have?

    What options do I have here?

  8. I know this isn't the best idea, but I remember having similar Issues with Sage some time ago, we managed to solve the problem by deleting some files, I have no idea what ones, sorry I can't be of more help.

  9. I was just wondering if you would do a MOD on the Hak5 machine to make it ‘truly’ quiet. I have been looking around and unless I buy a fan less PSU or go for water cooling I can’t seem to find anything to make my PC quieter.

    I was really hoping someone online would have found a nifty way to lower the fan speeds on my PSU but I haven’t found anything yet (I’m guessing this would have to be a mod from scratch, as the PSU isn’t tied into the motherboard?)

  10. You can just buy round IDE cables for 60p each or you can get UV reactive ones for a bit more.

    I was about to say I got my rounded IDE cables for around £2 from www.ebuyer.com, making them looks like a lot of effort and knowing my handy skills I would probally end up cutting alot of the cables :lol:

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