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Posts posted by Ghostshell

  1. I just got done flashing 8 Fon 2100's, an OMP1, and a 2201, if anyone thinks or wants a tutorial like the MarkII one with screen shots, another way to flash other then redboot i would be happy to create one when i get to the next router. Still have about 12 to go, i have used serveral tools that all produce the same result and all flash's have been successful

  2. subject of this tread says it all...

    "Mk3: Atheros Based Files To Flash (om1p) -- Flash files should work on other atheros based routers." :P

    and if you read the tread you will see that you can flash both MK1 MK2 and MK3 with this.. so it will also work for AP51 ;)

    i have both FON2100 and a AP51 running with this firmware now..

    Crash has it spot on!

  3. yah bro, i finally got an ssh connection. so im inside the pineapple now.

    edit the ssid as far as what bro ?

    someone said they couldnt change the SSID and/or it still was openwrt, instead of using the GUI from WebIF which i have seen people have issues changing their settings, use the command line instead to change the security, SSID, TXPower, Turbo and Diversity options. If the GUI aint working then go commando line!

  4. i just followed that guide.. it needs to be modified a little, there are 2 lines missing a break in the mittle..

    it says load -r -b %{FREEMEMLO} openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma fis create -e 0x80041000 -r 0x80041000 linux

    and should say

    load -r -b %{FREEMEMLO} openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma

    fis create -e 0x80041000 -r 0x80041000 linux

    and the same for the other file..

    and mayby change the second line to:

    fis create -e 0x80041000 -r 0x80041000 vmlinux.bin.l7

    (or change the boot script) :)

    EDIT: and YES, it just worked for my MK3

    so i was missing the rigth values for fis create yesterday, with the ones from wifipineapple.com the MK3 install was pice of cake.. :D

    there is ofcourse still the "openwrt" SSID error, but seb said he was working on that, so i would say this works perfect...

    wifipineapple.com has been corrected by seb

    do what i do to edit the SSID

    vi /etc/config/wireless

    screw that GUI crap! command line for the win!!!

  5. The build I worked off was Bleeding Edge 27575 and the packages were sourced from rc3 and rc4. I haven't played with rc6 yet.

    RC6 is good, i got a 2100, 2201, OMP1, and 3201A all manually built off your post with MK3 running and working, have all 4 placed is hidden areas in my apts, the girls in the apt office let me get away with and do too much!

  6. Since i spent 3 days working on my OMP1 reboot issue im still kinda fond of the script and crontab i came up with:

    //create script

    touch /sbin/heartbeat.sh

    //add code to script

    vi /sbin/heartbeat.sh


    gpioctl dirout 3

    gpioctl clear 3

    sleep 0

    gpioctl set 3



    chmod +x /sbin/heartbeat.sh

    //add crontab

    crontab -e

    1-59/1 * * * * /sbin/heartbeat.sh



    //verify new crontab

    crontab - l

    and poof it will stop rebooting every 5 min, worked on this with open mesh support staff

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