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Posts posted by i8igmac

  1. No one called out 'warcraft ||| reign of chaos'

    old school dota was insane.


    I did a reverse engineer of the tcp protocol, created a ddos style attack to shut down all servers on battle.net by connecting thousands of fake clients to every public server.


    And when I created a user list of known admins, these clients where un-kickable/un-bann-able...



    After I did this. I felt confident I could accomplish anything.

    • Like 1
  2. I use airbase-ng as a quick generic hotspot, it works with almost any wifi card. airbase-ng can also be used to spoof all probe requests with the use of -P -c 30


    lets assume you have 2 devices.


    One device is simply your internet source and the second device will be your evil hotspot.


    I will assume your already connected to the internet with device 1. It can be a wifi connection or Ethernet...(eth0) in this example.


    echo 'interface=at0' > /etc/dnsmasq.conf
    echo 'dhcp-range=,,12h' >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf

    airmon-ng start wlan0

    airbase-ng -P -c 30 wlan0mon

    [Open new console]

    ifconfig at0 up



    iptables --flush && iptables --table nat --flush && iptables --delete-chain && iptables --table nat --delete-chain
    iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface at0 -j ACCEPT

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


    you will need to change eth0 to the proper internet device name.

    at this point if you check ifconfig, you should see at0 has ip address of and you should have 2 process running (airbase-ng) and (dnsmasq)


    you can now deauth other machines( I would use mdk3 for deauth) if the machine is outdated enough it will auto connect to your airbase-ng assuming that signal strength is higher. 


    edit. you may also need to service stop network-mamager 

  3. 1 hour ago, z3d888 said:

    I just had a read up on your link you posted i8igmac, looks great and I was unaware the price had come down so far from when I saw 3d printers come out. Last time i asked in a shop they were still in the thousands for a basic looking unit.

    Prices like that I might have to treat myself later after my new order of gear comes from hak5 this week ;-)  I am not bad on art design software, how did you go designing your own stuff on the software provided? 

    Still pretty cool that you made your own pc case and antenna. I don't think I would know what to try and make first hahah




    On linux I use freecad to design, after watching a few tutorials on part design utility I practice with a feww simple projects like a bearing to hold my spool of plastic. 


    Then I export the abject for use with slic3r. This piece of software creates printer gcode x,y,z locations. You can adjust speed, fill material patterns, temperatures and all kinds of printing options.


    its all trial and error, once I got proper slic3r options that would produce a proper print I had to save this as a config ffor use with future prints.


    If you have the funds, I would check out prusa.

  4. 5 hours ago, z3d888 said:

    looks pretty cool,  did you need a large commercial style 3d printer to make it?

    I would like to get my hands on a 3d printer 1 day and have some fun  :-)

    nice job!

    I got mine last Christmas, I had no issues so far... the biggest print size bed for the price I paid 350$



    the price went down and there are new versions...


    The best one I think is the prusa...


    huge amount of reading before I purchased mine.

    Took me 20 minutes to assemble. There are horror stories I read about other printers taking 24 hours to assemble and pieces did not fit.

  5. fzwdgqu.jpg









    my soldering is not the best but what is important here is how precise the copper is cut to 13.05mm


    I made my cuts at 14mm and then file down until 13.05 is measured...


    the yellow mounts snap into place, with this design I can reprint new feeder designs and reuse the reflector.


    this reflector was my first print from about 1 year ago. You may notice the condition my 3d printed pc case has melted due to a hot summer sitting in the window. I'm getting some new spools of abs and pla.


    Im installing some lights and a camera for my printer. Ill try and make some time lapse videos with signal quality comparison...


    If some one would like to test this with a drone, i can design a proper mount for the controller and a trade could be made. I would like to see if this could outperform a expensive drone antenna. 


    I also have a 5.8ghz double biquad design that has better performance, I have been using for a full year but also melted. 








  6. 12 hours ago, SweetRush Coder said:

    Yeah I have a index command that calls the wireless ap list with a php script that outputs the aps with the iwlist you have some ruby rail set for calling system and streaming to HTML 

    Well. The data that I stream is raw, the method I use leaves the tcp connection with the client/server always open state. because of this the data will be seen at the same time it happens. If you run 'ping google', the client will see each line print in real time.


    I Simply wrap the data with bootstrap tags for a slick looking display.





  7. 20 hours ago, SweetRush Coder said:

    Well been wanting a wifi pineapple for along time but because my country does not shop the pineapple so I try to get a raspberry pi and now creating a project called palm tree http://suetenaloia.com/projects/palm-tree-router/ still trying to build it and learning heap about php this is why I want to get these commands to I can build forms so I can config the network controls for my project 

    There is a console.php demo. I can't find the link... its a basic console you can imbed on your site.


    I have a similar project. Running console applications and displaying live io stream to the web client in html form. Things like signal stregth, reaver attacks, mdk attacks, configuring of wifi devices etc.


    For example if a button was clicked I could run `iwlist scan` and display the content in html format with a button for each essid and a connect button.


    I'm using ruby on rails. Action::controller::live is the method for streaming live content... this allows me more control of the content I want to stream.


    A basic example could be `ping google.com` and display the content to the web client. I could make you a working example.


    so, my suggestion is ruby on rails.

  8. 7 hours ago, Just_a_User said:

    I recently started to look with the intention to learn a little, I haven't done anything yet though.

    I found some interesting resources/tools that may help with MIPS from x86 : -   https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/build   https://github.com/airplug/airplug/wiki/Cross-compiling-for-OpenWRT  http://www.kegel.com/crosstool/  & https://buildroot.org/

    That is a well written tutorial. I recently compiled a hi-world program and attempt to run on mips but failed as expected...


    Can you setup a vm specifically for cross compiling?

  9. the simplest and best performing Mod you could make is a wind surfer. a parabolic curve can focus radio waves a long distance.


    Andrew McNeil on youtube I suggest you watch all his videos.



    This is my old setup, just a example of a 3d printed wind surfer. You could use cardboard and aluminum foil and have something working in 15 minutes.


    My next suggestion is to not bother with 2.4ghz. packet loss is a huge factor with crowded interfering networks.


    with 5.8 ghz and a parabola I can achieve insane download speeds from a long distance. Typically 5.8ghz wont even reach the front yard. I'm roughly 500 feet away and streaming hd movies with out a single packet lost.


    My current antenna setup is 2 hand made 5.8ghz dipole antennas, both are  mounted to a single 3d printed Parabolic dish.

    8inch tall

    10inch wide

    40mm focal point.

  10. 6 hours ago, digip said:

    You literally could have just left the link instead of listing every tool(and we aren't always 100% up to date, you can use the [ apt search ] feature to find a lot of things that might already be in there not listed on the site, or just for general purpose linux tools and programs you may need, like say, Chromium vs default FF.


    yah sorry lol it needs a spoiler 

  11. every once in a while I might check the kali tools list to see what's been added or if im looking to perform a task ill check the list for tools on that subject



    Sorry for the big paste.

    Wireless Attacks


    Forensics Tools


  12. I'm excited to see more of your work... just for fun my encryption project was more of a attempt to compress files to save hd space like tv show silicon valley.


    I ran into ram limitations per my coding skills I have never ran into this kind of limitation. I plan to build a machine with as much affordable ram as possible.


    I will eventually implement proper ram buffer size management. but my attempt deals with a large buffer to achieve maximum compression.

  13. 14 hours ago, 6ftdan said:

    Not yet.  Currently it shells out work to the `aescrypt` command.  To utilize the GPU I'll need to rewrite `aescrypt` in Rust.  That is in the agenda but is a ways off for now.

    This is the second time I seen you mention rust... I gave it a quick look at ssh examples and almost resembles ruby...


    As mentioned above, I would like to see gpu examples, I had a encryption project I was working on but fail with using gpu libraries... I would likw to see some example code of rust and gpu crunching.

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