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Posts posted by ChevronX

  1. We use IP Cop to shape P2P traffic at work; we tried Smoothwall but discovered IP Cops slightly better for traffic shaping. The client your room-mate is using is probably utorrent as it doesnt have to be installed & using default settings I think it changes ports every time it opens.

  2. Using Windows Vista's Disk Cleanup, having System Error Minidump Files; Windows Error Reporting Files.

    It removes the customers user data. Their email's, ruins AVG install & deletes the desktop.

    I repaired the computer, the next day the customer came up, it had happened again and we traced what he did and he was using the Disk Cleanup. We tried it ourselves and it removed Vista infront of our eyes.

  3. [Question] Is there a 'tag updater' for movies?

    What I mean by that; is you know the ID3 Tags for MP3's? Is there something similar for AVI FIles. I have a few episodes of Stargate and a few movies I backed up and would like them to have all the tags filled and named the same (except for their series and episode number and there episode name).

    Does anyone know if there is an application out there? Or something similar that would suit me.

  4. What do you guys want in a Game/Software/Hardware review site?

    I have been meaning to create one; and at the moment I am doing a concept design. I need to include stuff people want, as as the Hak5 community has been all around the web I was wondering what functions you would like to see in a review site? Maybe things others are missing or just what you would like to see.

    Thanks; at the moment I have:

    Website Functions:

    review & howto


    - Include good high quality preview images

    - Users to submit their own reviews using a form that has spell checking. Reviews are held off main site until accepted or edited.


    -Shopping Websites



    Helpdesk forum

    Other things I need:

    Most Popular Game heading

    Search Function

    clean Printable pages

    Maybe a forum: Howto area; with guides.

    If possible; reviews translated into other languages.

    RSS Feeds

  5. Not really;

    this just seems a bit weird; its About Page isnt avaliable and Cnet and Amazon dont have any reviews about it.

    So I just wanted to know if it was legit.

    Thanks for your input.

  6. hello, I have a Nintendo Wii and wish tok play it through my CMV 221D 22inch LCD Screen, as my flatmates are hogging the TV all the time with the Xbox 360. I dont have a tv tuner card and I might the better way would be to play it straight into the LCD. is this possible and how would I do it?

  7. Not really, I thought maybe having a water reservoir behind them and have some material infront of it, so it sort of gives out the bluish glow of the water. But someone had told me it was not a good idea, as it might put too much weight in the top, causing it too tip whenever pushed.

    I was thinking of making it with fiberglass, and have maybe aluminum cages, just taken off old computer cases, for the harddrive etc.

    At the moment I am completly lost s too what to do. My cardboard model I had tried to make fell down alot. My friend is going to help me make a more slightly better and less huge model. But seeing as this is my first time doing something like this and I like the good idea for it (The control panel) I dont want it too go wrong.

    Any comments and suggustions are welcome. The views of other people will help alot here, and I having abolutly no idea with what I am doing at the moment, while I learn. Would welcome your advice.

    Someone mentioned I should create a virtual copy of it in an application like AutoCAD 2008 for the measurements. I couldnt really get the hang of it, nor could I get the hang of sketchup to do what I wanted. That is why I tried to create the cardboard model.

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