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Posts posted by ChevronX

  1. SwitchBlade Non U3 Remote Question..

    I use the non U3 version on my removable laptop drive, however I do not know how the remote thing works. What is the password and how do I connect to the computer remotly? I know this is probably a noob question but today I am more of a noob then others.

  2. There is actually an all-in-one installer for putty. Which you probally shouldn't try running at school. You just need to download putty.exe from the site, stick it on a flashstick and run it from that.

    BTW, if your school admin is on the ball SSH might be blocked at your school. So try it from a mates house first.

    Yeh shame my computer tutor knew to block all ports except 80 :-(

  3. I just spoke to Dana from anappaday.com and we're trying to get him on the show. I'm really excited because tonight he took my software idea and is coding up a Command Prompt replacement for Windows that acts like the Quake3 (and other FPS) console.

    Nice, yeh that was a good idea, I downloaded it and will try it out tonight!

  4. I say format and reinstall new, and just back your data to a new partition, that way you will be sure you are getting the best speed from your computer instead of Windows Rot from your old hard drive.

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