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Everything posted by w0lo

  1. What about shatter attacks, instant Guest>SYSTEM;client=opera http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatter_attack Yes, but you need the non free version of the sysinternals ntfs dos tool
  2. Not exactly sure what the XP issue listed on the wiki page is but i whipped up a little something that i think fits the description Autorun.inf then looks like: [Autorun] open=AutoExec.exe [AutoExec] Cmd=Notepad Params=%WinDir%Win.ini the NSIS source for the exe: OutFile "AutoExec.exe" SilentInstall silent !define cfg "$ExeDirAutoRun.Inf" Section StrCpy $OUTDIR "$ExeDir" ReadIniStr $0 ${cfg} "AutoExec" "Cmd" ReadIniStr $1 ${cfg} "AutoExec" "Params" ExecShell "" "$0" "$1" SW_HIDE SectionEnd Page InstFiles Pre compiled exe: http://rapidshare.de/files/32684592/AutoExec.exe.html
  3. The IE history dump(DUH.vbs) doesnt seem to work on my system, atleast it doesnt show every url, just the domain and approx date. So i whipped up something that does (Based on the existing script, if i get the time i will rewrite it in JScript, VBScript is so damn ugly and i cant pack lots of instructions on one line :roll: ) on error resume next Function Dump(h,indent,fulldump) for each item in h.items if indent>1 then s=h.GetDetailsOf(item,0) if fulldump then s=h.GetDetailsOf(item,2)&vbTab&s&vbTab&h.GetDetailsOf(item,1) else s=h.GetDetailsOf(item,-1) end if wscript.echo String (indent," ") &s if item.isFolder then call Dump(item.GetFolder,indent+1,fulldump) end if if 0=indent then wscript.echo String (80,"-") next End Function Dump createobject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(34),0,true The full version can dump to html and just raw urls (no dates and page titles(the medium size version supports this aswell, just change the last true>false)) ( http://rapidshare.de/files/32573713/IE_DumpHistory.vbs.html ) Usage (of full version): cscript /nologo IE_DumpHistory.vbs html>dump.htmlcscript /nologo IE_DumpHistory.vbs all>dump.txt And finally, a very compact version: on error resume next Function D(h,indent) for each item in h.items wscript.echo String (indent," ")&h.GetDetailsOf(item,-1) if item.isFolder then call Dump(item.GetFolder,indent+1,fulldump) if 0=indent then wscript.echo String (80,"-") next End Function D createobject("Shell.Application").NameSpace(34),0
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