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Everything posted by Mick

  1. W00t!!! 1st p0st DUH!! a "hacksaw" ("HACK"saw) lawlzerz
  2. Good job on learning java. Java seems a lot like javascript (except faster) to me. </blabbing> It seems like you have pretty good sense of formatting, maybe when I see some more of your apps then i will be able to yell at you about memory leaks and double freed pointers,or is that just us grumpy, mean C guys that have to worry about that .
  3. Hmm... As far as i can remember, doesn't the BIOS load the first 512 bytes of the first hard drive into the beginning of the RAM, set the execution to real mode, and jump to what you just loaded. Why not just make a custom FreeDOS floppy. It would just silently patch the Utilman.exe and then boot from the hard drive. I would test it but my computer bit the dust.
  4. Mick

    Hacker Backpack

    Here goes..... My Hackers Pack: x86 Live CDs (SLAX, Windows XP, Ubuntu) 2 Ubuntu Discs (x86 and PPC) 3 50ft Ethernet Cables 5 Port Router USB Hard Drive PowerBook U3 "Switchblade" with my own payload (in pocket) 2 Micro Wireless Webcams Soldering Iron (and Solder) Lotsa Batteries Tape (Scotch and Double Sided) About 10 CDs of files 7 Homemade Smoke Grenades Microphone & Headphones Wifi Dongle PSOne Screen CPU Fan USB CD Burner Homemade Radio Jammer Laser Pointer Wireless Mouse & Keyboard + Misc Wires. The radio jammer and smoke grenades are more for fun then hacking.
  5. Did hak5 go down yesterday? Or was it just my connection? I figured this is the questions fourm and my connection isnt really reliable and I want to know beacuse this might be the final straw to switch ISPs.
  6. Mick

    KDM themes

    Can you post a sample XML file? Maybe a screenie to go with the XML?
  7. @echo off echo Starting Programs... (3) start "C:Program FilesLaunchyLaunchy.exe" echo - launchy start "C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" echo - Firefox start "C:Program FilesXfireXfire.exe" echo - Xfire echo Finished ^ Works for me But if it doesnt work for you then just write a little launcher in C++, heres a hint ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "PATHTOYOURAPP", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); Make it load from a file or maybe just do a directory listing and have your own custom startup folder anywhere on your HD, maybe even make it launch explorer before it exits and then set it as your Win32 Shell in the registry, then you can give it a cryptic name, maybe incorperate it into a switchblace package somehow. (now im just letting my imagination run away again)
  8. I am going to see if there is a way I could do it for a memory card, maybe an SD. Also, I am going to see if i can find a buffer or maybe format exploit for autorun.inf or maybe the icon. Maybe even a timed crash hack, so after 30 min. or so it will crash.
  9. Well, an eLoader should come out soon for 2.71 so you might not even need to downgrade.
  10. You could also fire up your copy of IDA and find the call to MessageBoxA somewhere near the entry point, and completely NOP it out. (NOP shellcode=0x90) But I would reccomend buying the software if it's for buisness use. (I would go with option 2 if you plan on making money)
  11. I feel like i should throw my 3.14159... cents in. I think there was a doohicky on the code project that hooked windows API and read the contents behind the *s (helps if you want to make your own spy program) http://www.codeproject.com/dll/pwdspy.asp
  12. A downgrader for firmware 2.71 -> 1.5 has already been released, but be careful,it is very buggy and the instructions aren't too clear. (Dont brick your PSP) Also, you cant have a TA-082 PSP mobo. You also need a file from someone with a 1.5 PSP (or you can , OMG!!, illegally download the file.) http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=34338 (warning, thread with 57 (LONG) pages)
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