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Everything posted by hackerzero000

  1. i think i have overwriten something even the recovery mode doesnt work itn blinks red blue for about 4 minutes then goes back to white if i open it still the same things in it
  2. the root directory looks fully normal to my eye i know what you mean with the directory structure but ive read that at first when i had that problem couldnt find anything helpful and the only things ive stored on the keycrock where the update file nothing else i even revoed the examplepayload isnt there a command for reseting the storage or something? i cannot find one in the documentation
  3. root@croc:/etc# udsik mount -bash: udsik: command not found root@croc:/etc# udisk mount [*] Udisk mounted to /root/udisk root@croc:/etc# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 3.2G 1.3G 1.8G 42% / devtmpfs 168M 0 168M 0% /dev tmpfs 249M 0 249M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 249M 8.3M 240M 4% /run tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 249M 0 249M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/nandf 1.8G 1.8G 224K 100% /root/udisk root@croc:/etc# ^C root@croc:/etc#
  4. il let the df -h command run in my current dirctory let me know if i did it wrong
  5. Is the X11 in the top left normal?
  6. but the porblem is i dont know what doesnt belong to the keycrock
  7. i did verify the checksum now
  8. Well now i dont understand what you mean, as the documentation says you are supposed to update the keycrock by coping the update file on the keycrock i mean copying it and the way i see it in all the tutorials is yes by puitting it on the udsik so it can update when plugged in again isnt that hwo you do it =why do you need space for the update file if there's nothing to update? i need the space as said fgor the update file as said in the documentation
  9. Yeah but i dont have a problem with the update file thats "fixed now" i have a problkemwith the missing space for the update file and i dont know what im allowed to remove without damaging my keycrock thats why im asking, but any way how do i verify the checksum?
  10. i think since said again but i notced why it wasnt able to update for some reason the downlaoded file that i put on the croc has zero kb so it basicly missed the whole update so i guess it was the whole time i just updated wrong what can i do?
  11. (i also removed the c2 configuration cause of to less storage)
  12. alright now thats funny i just got home from school and i was trying to update it via windows this time (il send the screenshot soon) and i copied the tar.gz file unzipped didnt do othing to the root of the keycrock i remvoed it safely plugged it back in it went green white blue red for a few seconds like 7 or so then it went back to green white blue magenta and back to white again so i put it into arming mode and i found a txt document called "update" i opend it and this was standing there ==============Starting Update============== === 01/01/70_00:00:05 Update Log: Starting Stage 1 === 01/01/70_00:00:05 Update Log: Starting Stage 2 === 01/01/70_00:00:05 Update Log: Entry is kc_fw_1.4_568.tar.gz, startString = kc_fw_, lenString = 6, lenMatch = 6 === 01/01/70_00:00:05 Update Log: Update file used is kc_fw_1.4_568.tar.gz === 01/01/70_00:00:05 Update Log: Starting Stage 3 === 01/01/70_00:00:09 Update Log: Fatal Error: Could not extract the file kc_fw_1.4_568.tar.gz === 01/01/70_00:00:09 Update Log: Deleting file kc_fw_1.4_568.tar.gz il send 2 screenshots in a few minutes NOTE the tar.gz file did get deleted now as said in the update txt document What am i doing wrong?
  13. oh sorry if i remove the example payload and...at the same time the person tipes something is the Keycrock still able to function while synchronising or will it stop recording and reacting?
  14. So i was wondering if the keycrock is plugged in and i remove am payload and at the same time the person tipes something is the Keycrock still able to function while synchronising or will it stop recording and reacting?
  15. So the ssh is functioning without a problem how do i check the date and time and change it if neccessary on the shark jack?
  16. So i bougfht alot of hak5 devices in the last few weeks most of them where harder to setup then expected but at the end it always worked. This time its with my shark jack (just as information there is nothing wrong with the server all other devices are fine) i run the latest firmware was able to scp the device.config file successfully and the commands were the exact same as in the tutorial i mean the outputs it also says connected to c2 server but it doesnt show up as connected can somebody help?
  17. Upgrading patched the problem thanks
  18. Okay after 7 Minutes it shows Update found running i think i need more patience
  19. Okay soo ive just found out that im indeed running firmware 3 while its already sixs but now i have another problem if i go on checking for updates and click on enter the only thing i see is ; Checking for updates.. And that for 5 minutes straight i think something is wrong here ? Any Idea and by the way it seems that i have an internet connection so i dont think its that is there a way to check that?
  20. Hello so i have recently bought a keycrock and a lan turtle the keycrock is after a day of asking questions etc ready but now im stuck again this time with the Lan turtle so i did basicly everything said as in the setup video(Setting up Cloud C2 as a service on boot & exfiltrating loot with a LAN Turtle - Hak5 2703) but the problem is as soon as i ssh into the Lan turtle and type the (as in the video) C2 command or any command in the c2 region it doesnt regiester any possible commands or folders i was able to install the device.config file on the etc directory successfully however the command C2 or any in this region do not exist basicly i just says not found ivbe tried going into the etc folder and run the command didnt work on the very first starting poage when you ssh into it also dindt work what am i doing wrong?I would be thankfull for any possible help.
  21. Wait it somehow works now what wait Alright thanks then i guess.
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