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Posts posted by Duelus

  1. I don't think you should open one first becuase your like 12. Second you don 't have the money. 3rd you don't have a place for business. 4th your annoying as hell. 5th your a noob.
    Haha, well said.

    ok im 19, two my father happends to have plenty of money owning blocks and housing everywhere and he said he will buy a few stores for me, 3rdly as i said location can be bout as money is not a problem 4 me, 4th u dont know me, 5th ill own u anyday lawl :D

    lawl, your a fag and know nothing about computers.

  2. I will admit things have slighty changed from season one with the security tips from Harison. I did really enjoy those they were fun to watch and cool to learn from I think you guys should really do some more fo those. Maybe a little bit more explanation on them too. But the community rocks and so do the hosts of the show just need to do some more down and dirty hacking stuff a little bit more interesting to the crowd I think. It was that which brought me in. If I started watching here at season 2 I may not have stayed around as long but I started from like ep 7 or 8 in season one then went back and watched all the previous and joined in the community and now I am hooked and can't leave not to mention the Hak.5 parties are great :). Anywho LETS SEE MORE HACKING :) The shady shit is way more interesting. :) 8)

    well put

    I agree, not enough security stuff.

  3. amount of energy used to travel on a bike compared to on foot is sufficiently less, its more practical to use a bike to travel instead of foot. I, not being old enough to drive ride my bike anywhere and everywhere I can not get a ride too.

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