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Posts posted by hakgipc

  1. well you will need php5 (would be nice) and follow my steps to configuire it to the abys web server

    step1. ok open the control webinterface of abyss.

    step2. now click configue on ur server.

    step3. click scripting parameters

    step4. enable script executions

    step5. add interpreter

    step6. set interface as fast cgi(local pipes)

    step7. now set interpreter so ur php.exe (it could be php-cgi.exe)

    step8. check file extension before execution

    step9. set type to php style

    step10. now add an assosiated extention

    step11. in extention field type php

    step12. now clcik add custum enviroment varible

    step13. in name fild type REDIRECT_STATUS

    step14. as a value type 200

    step15 now press ok and restart server


    hope this helps

  2. i come here because i have already done the research myself and i still dont understand and i am asking for your help that is what i thought forums are for

    correct me if im wrong

    and can some1 answer the question

  3. no you guys dont get my question ok what im asking is that in cpu -z it says bus speed = 230mhz and ht link = 1150mhz as a previous post someone saif amd64 do not use fsb they have htt, but then what is the 230mhz for and in bios it is under fsb =230 when i overclock it its fsb x multiplier but i thought there was no fsb as someone posted.

    now my question is that why does it say 230 under fsb when it uses hypertransport

  4. ok someone made a comment on amd not having a fsb ummm wel ur wrong it has both htt and fsb fsb meaning a bus that conect to northbrigde and htt meaning direct from cpu 2 ram

    experts correct me if im wrong

  5. hello 1337 hak5 members.

    i dont understand cpu-z btw i have the newsest version out .

    i dont understand where it says about like bus speed and ht link i dont know what the difrences are

    my bus speed is 230

    my ht link is 1150

    i have amd x2 +4400 64bit

    i know alittle bout hypertransport but i dont know what it means by bus speed amd 64 use ht not fsb so can some1 draw a diagram of the two like my mobo set out and say what the difrence?

  6. does windows run using both cores or it uses 1 at a time?

    and will there be any programs in the near future to optimize the 2 cores use them both at the one time then we can call it 4.4ghz yes?

  7. * PC2-3200: DDR2-SDRAM memory stick specified to run at 200 MHz using DDR2-400 chips, 3.200 GB/s bandwidth

    * PC2-4200: DDR2-SDRAM memory stick specified to run at 266 MHz using DDR2-533 chips, 4.267 GB/s bandwidth

    * PC2-5300: DDR2-SDRAM memory stick specified to run at 333 MHz using DDR2-667 chips, 5.333 GB/s bandwidth1

    * PC2-6400: DDR2-SDRAM memory stick specified to run at 400 MHz using DDR2-800 chips, 6.400 GB/s bandwidth

    ok where it says pc2-3200 so i see from here that its fsb runs at 200mhz and the ram clock spead itself it at 400mhz corect me if im wrong and i dont understand bandwidth thing

  8. ok let me get this straight....

    ddr pc3200 is said to run at 200 mhz each stick i fi have 2 does that mean thioretically im running a clock speed of 400mhz in ram..

    also ddr2 pc8000 is said to run at 1ghz is that each stick

    plz explain im confused :?:

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