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Posts posted by hakgipc

  1. Thats another pretty cool mod.

    Kinda pointless unless you have a window on the top of your case.

    I'd take a RadGrill partnered up with a couple 120mm's, over a window any day.

    yes robotchild this mod is pointless unless u have a window on the top but i have a full acrylic case so it looks even better

  2. well guys i have some good news and some bad news.....

    the bad news is that i dropped my hdd down the stairs and shatted the platers(F%*#)

    the good news is that insted i modded my cd drive with a window


    p.s pics will b up soon

  3. dont laugh but im gonna use a cd case cover for all the plastic i need (works great i have done it b4 on my dvd drive mod) the point of using it is that it is really thin.

    today i will start cutting the LAPTOP hdd cover and it should be done by tonight and mayb installed then i need to conect it with a ide converter to my desktop and finally take pics and put it on my web server and give i guys the links

  4. yes..

    that guy is only taking the hdd lid off and replacing it with a danger den already modded drive so theoretically he is only swapping something its not really modding it himself. on the otherhand i am doing it myself

  5. hay guys

    i have thought up this nice idea to window a 2.5" hdd (laptop hardrive) i dont think its a popular mod i will try make it popular. what i did was i cut a stylish shape in the metal part of the hdd and i put some plastic behind it and glued it

    then i put the hdd on the side of my acrylic case looks very nice when it spins

    really nice eyecandy

    p.s if any one would like to see it tell me and ill put it on my web server and ill give u a link if u request the link

  6. what is the fattest tube of the folowing ?

    Swiftech 1/2" outer dimension, 3/8" inner dimentions

    Swiftech 5/8" outer dimension, 7/16" inner dimentions

    and when u buy a cpu water block and it says its compatible with 3/8 does that go for the outer domensions or inner?

    thx guys hakgipc

  7. hi everyone

    this question is more for australians.

    the site pccasgear.com is a nice site to purchase things althought the psu that im looking 4 is not there does any assie know any sites similar to pccasegear.com and are also based in australia.

    regards hakgipc :twisted:

  8. ive installed mac on my pc and i it works fine i wantto know how to get to that media centere thingy when u press teh menu button on a macs remote control

    i dont know how to get into it with my pc

  9. hay im using my freebsd machine to type this btw

    ok the problem is that i turn my pc on and it loads normally then i keeps going into chkdsk mode, ok then it finishes and loads up the welcome screen then i see BSOD

    and then it restarts.

    is this a reimage job or is there a way to fix?

    p.s safe mode frezes when i try get in to it

  10. if i dont have ics service enabled then i cant use my pc as a server for anything as soon as i enable ics then it works straight away why?

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