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Everything posted by Freelancer

  1. Hello I am Matt aka Freelancer Favourite game: Fallout 1,2 & 3 Favourite OS: N/A Favourite console: Atari 800 Nationality: US Accent: none Gender: Male Age: 31 Race: White American Height: 6'0" Status: Married with Children Build: Depends on the time of year Favourite band: Jimmy Buffet Favourite book: Ender's Game Favourite author: Orson Scott Card Favourite movie: Dune 6hr Directors special edition Favourite director: none Favourite TV Show: Lost Favourite actor: None Favourite actress: None Favourite Comedian: Dennis Miller Car: Subaru Occupation: IT Manager
  2. Just saw the latest episode of Hak5. I am such a bone head. I can't believe I didn't try those passwords. Awesome contest can't wait for the next one. Freelancer
  3. Even though the contest is over I would still like to continue and complete it. Still looking for a hint about the "cake" passphrase. Thanks Freelancer
  4. They message that looks like random characters is actually a code. It is a simple letter substitution that you have to decode. Start with small 2 and 3 letter words to get started. I need help with part 3. I did some steganalysis on the "cake" but it does not seem to contain anything hidden. Hints please Freelancer
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