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Posts posted by SomeoneE1se

  1. Noobs only get flamed for being stupid and asking for help to HAXZOR their school and friends and what not, but you asked a smart question and used grammar so you're good.

    my suggestion would be http://www.xubuntu.org/ and http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-proxy/

    edit: Sorry I only read that you wanted a proxy. You might want to take a look at dd-wrt http://www.dd-wrt.org and http://www.graynetwork.org/ddwrtx86/ it runs on x86 now, so that would be a good one because it's very easy to manage with its web GUI. Or m0n0wall I've never used it but everyone says its really good. I know someone else can help out too.

    edit2: added dd-wrt on x86 tutorial link

  2. The university I work for (I’m flying back home on the 1st, so no more free time) has number of old IBM mainframes so I know how to use/fix them but there not something I would choose to use as there only for a historical purpose.

    Hey metatron don't be a stranger, you're a great asset to the forums, and always help out.

    And now that I think about it, when metatron left we got a whole bunch of n00bs, and non when he came back.... I think he scares off the I wanna haxz my school type n00bs.

  3. wow you must really need something cracked if your willing to dedicate 120gb on your box to rainbow tables

    120 GB hard drive...$55

    FedEX express shipping...$12

    Knowing that you can crack just about any LM hash...Priceless

    Some things money can't buy. For everything else there's the Microshaft Platinum Hax0r card.

    What's the APR on that one aardwolf

  4. I'm using an XP box for my mail server (partly because I'm too damn dumb to get one working on a linux box. If you know any good tutorials to get on working on a debian system help me out I hate having 2 servers when I could have 1) I'm using hMailServer and I love it took about 1 min to get set up and it's got features up the wazoo. Everthing (excluding LAMP that was so easy with apt-get (apt-get pwns)) has always been easyer to do on windows, for me.

  5. big fan a toshina, i have 2 sattelites for my laptops, as well sas severeal homemade desktops, and i have been windows free for years so i can say that linux will run on the toshiba laptops. almost exclusivly run fedora and gentoo on the laptops and both are working great

    I used to like Toshiba but my latest Tecra M4 is a little on the low quality side. And for laptops that get carried around banged and jostled around, you want a good accidental damage warranty(toshiba has that) and good quality(tecra could be better). But I'm using it now and it works fine so take that as well.

    I can say Toshiba support has been great, software and tech.

    oh and one last thing my M4 has been overheating lately.

  6. I know I'm being REALLY cryptic and I'm sorry but I really don't know that much.

    I think I first heard of it on cnet's buzz out loud podcast It's all hardware biased I don't think you can interface it with a computer at all so it will give the the shifting features of Pandora. I'll try and track it down for you i really don't know much more then that it is something like it out there.

    edit: FOUND IT http://www.timetraxtech.com/ I guess you can use it with your computer.

  7. I grow up on Acorn Atoms, bbc's and Commodore 64’s. I could code before I had hair on my balls, I was never a noob.

    HAHA, damn thats lucky of you. I was poor as hell growing up and didnt even have a computer in my home till I was almost out of it. Only had the APPLE II's at my H.S.(yeah that poor of a community).

    Its amazing to think of what kids are learning on today, probubbly dual-core cpu, couple gigs ram, 250gb+ harddirve.

    And they will think it was bad ass to learn on that stuff when THEIR kids start learning.

  8. grab the php code dump it on a pastebin that will hold it for a few weeks and post the think he someone who knows php should help you out.... I'll take a look but I know next to nothing about php.

    Just the php code strip the html for better reading

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