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  1. So I hacked my zipit a while ago and go everything working. I wanted to try out the SideTrack userland, but I'm having trouble getting it to boot. I have the bootloader screen when you turn on the zipit (the weird penguin thing) but I can't get it to go any further. I tried using ubuntu image writer under linux mint to write the img to my 4 gig micro sd card, but no luck. I also tried writing it under windows with Win32DiskImager, which didn't work, so then I tried again and expanded the ext3 partition to fill the entire disk like it's suggested to do on IronGeek's site to no avail. I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of me getting an image written correctly and not that I've somehow bricked my zipit right?
  2. So I just finished my latest project and thought I'd share. I call it Mental Note (see what I did there?) and it's basically turning a Star Wars Force Trainer into an instrument. You can check out the full writeup with video, pictures, and sound clips here: http://hscott.net/projects/mentalnote Let me know what you think!
  3. It would be cool to have a web based grooveshark downloader, but I found another one that works well. It's called Free Music Zilla. Basically it does some sniffing for mp3s and then grabs then and lets you download them. I just tested it out on grooveshark and it works great. It can't recover all of the metadata from the song, and you have to play like a second of each song on grooveshark to queue the download, but other than that it's awesome. My current instance of it is maybe 10 minutes old and its taking up about 12,500 K of memory. freemusiczilla.com
  4. whoops, found this thread in the hacks and mods section: http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15881
  5. I've been using Grooveshark (grooveshark.com) for a while now. I like it better than Pandora since it doesn't have any restrictions and you can listen to any song whenever you want. It's so convenient, which makes me think that the RIAA will probably shut it down in a few years. Anyway, I know some work has been done on saving music from Pandora. I know that you can always use a recording program to save any audio that passes through your speakers, but in the techniques I've seen for pandora, they download the actual file. My question is, can you do the same thing with Grooveshark? The only embedded thing I'm seeing in the page is something called "Grooveshark.mpeg" which is a little file that doesn't play on a regular media player. It's got some data in it, I just don't know how to get at it and see if it's interesting. So is there a program or technique already out there? Or do we have to come up with one?
  6. i got that too, but I tried it on my netbook and got a reply from
  7. got a login prompt for ftp://extrasecurityzone.com, does anyone want to start running hydra on it?
  8. haha yeah, VM was the first thing I did. Time to see how secure that domain is...
  9. yeah, i didn't know if doing it separately would help or not. Here's a thread I found that might be helpful : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=264614 Specifically, this step: you can use the command line text editor nano to edit those text files if the mouse still isn't working well. If this stuff doesn't work, then I'd suggest asking on the debian forums since they will be able to give you more specific help than I will.
  10. try: iwconfig eth1 essid TheNetworkName iwconfig eth1 key key_here ifconfig eth1 up dhclient3 eth1 or you could try to install wicd network manager with apt-get install wicd I haven't tried using wicd on the zipit yet, so i'm not sure if it'll work.
  11. it takes a bit. for me it did nothing, then blinked off, then I got the blank bootloader screen again, and then got the login prompt. see if the light on the front is blinking, that means that its reading from the card. total time from cold boot to login is maybe 30 seconds or something.
  12. http://www.filedropper.com/gspi8686 http://www.filedropper.com/gspi8686hlp
  13. I think as long as you successfully flashed the bootloader, you are still good. What's really happening (and anyone correct me if I'm wrong please) is that you are telling the Zipit to look on the miniSD card to boot from. It's kinda like a live CD (or booting off a flash drive). I've got all the files from my hack, are the ones you need gpsi8686.bin and gspi8686_hlp.bin?
  14. You sure can, I just did. I went from stock Zipit to hacked Zipit in an afternoon and got ssh, vlc media player, and a couple other things on there. If you do hack it, I suggest using a 2gig microSD card and only using the 1 gig image. The actual data is exactly the same, so with the 1 gig image I still have tons of room to install stuff. I'm working on using TVersity to stream Hulu to the Zipit. Such a cool little device!
  15. Ok, I got that much working. Now my problem is that I need to only have 1 character at any time in the input field. The only way I can think of doing this is by having javascript keep everything in the box always selected and making the maximum input length 1 so that when I type a new command, the old one gets overwritten (since it is selected). That way I don't have to use backspace or anything. So far I have only gotten as far as getting everything to select when you click in the box. I have this: input type="text" id="txt1" size="30" maxlength="1" onkeyup="showHint(this.value)" onFocus="this.select()" onBlur="this.select()" onClick="SelectAll('txt1');" value="Click here, then press a key"/> I have a couple different things going on in there to try to get it all selected (like the onFocus and the onBlur which don't work). Any idea how I could keep everything in that box permanently selected? Or is there a better way altogether to keep a single character in the box?
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