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Posts posted by H@L0_F00

  1. I wasn't trying to sound like a jerk, if that's how it came off. I was truly just wondering why you hadn't fired it up yourself.

    I'll install it in a VM though and mess around with it...

    Hopefully I'll learn more about Linux in the process :)

  2. it says it will be released in 2011

    Great. More "Is it out yet?" and "When is it going to be released?" posts to wade through. :rolleyes:

    Is it out yet?


  3. I confess... I was given a Teensy, and have done absolutely nothing with it... I would like to start and contribute what little I can, but I want to understand what all is going on. I HATE not understanding things... I want to work in C because I've dabbled in C, but never really got into it because I wasn't good enough to code anything useful... With the Teensy though, I will have good reason to practice C (which is how I'll begin to remember the different things and advance in general). I've been looking over various source code files, header files, and even makefiles in an attempt to understand it better, but I've not really gotten anywhere. I KNOW I will have many questions while developing, so I've made this post where I can keep all my questions as they arise. For now, I would appreciate it if somebody could explain to me, line-by-line where possible, what this snippet does:

    // Teensy 2.0: LED is active high
    #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) || defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__)
    #define LED_ON        (PORTD |= (1<<6))
    #define LED_OFF        (PORTD &= ~(1<<6))
    // Teensy 1.0: LED is active low
    #define LED_ON    (PORTD &= ~(1<<6))
    #define LED_OFF    (PORTD |= (1<<6))
    #define LED_CONFIG    (DDRD |= (1<<6))
    #define CPU_PRESCALE(n)    (CLKPR = 0x80, CLKPR = (n))
    #define DIT 80        /* unit time for morse code */
    void morse_character(char c);
    void morse_P(const char *s);
    const unsigned char morse_code_table[];
    int main(void)
        unsigned char i;
        // set for 16 MHz clock, and make sure the LED is off

    I don't understand the definitions and how they work exactly, for one, and I also don't understand how a definition can be called as a... declaration, I guess?

    I also read somewhere about a dev channel on IRC, but I can no longer find it. If somebody could point me to it, I'd appreciate it.


  4. According to this forum post, it will only boot as USB1.1 and can take a while (up to 3 minutes, evidently). Have you ever just left the computer running for a while to see if it eventually does boot? You might also want to take a look at PLoP.

  5. You might not actually own it. Quite a few ISPs "rent/loan" out the modems they install. If you didn't buy it from a store/internet/whatever, I'd call your ISP up and ask them if it's actually yours. Tell them you're thinking about upgrading or that you're thinking about moving and want to know if you can sell it/take it with you. Telling them you plan on voiding the warranty might raise some red flags.

  6. Have you used Acronis at all? And if so what is your experience with this in comparison to CloneZilla?

    I have been using DriveSnapSHot for years with no issues other than having to create a WIN boot CD in order to run it from a USB stick, which was not impossible it just turned out to be a pain as the boot system I was using (I believe BART) placed the files in a RAM drive and the drive was different every time so I had to go digging to find it.

    I have started testing Acronis and it will create a boot USB or ISO of itself, and it boots fast compared to my other CD. Acronis offers the ability to clone a drive to another or image/restore a partition and allows the ability to pull a single file out of the archive. I am hoping that Acronis allows for some scripting or command lines so I can create a boot USB that will load and restore a particular image to a particular drive and then power down or reboot the system so I can perform a restore without having to touch a key.

    In case anyone is unaware of this: It seems that Western Digital and Seagate drives include or have available a free version of Acronis that when operated from a USB show as full versions.

    I used Acronis once, when I bought a new hdd for my laptop. I only performed a direct drive-to-drive image though, so I'm not too familiar with it. I've used Clonezilla a few times, and it's always been up to par. Like I said though, the main reason I like it is because no time/space is wasted imaging the unused blocks on the drive.

  7. I'm not sure if you would be able to copy all of the files for the persistent system into its own folder, but you can try. If not, you can of course just keep all of the files/folders on the root of the drive and essentially all you would have to do is modify the syslinux config options to make them work with GRUB4DOS in your menu.lst, which is almost effortless (just take a look at the files in the syslinux directory and you can figure out what you need to put in your menu.lst).

    If you have multiple OSes that use the casper squashfs filesystem, you may want to take a look at this.

  8. I think this is really simple, burning it to CD so it's bootable. But for the life of me, I can't work out how to do it with Kon-Boot. The ISO won't burn the normal way and Windows won't open it.


    The image may look blank/empty in whatever software you're using, but it's not.

    Just burn it, boot from it, and see what happens.

  9. WinSCP does both SCP and SFTP. I would just use that to reach your destination, no need for tunnels being set up to handle ftp over ssh.

    But I would think he NEEDS a tunnel, because Server B isn't open to the public. If I'm wrong, please elaborate.

  10. Just setup a dynamic SOCKS proxy between your PC and Server A and then change the Filezilla settings to use the localhost proxy you created.

  11. You are probably going to end up implementing SSH or VPN in one way or another.

    There are quite a few Java SSH clients that you could probably pre-configure.

    KiTTY is a great way to distribute a pre-configured SSH client for Windows users.

    A quick google seems to show that creating a VPN using ONLY Java isn't possible, although I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong.

    Another problem with VPN is the user will have to have admin privileges.

  12. Take an inventory of all of your things before the first meetup and after every subsequent meetup.

    I'm not saying all people steal, but it wouldn't hurt.

  13. @VaKo... Guess I never thought about it that way. The reason why I never gave it a thought is just that no one that I know use Yahoo anymore, but you do have a good point there. Heck I wish Yahoo would come back (I always like rooting for the underdog :P)

    Can anybody find VaKo's post?

    A good thing about other search engines staying in the game, or at least trying to, is the competition they bring. Without competition, Google would not be what it is today.

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