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Posts posted by ssmithisme

  1. Weed should be legal before alchohol.

    Weed = peaceful

    Drunk = often disruptive and crazy

    Not to mention all the other great things hemp provides

    100% agreed.

    When I get a house the first thing I will do is invest in solar panels. The initial cost is great but in the long run its extremely cheap.

    ..and wouldn't a hydrogen car be a bad thing. You could blow your ass up. Personally I think we should use solar/wind powered cars.

    Solar to start, and then to get up to highway speeds you would utilize wind energy from air blowing over the car.

  2. If the people at the pirate bay are certain that this a good idea. Then they must have a good plan.

    At this moment in time I have no reason to dis-trust GGF.

    I am confident that this a good choice. People should not be hating this decision solely because of the decision.

  3. Well from here on out, I am not going to comment on all of this with the major point of global warming and pollution, but I will have to add something about Glen Beck...

    I used to be a big fan of him till I noticed something that took me awhile to put together. He jumps on whatever Rush Limbaugh was talking about the day before (or if it's breaking news that he knows Rush will cover then he will cover it that morning), and then BLOW it right out of proportion. There are Bullshitters on the Right too, not just the left.

    Just remember what the tagline for the show is "A fusion of entertainment and enlightenment" It says nothing about truth.

    BTW this does not mean I am swaying my opinion. I am just stating that just because he is a more republican than a democratic person, does not mean he is right. And we all know Rush Limbaugh is a money feeding hose hooked to a shitbag hooked up to a microphone (and obviously the extreme right is the one feeding him all the money)


  4. Society has to realize that in order to sustain our way of life we are goign to have to start recycling things, conserving natural resources and inventing new ways to keep us moving. Alternative, sustainable, clean energy is just part of the picture. Anything that helps reduce city smog and clean the air around us is a good thing, so why people would fight against this is just crasy to me. Even if it costs us a little more from the get go, until we have the science and technology to mass produce cheap, cost effective and sustainable clean energy, we are only going to pay for it one way or another, and I'd rather do it with the sense that its for our future, and not for the pockets of the oil companies and their stock holders who don't give a damn about the environment so long as their portfolio makes them money.

    I think its fairy evident during my life, that I can surely tell that something in the environment around me has changed. Wether its "global warming" on the level of Al Gore and his warnings, paranoia by the media, or truly a problem of epic proportiosn, I truly beleive we as humans have directly caused harm to the environment that will not ever be corrected unless we work torwards cleaner technology as a whole. Its so obvious to see there is a problem with the waste and polution, its not even a debate abotu global warming, but an eye opener that we have killed ourselves in the process of ignoring what we do to the earth. Man will not have a chance to kill each otehr in war, because we will exhaust all our natural resources, kill off the food supply, and poison all our life supporting nutrients and agriculture.

    Why are so many people around the world working to conserve and protect these reosurces if there isn't a real problem? Why is it you can't catch and eat fish without mercury poisoning, and the worry of flame retadants in womens breast milk from seafood? Why is it that we have to add nutrients to the soil when growing food? We have depleted our life supporting nutrients, and its been proven that the food we eat today contains less and less of the important nutrients that food contained over the last century. From pesticides to fertilizers that cause rain runoff killing the surrounding vegitation and local animals, poisened by toxic cocktails of agriculture waste and over farming, over expansion and clear cutting, we need to think about who the real endangerd species are, because we will be on that list one day. Its not a matter of if, but when, if we don't correct our wastefull and harmfull ways to the very things that keep us alive. It may not happen 10 years from now, or 50 years from now, but its goign down that road and I can see it in the area I grew up in. The air quality has gone down, the land has become barren and dried from erosion, less and less fields and trees, and more concrete and pavement.

    Even the food does not taste the same as it used to so we have switched to all organics, which once you switch for a few weeks and then go back, you will notice a HUGE difference in both the taste and the way you feel after eating it. Sure, it costs a bit more, but I feel better giving my kids healthier foods free of hormones and pesticides and other cancer causing agents.

    If we spent half as much time working on cleaner alternative technologies as we did drilling for oil and hiking energy prices, we would all be profitable in a more responsible direction, where more people could get behind these technologies to invest in an alternative that is both a good purchase for their dollar, but good for the longevity of life down the road and the environment around us.

    Excellent! There is no logic in politics, arguing is not helping anything. We need to use the environment is a efficient way, as i said before. There is WAY too many man made products. We as humans are extremely wasteful and are indeed going to cause catastrophic harm to the planet.

    But as far the the immediate problem of global warming I believe that it is a natural phase of the earth. There have been other hot periods in time. The immediate panic, has been caused by media, and people not grasping the concept that the earth moves.

    Once again, I am not saying that we are not hurting the planet, because we are. We need to fix this. Citizens, Corporation and Governments/ Society as a whole needs to put a stop to wasteful ways.

    We should be investing and researching more efficient cleaner technologies, we have the ability to accomplish many amazing feats. But politics isnt going to help. We NEED logic.


    And the corporations need to stop being greedy. And create cheaper cleaner and more efficient tech.

  5. Everything we need is natural, From cures to diseases to the way we build our homes. There is too much man made materials. We need to properly harvest the land and use what we have. You may find a perfect example of what I mean if you look back in time before the world was fucked. Native Americans harvested the land and didnt waste a thing.

    I have many beleifs on how things should be done one thing being, my save the tree's argument usually goes something like , instead of wood and cotton..etc we can use Hemp. Hemp is

    stronger, cheaper and can be grown in great abundance. And it has many many uses.

    Cannabis Sativa literally translated mean "useful hemp"

    If you use resources correctly the earth has a balance which will stay.


    Also, I am a firm believer that temperature changes are a natural occurrence. There have been cold periods in time, and there have been warm periods. Its the way the poles move.

  6. Seshan my whole point was that if they kept the road system we have and tried to integrate it there would be problems, and if we overhauled the current working system because of a false belief in the bull shit that is global warming (read some of the quotes, I believe Zimmer has in his sig) it shows people who thought we would freeze to death by NOW!!! Now it is the reverse where going to die of heatstroke, it is bull shit, so takes you head out of the sand and actually relize that your feel good because you think your helping the environment attitude is bull shit!

    I agree, Global Warming is bullshit and Al Gore is a wingnut who thinks he invented the internet.

    "Go-Green" has become nothing more than a marketing scam.

    We are an incredibly wasteful society and this needs to be changed. Our resources NEED to be better used. Not for the planet. But for the people. Society would be alot happier if we didnt have this shit.

  7. I got Shannon's back on this one. I think she merely found the way the OP spoke to be entertaining. Laughing to one self isn't "being mean to new comers" at all, just pointing out she was entertained by the post.

    Ease up nerds. :lol:

    EDIT: This made me smile :)

    I find myself doing that sometimes! Glad im not the only one!

    Just to add another person to the list, I do this as well.

  8. I did go overboard with the price of Mac.

    Personally I have Anti-Copyright beliefs and I really dont like Microsoft much. Apple is a little better than microsoft but I tend to have alot of fuss and issues with their software. The hardware i think is overpriced too. I accually felt compelled to get a mac pro, and found that i could build a machine just as good or better for a way cheaper price than what apple wanted. I do feel that Mac OS is to limiting. I think it would be a relatively good OS if it was friendly for power-users. Also if it supported more hardware. I geuss the main reason I dont like Apple is because of the "Our stuff works on our stuff" thing they got going on.

  9. Just got Opensolaris installed. Runs Pretty well.

    I have a question though.

    How do i list filesystems?

    In ubuntu i can go "Fdisk -l" and it will list the filesystems but how can i get the equivilent of that in Solaris?

    I want to mount my EXT3 drives in solaris, whats the easiest way to do this?

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