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  1. oh... well that's the only way i guess...!!
  2. hmm.. are you trying to run command prompt as administrator if the there is a way... type "CMD" and the press ( Ctrl + Shift + Enter) and then you will get the prompted with "User Account Control dialog" to get ride of that in Vista press ( Alt + C) and ( Alt + Y ) for windows 7. I believe this is what exactly you want to do.
  3. hmm.. are you trying to run command prompt as administrator if the there is a way... type "CMD" and the press ( Ctrl + Shift + Enter) and then you will get the prompted with "User Account Control dialog" to get ride of that in Vista press ( Alt + C) and ( Alt + Y ) for windows 7. I believe this is what exactly you want to do.
  4. i was wondering what if we randomize the vendor name and product name.. after every use, using a huge list of all famous drive and yea... then possibilities of getting pwned is hard..
  5. ( Ctrl+Shift+F10 ) - const short MENU = 1307;
  6. according to this post ( http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/25.83.html#subj12 ) It identified itself on the USB chain as: Bus 003 Device 003: ID 05ac:020b Apple, Inc. Pro Keyboard [Mitsumi, A1048/US layout]
  7. its could be one of these chip... ( http://www.hexwax.com/products.aspx )
  8. Any tried.. "xPUD" its pretty cool.. http://xpud.org/index.en.html
  9. lil' update...to write.php * Smileys * BBCode //text to smileys =) $content = str_replace(":(","<img src=\"smileys/sad.gif\" alt=\":(\"/>", $content); $content = str_replace(":(","<img src=\"smileys/sad.gif\" alt=\":(\"/>", $content); $content = str_replace(";(","<img src=\"smileys/cry.gif\" alt=\";(\"/>", $content); $content = str_replace(":@","<img src=\"smileys/mad.gif\" alt=\":@\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":)","<img src=\"smileys/smile.gif\" alt=\":)\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace("=)","<img src=\"smileys/smile.gif\" alt=\"=)\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":D","<img src=\"smileys/laugh.gif\" alt=\":D\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":d","<img src=\"smileys/laugh.gif\" alt=\":d\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":p","<img src=\"smileys/tongue.gif\" alt=\":p\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":P","<img src=\"smileys/tongue.gif\" alt=\":P\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":O","<img src=\"smileys/shocked.gif\" alt=\":O\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":o","<img src=\"smileys/shocked.gif\" alt=\":o\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(";)","<img src=\"smileys/wink.gif\" alt=\";)\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":S","<img src=\"smileys/sick.gif\" alt=\":S\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":s","<img src=\"smileys/sick.gif\" alt=\":s\"/>", $content); $content = ereg_replace(":roll:","<img src=\"smileys/roll.gif\" alt=\":roll:\"/>", $content); //bbcode $content = str_replace("[B]", "<strong>", $content); $content = str_replace("[/B]", "</strong>", $content); $content = str_replace("[I]", "<em>", $content); $content = str_replace("[/I]", "</em>", $content); $content = str_replace("[U]", "<u>", $content); $content = str_replace("[/U]", "</u>", $content); $content = str_replace("[LI]", "<li>", $content); $content = str_replace("[/LI]", "</li>", $content);
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