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Everything posted by Zimmer

  1. Have you heard of insurance... you know from the private sector... they would have covered it (unless you bought el cheopo insurance and then it is your fault) :) Also the NHS payed for it... right... wait NO! taxes did... so really your mom you dad and every other tax payer payed for it Now to lighten the mood SMILEFACES!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
  2. Seashan if digip was correct shouldn't they only get hashes (why not just use javascript to hash it locally and just sned the hash over http (there was no SSL!!!!!!))... I am very disappointed in who ever decided to have no ssl!
  3. Heh luckilly the two there where my weak passwords... so my higher stuff is good. But WTF. where the passwords stored on a server or what. Has anyone hear of this thing called HASHING and SALT!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Do you want US Healthcare reform in the US... or where you live, if you don't have... Do you Like it OR Hate it Me? I hate it (I don't really think that is a suprise)
  5. IMHO way too much drug use, this stuff screws with you mind and body in ways that could be totally unknown, I don't know maybe I am to much of a tight wad but this is basically experimenting on you body, and it could cause damage that last forever.
  6. After a couple hours of being off of pandora (had to kill firefox and qt (Memory usage out of control http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1129/ri...moryusage.jpg)) and the url's I had from DownloadHelper still work they also all start with http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...6648&token= and what token = is always 87 characters also the token is the same for two urls then changes for the next two so on (I can NOT identify a pattern). Also from what I can find pandora does not use a user agent for the songs (the ones here and the one that are accessible once, because I used the iTunes Store User Agent (before I was doing some xml stuff with the iTMS)). Also DingleBerries have you gotten any progress (also care to explain python httpMonitor)?
  7. Well I have been looking at pandora (and a way to get the files directly no proxy) and I have found that the addon DownloadHelper (firefox) detects media (flvs) and at the end of each song (so far the first and second audio) it gives a url that contains the next audio (even though it ends in .flv) and it is plable using vlc directly (even after the song and it is a diffrent url for each audio) also DownloadHelper always detects several other flvs but these always have the title of the page (so Pandora Radio Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music). Enjoy
  8. h3%5kr3w would you say food it addictive? Food can be addictive. From Wikipedia The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive psychological dependence So addiction can be to anything it is a "excessive psychological dependence" so I guess Marijuana can be addictive (BTW I am not a doctor but think about it, you can become addicted to anything, it may not be like Heroin (where I believe it is a chemical addiction (I believe it replaces you bodies natural pain killers so you become dependent on that for pain relief I believe))) PLEASE CORRECT ME IF YOU THINK I AM WRONG this is hardly a founded fact just a view and my thought process.
  9. Um legal marijuana might not be so good when driving especially (also see California's experience with legalization and soon to be Michigan's problems) From About.com * Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) * Problems with memory and learning * Loss of coordination * Trouble with thinking and problem-solving * Increased heart rate, reduced blood pressure Sometimes marijuana use can also produce anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic. Marijuana legalized I think should go under the same rules as alcohol (so drinking driving etc is illegal), then again I don't think marijuana should be legalized at all (do to its effects and addictiveness etc)
  10. Great post (a couple back) h3%5kr3w. I guess I state something that has always been central to all of this enviment stuff etc. In my opinion the goverment should not be the one regulating the envimental controls etc so much. Before both the Great Depresion and the World Wars I and II the goverment was not so involved with all this "stuff", the goverments job was to protect the people etc (so police, fire,ambulance) and that was it, then the Great Depression came and the goverment got involved. The goverment needs to go back to the documents that shaped our nation The Decleration of Independance, Bill of Rights etc. That is it, there is no reason for the goverment to get so damn involved, that is what is wonderful about the free market and capatilism it regulates itself if now one interfiers if a company is doing a shity job they either go out of business or do a better job. Also the enviroment has gotton better without cap and trade and it will continue, there is no reason for this or any other bill, it improves itself. Of course I am talking about the US (Europe is so far away from this, is is ridiculous) because I live there and it was the topic thread.
  11. On your point about China etc being dirty polutioners we would not have a problem if everyone was at the level of pollution as the US but the US is considered to be dirty because there is this thing... it is called wind and it spreads the pollution around and the US is near Mexico, South America, China, and the rest of West (or East) Asia. As for those blog postings I am quoting and linking to them because they show a difference of opinion and reason. Here is a pdf (html-google.com) Also developing countries will not be harmed by stop using coal, but there is not a need to force it sense air quality IS GETTING BETTER. Forest ARE GETTING BETTER Also for a view on the orignal topic on Cap and Trade see http://www.globalwarminghoax.com/comment.p...omment.news.115 Of course the link show that those behind it are against global warming but where else can I get info that is against global bullshit then... well a site that is against it :)
  12. Um Vako do do you forget bob_s original thread topic was a US law. Yes I do find it said that we are shipping jobs elsewhere but in my opinion that is because of unions, we can't afford labor prices to compete with other places.
  13. Here is another article against global warming Oh and for the horable act of deforestation Also here is a link on overfishing http://www.fishnet-usa.com/then_now.html ^To long to quote
  14. whedgit the code in your example (it was more of a "stab" at evolution than a real question) :) Vako Entropy??? Entropy - Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. so Nothing deteriorates :)
  15. DarkBlueBox whoever gives the services installs it of you do it your self (it isn't that hard) or that has been my experience in the US.
  16. whedgit ok with that comparison, how did it come from nothing?
  17. That can be attributed to those pro global warming as well using the leverage from fear to get what they want, power and money Give me the scientists that say that. is it the earth that can't handle it or those who want Florida to stay the same heat, and the politicians and scientist who want there money and power... There have been times that the earth has been wormer and even if it is happening faster now (evidence? Computer Models that have the Greenhouse Gas 10 fold of the real measure). People and the earth have handle the heat before it is just those who don't want change on them but on others that like global warming (politicians and scientist want to keep money and power to stay the same NO change, eviromentalist want to keep power).
  18. Seshan I did not believe the swine flu bull shit for a second, just like global warming. Um Vako Global warming is bullshit and the link I gave you was a BRITISH study, also that is a problem with the left they just say your a moron because you have a different view instead if presenting tangible evidence. Obama's EPA just shot down a 98 page report about the lies of global warming, not because of science, but just saying basically that they where morons. Vako I don't understand how you can believe in global warming please watch the Youtube playlist I link to above it will show you that global warming is just a power and money drive, power for politicians and evirometalist (power to control your life) and money for scientist (to get funding for what they want to study) they show that in the link above. Of course you are to closed minded. So who is the real moron, the one willing to debate and look at the issue or the one of blind belief calling all others morons? Also what is wrong with debating evolution, if your side is so strong and logical, the only thing debate will bring is more people coming to your side.
  19. digip you still lable it as dirty but it isn't. Also in supply and demand if supply is to low to feed the demand prices go UP
  20. Almost done watching the videos and the global warming theory just makes me laugh, it is hilarity. More videos, diffrent series there was a video before this but it was removed! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
  21. I was trying to remember a point, I now have... We are the ones polluting the US and the big cars etc... but Mexico South America, India, China, Japan, Asia are much worse, and the pollution spreads we are not nearly as bad it isn't are so called bad habits it is pollution from those places not us!
  22. Ok here is a youtube playlist with all 8 parts of the series, it is so good I am downloading it :) http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=EA20B42EAE54782A
  23. Vako I have been checking out the website a little more sense bob_s posted about the dates and there is nothing critical or global warming it seems it is just a biased agenda driven based website for global warming Your words put it best so stop complaining that I have a biased agenda (saving money, horable I know) and then give me a link that is biased (IMO more than me I am fine with improving resource usage etc as long as it follows logical points not pushed by a bunch of bull shit).
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