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About jjd

  • Birthday 01/01/1985

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  1. Ive seen very few Mac payloads so I figured I would give it a try. Uses a HID/Storage Attack to create a system profile including the following information: Terminal history. Current clipboard contents. List of users on the system. ifconfig data. Systems WAN IP. All login items set to start up with the system. List of installed Applications from /Applications. pull request #195 https://github.com/jdetmold/bashbunny-payloads/tree/master/payloads/library/recon/MacProfiler
  2. i updated with my mac no issue
  3. I have tried on two systems both mac's and since 1.1 using ATTACKMODE ECM_ETHERNET the target does not get a dhcp ip it ends up with a self assigned. seems to work fine on windows systems with NRDIS. Can anyone else test and see if they get the same thing?
  4. not sure if you mean me, but after doing a factory reset mine started working normally, not sure what was screwed up with it the first time
  5. you will have issues if you pick an ip range that the client or pi connect to on wireless so i just picked one I'm not likely to run into
  6. Sure, I have only ever done this with a zero w. of course the ip range is just what I selected randomly you can adjust them as need be just keep in mind if you set it to something on the same network as your wifi or the clients network you will have issues. first install dhcp apt-get install isc-dhcp-server set the dhcp option /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf ddns-update-style none; authoritative; log-facility local7; subnet netmask { range; option routers; option broadcast-address; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; option domain-name "local"; } tell the dhcp server to apply to the usb0 interface /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server DHCPD_CONF=/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf DHCPD_PID=/var/run/dhcpd.pid INTERFACES="usb0" set the usb0 interface to have a static ip /etc/network/interfaces add auto usb0 # or allow-hotplug usb0 iface usb0 inet static address netmask network broadcast # gateway then sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart if theres any issues with your config files it will give you two commands you can run for more info. after plugging the pi in again it may take a moment before the dhcp server comes up (pi boots much slower than bashbunny) and hands an ip to your client so give it a moment my system gets a self assigned ip then the pi gives it one but you may have to renew the ip if it does not get one quickly enough. this should have you up and running. it will not get internet over usb with these setting, for my use i wanted internet over wifi and pi access over usb... or cellphone access over wifi and computer access over usb.... let me know if this works for you!
  7. this one worked for me the down side is there is no dhcp server by default so although it does seem to work you need to wait a long time after plugging it in. To install a dhcp apt-get install isc-dhcp-server then set a static ip for the usb0 interface, and configure your /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf & /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server if you need more details on configs just let me know.
  8. Perhaps? I'm located in Canada (not French Canada) and windows is setup with us eng keyboard I assume that's the default for the bunny as well?
  9. ok now im pulling my hair out! I cant get this to work! I found your thread when searching for how to escape special char, but it seem to not work for me. copying your code Q STRING \$Bunny \= \(gwmi win32_volume -f \'label\=\'\'BashBunny\'\'\' \| Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter\) in my bunny outputs this to notepad $Bunny = (gwmi win32_volume -f <label=<<BashBunny<<< ~ Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter) with the code I was working on before finding your post this STRING '$a = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Filter "Label='BashBunny'" | select -expand Name' outputs $a = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Filter @Label=BashBunny@ ~ select -expand Name this is what made me realize that i needed to escape them and in that your code does not work explains why most things that use hid don't seem to work for me..... and... I have no idea why....
  10. I am testing with the ANT500. Tomorrow I will try to receive from my hand held ham radio and see if the hackrf also sees images of that 10mhz higher. I'm assuming it will since it seems to have an image of every "high powered" broadcast again. Even random noise. My spectrum is just the same things repeated every 10mhz (when hackrf bandwidth is set to 10000000)
  11. I have figured out that the position of the phantom frequencies are based on my sample rate. If I set it to to then 106.1 shows up again at 116.1. If the sample rate is set to 16 then 101.1 show so again at 122.1. Still have not been able to receive anything but broadcast fm. But I have found repeating "noise" throughout all bands again repeating based on sample rate
  12. It is running firmware 2014.08.1 looks to be the latest release. Any other ideas?
  13. So I just got my HackRf One, and testing it with sdr#, I have tried both the current install as well as nightly builds. first off I noticed it shows up as a jawbreaker (is this expected?). when checking out broadcast fm stations everything appears to be backwards... so 107.1mhz is found around 93mhz until I select Swap I&Q (expected?) after clicking swap fm broadcast stations appear to be where I would expect however 103.1mhz for example shows up at 103.1mhz but also at 119.1mhz... this seems.... odd, I find nothing in the air band from the local airport although it is very near (my handheld scanner picks up the tower without an antenna attached). Did i miss something altogether? or is it a hardware issue? any help would be great! I am new to sdr have played with rtl dongles a bit but nothing like hackrf -jeff
  14. Nope this sounds like the same issue I am having and try as I might I can't figure it out. With so few people reporting it I am honestly starting to wonder if it could be a hardware issue with a few devices (although I hope not). I did notice Darren's speed in the last video I would be thrilled with even 7mbps! At least that would be useable, as is there's no way I could use the device in a real world test.
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