RandomClown Posted July 13, 2008 Share Posted July 13, 2008 ==================== INTRODUCTION: -------------------- OYFG I thought this would be quick to write, but this one part is impossible to figure out! I have been looking at this thing for hours!! [yes, really been hours!!] I reinstall some games in my Orange Box a lot, so instead of redownloading them, I am throwing them on to DVDs. I RARed the game contents & was making a batch to extract only the games I want to play. Also if my friends wants a copy of the DVDs, then he can also access his/her games too. [must have a steam account with the games already purchased for the contents to work] ==================== BATCH "Auto-Extract.bat": -------------------- I am stuck at the "Queue" part. It will NOT recognize "QueueBatchCall.bat" in my test ISO or my now wasted test DVDs. [note, if your testing it, you can also throw that file on to any HDD/Thumb-Drive root] ==================== LOCATION OF PROBLEM: -------------------- Around here & after set Tag=QueueBatchCall.bat set Drive= if exist A:\%Tag% set Drive=A if "%Drive%" == "A" ( goto QueueBatchCall ... ==================== WHATS WRONG: -------------------- I think: set Tag=QueueBatchCall.bat sets %Tag% if exist R:\%Tag% set Drive=R sees the file but if exist R:\%Tag% set Drive=R cant find it. ==================== EXTRA INFO: -------------------- I uploaded the files in a ZIP. Please help me, someone! My brain hurts & Im gonna go crazy! Thanks PS: If someone was looking for the attachment right after I posted, it wasnt there because vista wouldnt let me upload. It was crashing, so I got on XP to upload. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RandomClown Posted July 13, 2008 Author Share Posted July 13, 2008 I thought I made the next post already! Nevermind, not allowed. The archive contents can be replaced with a blank text file for testing. DVD 1: RAR.exe Auto-Extract.bat Counter-Strike Source.rar Episode 1-2 Shared.rar Episodic Shared.rar Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.rar Half-Life 2 Episode 1.rar Half-Life 2 Episode 2.rar Half-Life 2 Lost Coast.rar Half-Life 2.rar DVD 2: RAR.exe Auto-Extract.bat ExtractBatchCall.bat QueueBatchCall.bat Garry's Mod.rar Portal.rar Source Engine.rar Source SDK.rar Team Fortress 2.rar DVD 1: Auto-Extract.bat set Drive= set BatchCall=1 @echo off title Auto-Extract Steam Contents :SetDir set dir=C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps cls color 0f echo. echo. echo. echo Type in the directory. Default is %dir% echo when no directory is chosen. echo. echo Note: echo "Right Click" and click "Paste" to paste a directory you copied, echo "Ctrl + V" will NOT work. echo. echo. echo. set /p dir= Directory: if "%dir%" == "" ( set dir=%userprofile%\Desktop ) :verify cls echo. echo. echo. echo Directory: "%dir%\" echo. echo Is that right? echo. echo. echo. set /p q= Yes or No: if /i "%q%" == "Yes" ( goto Start ) if /i "%q%" == "No" ( goto SetDir ) cls echo. echo. echo. echo You wrote "%q%" echo. echo Answer not understood, make sure you only wrote Yes or No. echo. echo. echo. pause goto verify exit :Start set HL20S= set HL20= set HL21S= set HL21= set HL22S= set HL22= set HLDmS= set HLDm= set HL2LCS= set HL2LC= set CSSS= set CSS= set PortalS= set Portal= set GModS= set GMod= set TF2S= set TF2= set SSDKS= set SSDK= set SES= set SE= set OverWriteS= set OverWrite=-o- set QueueS= set Queue= :Choose1 cls echo Disk 1 echo. echo Type the number or letter to what options you echo want then press enter, one at a time. echo. echo. echo. echo %HL20S% 1 = Half-Life 2 echo. echo %HL21S% 2 = Half-Life 2 Episode 1 echo. echo %HL22S% 3 = Half-Life 2 Episode 2 echo. echo %HLDmS% 4 = Half-Life 2 Deathmatch echo. echo %HL2LCS% 5 = Half-Life 2 Lost Coast echo. echo %CSSS% 6 = Counter-Strike Source echo. echo. echo. echo %OverWriteS% O = Overwrite Existing Files echo. echo %QueueS% Q = Queue Disk 2 to extract immediatly after Disk 1; if "%Drive%" == "" ( echo Will NOT work with 1 DVD drive ) else ( echo Disk 2 previously found on "%Drive%" ) echo. echo OK = Start extracting echo. echo All = Select all games shown, 1-6 echo. echo X = Reset all, including whats in queue echo. echo. echo If you didnt know, echo SCROLL UP to see the beginning. echo. set /p opt= Choose: if /i "%opt%" == "1" ( set HL20S=X set HL20=RAR x "Half-Life 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "2" ( set HL21S=X set HL21=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Episode 1.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "3" ( set HL22S=X set HL22=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Episode 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "4" ( set HLDmS=X set HLDm=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "5" ( set HL2LCS=X set HL2LC=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Lost Coast.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "6" ( set CSSS=X set CSS=RAR x "Counter-Strike Source.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "OK" ( cls echo. echo. echo. echo Beginning extraction [if any]... echo. echo. %HL20% %HL21% %HL22% if "%HL21S%" == "X" ( if "%OverWriteS%" == "X" ( del /f /q "%dir%\episode 1 shared.gcf" set Episode1-2SharedDeleted=X ) if not exist "%dir%\episode 1 shared.gcf" RAR x "Episode 1-2 Shared.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" ) if "%HL22S%" == "X" ( if "%OverWriteS%" == "X" ( if "%Episode1-2SharedDeleted%" == "X" ( goto Episode1-2SharedDeletedAlready ) del /f /q "%dir%\episode 1 shared.gcf" :Episode1-2SharedDeletedAlready del /f /q "%dir%\episodic 2007 shared.gcf" ) if not exist "%dir%\episode 1 shared.gcf" RAR x "Episode 1-2 Shared.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" if not exist "%dir%\episodic 2007 shared.gcf" RAR x "Episodic Shared.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" ) %HLDm% %HL2LC% %CSS% %Queue% echo. echo. echo. if exist "%dir%\base source engine 2.gcf" goto NeedSE echo Done! You at least need the source engine to play the game. echo Press any key to exit, then insert the next disk. echo. pause > nul exit :NeedSE echo Done! Press any key to exit. echo. pause > nul exit ) if /i "%opt%" == "All" ( set HL20S=X set HL20=RAR x "Half-Life 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set HL21S=X set HL21=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Episode 1.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set HL22S=X set HL22=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Episode 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set HLDmS=X set HLDm=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set HL2LCS=X set HL2LC=RAR x "Half-Life 2 Lost Coast.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set CSSS=X set CSS=RAR x "Counter-Strike Source.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "X" ( goto Start ) if /i "%opt%" == "O" ( set OverWriteS=X set OverWrite=-o+ goto Choose1 ) if /i "%opt%" == "Q" ( cls echo. echo. echo. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo If you get an error message, click Continue. echo. echo. echo. set Tag=QueueBatchCall.bat set Drive= if exist A:\%Tag% set Drive=A if "%Drive%" == "A" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist B:\%Tag% set Drive=B if "%Drive%" == "B" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist C:\%Tag% set Drive=C if "%Drive%" == "C" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist D:\%Tag% set Drive=D if "%Drive%" == "D" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist E:\%Tag% set Drive=E if "%Drive%" == "E" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist F:\%Tag% set Drive=F if "%Drive%" == "F" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist G:\%Tag% set Drive=G if "%Drive%" == "G" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist H:\%Tag% set Drive=H if "%Drive%" == "H" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist I:\%Tag% set Drive=I if "%Drive%" == "I" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist J:\%Tag% set Drive=J if "%Drive%" == "J" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist K:\%Tag% set Drive=K if "%Drive%" == "K" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist L:\%Tag% set Drive=L if "%Drive%" == "L" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist M:\%Tag% set Drive=M if "%Drive%" == "M" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist N:\%Tag% set Drive=N if "%Drive%" == "N" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist O:\%Tag% set Drive=O if "%Drive%" == "O" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist P:\%Tag% set Drive=P if "%Drive%" == "P" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist Q:\%Tag% set Drive=Q if "%Drive%" == "Q" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist R:\%Tag% set Drive=R if "%Drive%" == "R" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist S:\%Tag% set Drive=S if "%Drive%" == "S" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist T:\%Tag% set Drive=T if "%Drive%" == "T" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist U:\%Tag% set Drive=U if "%Drive%" == "U" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist V:\%Tag% set Drive=V if "%Drive%" == "V" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist W:\%Tag% set Drive=W if "%Drive%" == "W" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist X:\%Tag% set Drive=X if "%Drive%" == "X" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist Y:\%Tag% set Drive=Y if "%Drive%" == "Y" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) if exist Z:\%Tag% set Drive=Z if "%Drive%" == "Z" ( goto QueueBatchCall ) cls echo. echo. echo. echo Disk 2 not found. Insert Disk 2 into another drive, DO NOT remove Disk 1. echo If you do not have another drive, you cant queue Disk 2. echo. set Drive= pause goto Choose1 :QueueBatchCall call "%Drive%:\QueueBatchCall.bat" cls echo. echo. echo. echo You just exited the queue. The settings remain until you clear them. echo Press any key to return to the main menu. echo. pause > nul goto Choose1 ) cls echo. echo. echo. echo Chose: %opt% echo. echo. echo. echo "%opt%" is not an option. echo. echo Check your spelling, did you add space by accident? echo. pause goto Choose1 exit DVD 2: Auto-Extract.bat @echo off title Auto-Extract Steam Contents :SetDir set dir=C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps cls color 0f echo. echo. echo. echo Type in the directory. Default is %dir% echo when no directory is chosen. echo. echo Note: echo "Right Click" and click "Paste" to paste a directory you copied, echo "Ctrl + V" will NOT work. echo. echo. echo. set /p dir= Directory: if "%dir%" == "" ( set dir=%userprofile%\Desktop ) :verify cls echo. echo. echo. echo Directory: "%dir%\" echo. echo Is that right? echo. echo. echo. set /p q= Yes or No: if /i "%q%" == "Yes" ( goto Start ) if /i "%q%" == "No" ( goto SetDir ) cls echo. echo. echo. echo You wrote "%q%" echo. echo Answer not understood, make sure you only wrote Yes or No. echo. echo. echo. pause goto verify exit :Start set PortalS= set Portal= set GModS= set GMod= set TF2S= set TF2= set SSDKS= set SSDK= set SES= set SE= set OverWriteS= set OverWrite=-o- :Choose cls echo Disk 2 echo. echo Type the number or letter to what options you echo want then press enter, one at a time. echo. echo. echo. echo %PortalS% 7 = Portal Scroll Up echo. echo %TF2S% 8 = Team Fortress 2 echo. echo %GModS% 9 = Garry's Mod echo. echo %SSDKS% 10 = Source Software Developement Kit echo. echo %SES% 11 = Source Engine echo. echo. echo. echo %OverWriteS% O = Overwrite Existing Files echo. echo OK = Start extracting echo. echo All = Select all applications shown, 7-11 echo. echo X = Reset echo. echo. echo. set /p opt= Choose: if /i "%opt%" == "7" ( set PortalS=X set Portal=RAR x "Portal.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose ) if /i "%opt%" == "8" ( set TF2S=X set TF2=RAR x "Team Fortress 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose ) if /i "%opt%" == "9" ( set GModS=X set GMod=RAR x "Garry's Mod.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose ) if /i "%opt%" == "10" ( set SSDKS=X set SSDK=RAR x "Source SDK.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose ) if /i "%opt%" == "11" ( set SES=X set SE=RAR x "Source Engine.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose ) if /i "%opt%" == "OK" ( cls echo. echo. echo. echo Beginning extraction [if any]... echo. echo. %Portal% %TF2% %GMod% %SSDK% %SE% echo. echo. echo. if exist "%dir%\base source engine 2.gcf" goto NeedSE echo Done! You at least need the source engine to play the game. echo You should extract the source engine now. Press any key to exit. echo. pause > nul exit :NeedSE echo Done! Press any key to exit. echo. pause > nul exit ) if /i "%opt%" == "All" ( set PortalS=X set Portal=RAR x "Portal.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set TF2S=X set TF2=RAR x "Team Fortress 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set GModS=X set GMod=RAR x "Garry's Mod.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set SSDKS=X set SSDK=RAR x "Source SDK.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set SES=X set SE=RAR x "Source Engine.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" goto Choose ) if /i "%opt%" == "X" ( goto Start ) if /i "%opt%" == "O" ( set OverWriteS=X set OverWrite=-o+ goto Choose ) cls echo. echo. echo. echo Chose: %opt% echo. echo. echo. echo "%opt%" is not an option. echo. echo Check your spelling, did you add space by accident? echo. pause goto Choose exit ExtractBatchCall.bat if "%BatchCall%" == "1" ( goto Pass ) exit :Pass :Choose2 cls echo Disk 2 echo. echo Type the number or letter to what options you echo want then press enter, one at a time. echo. echo. echo %PortalS% 7 = Portal echo. echo %TF2S% 8 = Team Fortress 2 echo. echo %GModS% 9 = Garry's Mod echo. echo %SSDKS% 10 = Source Software Developement Kit echo. echo %SES% 11 = Source Engine echo. echo. echo. echo OK = Go back to the main menu echo. echo All = Select all of this queue, 7-11 echo. echo X = Reset only this queue echo. echo. echo. set /p opt= Choose: if /i "%opt%" == "7" ( set PortalS=X set Portal=RAR x "Portal.rar" "%dir%\" set QueueS=X set Queue=call "%Drive%:\ExtractBatchCall.bat" goto Choose2 ) if /i "%opt%" == "8" ( set TF2S=X set TF2=RAR x "Team Fortress 2.rar" "%dir%\" set QueueS=X set Queue=call "%Drive%:\ExtractBatchCall.bat" goto Choose2 ) if /i "%opt%" == "9" ( set GModS=X set GMod=RAR x "Garry's Mod.rar" "%dir%\" set QueueS=X set Queue=call "%Drive%:\ExtractBatchCall.bat" goto Choose2 ) if /i "%opt%" == "10" ( set SSDKS=X set SSDK=RAR x "Source SDK.rar" "%dir%\" set QueueS=X set Queue=call "%Drive%:\ExtractBatchCall.bat" goto Choose2 ) if /i "%opt%" == "11" ( set SES=X set SE=RAR x "Source Engine.rar" "%dir%\" set QueueS=X set Queue=call "%Drive%:\ExtractBatchCall.bat" goto Choose2 ) if /i "%opt%" == "OK" ( exit ) if /i "%opt%" == "All" ( set PortalS=X set Portal=RAR x "Portal.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set TF2S=X set TF2=RAR x "Team Fortress 2.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set GModS=X set GMod=RAR x "Garry's Mod.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set SSDKS=X set SSDK=RAR x "Source SDK.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set SES=X set SE=RAR x "Source Engine.rar" %OverWrite% "%dir%\" set QueueS=X set Queue=call "%Drive%:\ExtractBatchCall.bat" goto Choose2 ) if /i "%opt%" == "X" ( set PortalS= set Portal= set GModS= set GMod= set TF2S= set TF2= set SSDKS= set SSDK= set SES= set SE= set QueueS= set Queue= goto Choose2 ) cls echo. echo. echo. echo Chose: %opt% echo. echo. echo. echo "%opt%" is not an option. echo. echo Check your spelling, did you add space by accident? echo. pause goto Choose2 exit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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