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Defrag batch file


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I was bored so I wrote this defrag script that will defrag all the volumes on your system. Enjoy!

@echo off


set logfile=c:defrag.log

set oldfiles=drives drives.log drives.txt new.txt newlist.txt final.txt

for %%i in (%oldfiles%) do if exist %%i (

del /q /f %%i > nul


if "%logfile%" == "" (

goto :no_log

) else ( goto :log



echo Defragger started at %time% on %date% by %username% on workstation %computername% > "%logfile%"

echo. >> "%logfile%"

echo. >> "%logfile%"

for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in ('reg query hklmsystemmounteddevices ^| findstr DosDevices') do (

echo %%i >> drives


for /f "tokens=3 delims=" %%i in (drives) do (

echo %%i >> drives.txt


for /f %%i in (drives.txt) do (

echo %%i: >> drives.log


sort drives.log >> new.txt

type new.txt | findstr "A" > nul

if errorlevel 0 for /f "tokens=1 skip=1" %%i in (new.txt) do echo %%i >> newlist.txt

for /f %%i in (newlist.txt) do fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%i | findstr "Fixed" >> final.txt

for %%i in (drives drives.log drives.txt new.txt newlist.txt final.txt) do attrib +h %%i

for /f %%i in (final.txt) do (

defrag -a %%i | findstr "should" > nul

if errorlevel 0 title Defragging %%i && echo Defragging %%i && defrag %%i >> "%logfile%"



echo Defrag on drive %%i completed at %time%


echo Defragger completed at %time% >> "%logfile%"

echo Defragger completed successfully

del /q /f drives > nul

del /q /f drives.txt > nul

del /q /f drives.log > nul

del /q /f new.txt > nul

del /q /f newlist.txt > nul

del /q /f final.txt > nul


echo Log file saved to %logfile%

echo Would you like to view the log file now? [y/n]

set /p choice=%1

if "%choice" == "y" notepad "%logfile%"

if "%choice%" == "yes" notepad "%logfile%"


goto :eof


for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in ('reg query hklmsystemmounteddevices ^| findstr DosDevices') do (

echo %%i >> drives


for /f "tokens=3 delims=" %%i in (drives) do (

echo %%i >> drives.txt


for /f %%i in (drives.txt) do (

echo %%i: >> drives.log


sort drives.log >> new.txt

type new.txt | findstr "A" > nul

if errorlevel 0 for /f "tokens=1 skip=1" %%i in (new.txt) do echo %%i >> newlist.txt

for /f %%i in (newlist.txt) do fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%i | findstr "Fixed" >> final.txt

for %%i in (drives drives.log drives.txt new.txt newlist.txt final.txt) do attrib +h %%i

for /f %%i in (final.txt) do (

defrag -a %%i | findstr "should" > nul

if errorlevel 0 title Defragging %%i && defrag -f %%i



echo Defrag on drive %%i completed at %time%


echo Defragger completed successfully

del /q /f drives > nul

del /q /f drives.txt > nul

del /q /f drives.log > nul

del /q /f new.txt > nul

del /q /f newlist.txt > nul

echo Press any key to close this window

pause > nul

goto :eof

::--------------[ EOF ]--------------::

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