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Hey. I was playing around with traceroute in linux and I am having problems with the UDP side of things. I first tried normal UDP tracerouting, and here are my results

daedalus@linux:~$ traceroute google.com

ctraceroute: Warning: google.com has multiple addresses; using

traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

 1  * * *

 2  * * *

 3  * * *

 4  * * *

 5  * * *

 6  * * *

 7  * * *

 8  * * *

 9  * * *

10  * * *

11  * * *

12  * * *

13  * * *

14  * * *

15  * * *

16  * * *

17  * * *

18  * * *

19  * * *

20  * * *

21  * jc-in-f99.google.com (  96.280 ms *

Seemed very strange, so I tried the ICMP windows-like options.

daedalus@linux:~$ traceroute -I google.com

traceroute: Warning: google.com has multiple addresses; using

traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

 1  * * *

 2  < this step works >  13.853 ms  13.447 ms  13.438 ms

 3  < as does this one >  15.445 ms  13.514 ms *

 4  te-9-4-ar01.aurora.co.denver.comcast.net (  16.687 ms  14.146 ms  20.078 ms

 5 (  14.210 ms  14.343 ms  17.315 ms

 6 (  15.829 ms  16.349 ms  16.821 ms

 7  tbr1013801.dvmco.ip.att.net (  42.655 ms  41.976 ms  41.116 ms

 8  tbr2-cl31.sffca.ip.att.net (  39.618 ms  39.392 ms  42.649 ms

 9  ggr3-ge90.sffca.ip.att.net (  38.219 ms  39.612 ms  37.818 ms

10  att-gw.sanfran.level3.net (  40.348 ms  40.684 ms  40.631 ms

11  ae-1-55.bbr1.SanJose1.Level3.net (  41.523 ms  45.727 ms  42.543 ms

12  as-3-0.bbr2.Washington1.Level3.net (  93.909 ms  88.618 ms  89.619 ms

13  ae-21-54.car1.Washington1.Level3.net (  254.379 ms ae-21-56.car1.Washington1.Level3.net (  90.171 ms ae-21-54.car1.Washington1.Level3.net (  140.029 ms

14  GOOGLE-INC.car1.Level3.net (  90.489 ms  93.916 ms  90.612 ms

15 (  95.703 ms (  102.134 ms (  95.495 ms

16 (  98.528 ms (  95.767 ms (  95.699 ms

17 (  102.050 ms (  99.972 ms (  102.520 ms

18  jc-in-f99.google.com (  110.628 ms *  96.815 ms

Looks fine. Does anyone have a clue why the UDP traceroute doesn't work?


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