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 and I was already a Tinkerer. My situation has been a very messed up one. I am a mother of half a dozen children and have been completely manipulated and messed with for over a year now since someone brought to my attention that the father of my children isn’t who he claims to be and isn’t doing what he says when he is supposed to be working. I had been so busy raising my children that I didn’t bother him much. He’d do as he pleased. But when the little one grew up to the point she no longer was my sidekick, I was able to focus a little more on him and I. For the past year I have met this man and I have known him for over half my life and spent 12 of those years with him! I have gone to every company involved, two the locals, had the locals knocking at my door, been to a few tech places, called many, and still have yet to find someone willing to take this on. Detectives said I have to personally witness certain events or find someone who knows this stuff professionally to also help walk them through it to be able to take steps forward. I have been mentally and emotionally abused hardcore over all this for the past year. The story is VERY LENGTHY and disturbing. I will try to give out main events in hopes that someone can help me piece this together so my children and I can move on but I have to have backup. I have been open ended threatened if I attempt to leave. I am touched when he knows I do not want touched to the point it is hurting my 11 year old son to see. The things and manipulation that has taken place is from within my home and the neighbor’s (my 74 year old father in law. After I got two anonymous people using texting apps telling me that the father of my children is a no good man, I grabbed the MacBooks which he and his teenage son basically used with all others just using them when needed. All I wanted was to prove these strangers (?) wrong. But that isn’t what took place. I started to see things about our devices and checking into the software and apps that had been downloaded to the Macs. My accounts were getting alerts someone was attempting to get into them. My mini ipad was locked from too many attempts to get in with only his two older children home. I never thought a thang about leaving all of my things laying around. Including my password book. My HP Envy (Windows 10) started blocking me from things saying I needed to contact my administrator. I should have been the only administrator seeing as this was my personal computer and no one else used it. I noticed on the MacBook that there was a Midland frequency chart on the desk top. I saw how long a certain date things in the MacBook or reconfigured things were downloaded and there’s a lot of it. I first took the Apple things into the imechanic here, and was told since the computers were mainly his that all they could tell me is, there was nothing malicious on them, and the things that were taking place were from within my home. So then the boy got his things taken away for a little while for multiple reasons, but I took the chance to try to look over some things, he started to freak a bit. I found that he had been listening in with his AirPods using the live listen and tested it out myself pretty cool.  The children start noticing the oldest son grabbing the dad’s phone off the charger and when no one‘s around I walked up on him grabbing his phone once tried to tell his dad he said he wasn’t and then that’s when I started to be attacked by their dad.  He takes the teenage boys were over mine and then bashes me for trying to tell him the boys done some things wrong. I mean he verbally beats me down and in front of the children and then turns around and offers to take them to Chuck E. Cheese has been very disturbing. I don’t understand why one wouldn’t want to check in on the things that have taken place instead of putting down and bullion  a wife and a mother that has been dedicated to her family and children for over a decade and two of those children are not mine yet they are I have dedicated my life to them, but the boy, without all his other things started to walk around and sleep with our weather radio  Like it was a boombox. When I later found it, it was tuned in to the station in my van I use for my Bluetooth adapter. I do love this stuff by the way and it would be awesome. If it weren’t happening to myself, I have had to teach myself every bit of what I know now  and I was already a Tinkerer. I had no idea of the things that were a possibility for everyone these days. Just copy and paste codes for whatever you want and you can do everything. I’ve used a lot of resources. I’ve gone to a lot of people and still have yet to get this resolved in a decent manner. Father claims he knows nothing about computers and all of this yet a lot of it is in his name, and the small business name that was in my name. He also has claimed to be a super Christian. You know the scary type now the type that walks around talking a certain way, but inside this home is someone else you know he says looking at other women with lust is adultery, but that’s not what I’m seeing on the computers and that’s not what strangers are telling me. at this point I’m concerned he may need a straight jacket. He has been reminding me a bit of Chris Watts. I have been scared and I cannot find anybody to help me at this point. I know there has been mobile device management on our things through our net work, I have had my phone send a message I had sent from his phone to my own right back to him without me touching it. On his phone, my favorites were there all of my crafts. All of my recipe is all of it was mine, nothing of his, and he acted as if phones are crazy and do the craziest things.  we do not share Apple IDs we do not have family share. I did not share music. I didn’t share anything with him or his son. On his sons phone, I found an app that looks a little strange, and I do believe that it was some thing that he had created but underneath it was his dad’s files and photos. So I head to the main Apple headquarters here and see if they can tell me anything if he’s cloning phones or what’s going on. I read with my father-in-law because he was getting concerned at that point. And on the way there he asks if I will help him with the navigation system and his phone. When I got onto his phone, I saw apps that I knew were not his and realized the boy had been putting them on there. At least, I think it’s the boy, there was an app called AweSun It is to remotely access devices, and it was being signed in as security @ Apple. There is a lot to the story and I am willing to share with anyone that’s willing to listen and try to help that knows this stuff. I know that Alexa and Siri having used. I know that Microsoft Intune MAM has been used. I know that there are multiple developer accounts, there has been manipulation of most of the devices in this house. All the companies tell me after they get a load of all this, that I need to erase all of my devices and go to law. I refuse to erase them. I will not do so until I find out what all has been done and what I need to do with these guys here and if one if not both need some real help. I started to track an IP address that was trying to get into the MacBook multiple different ways, I used a site I like the results came back with a cache history and a decently lengthy one of child pornography. With the dates and the times of over 200 views asking if I wanted to hide it. I do not know everything,I have been wrong throughout this. I love learning this I love doing this again like I said, I would really be into this if it weren’t myself and my children but I told the dad of this and again I got attacked. He didn’t check into it he still hasn’t put any kind of guidance on his son, and he still puts me down over these things like I’m crazy, like something is terribly wrong with me. But I am quite intelligent, and this is very scary with him, telling me that he will do whatever means necessary to prevent me from making him leave or us leaving. I thought the law would have my back, but they understand none of this, and are no help at all. The state said for the big guys typically do you have to be out $30k before they will take the case. And with Xfinity, Apple, AT&T, Microsoft, and all the others. I called telling me that I need to go to them, and never helping me themselves has literally left me with no one. It’s hard when all you have is a bunch of numbers and someone who refuses to stand by you. I’m concerned about the reason he will not. It’s very scary, but I have a lot more events and a lot of other things that have taken place that I am willing to share if someone could possibly tell me what all has been done and how. Or at least I can offer up what I think and then someone can tell me where I am wrong but I have to have some solid here because I’m gonna need help to remove every bit of this. But I need to know if it’s the man or if it’s the boy. And if one of them has a very very dark side to them. I have four daughters, and after all that I have seen, I am concerned that the boy has allowed others that play on his Xbox one with him every day all day into our network and devices and they’ve watched me and my girls possibly even my friends and their teenage daughters that have came here and hooked into our network. If anybody takes the time to read this and is willing to take some more time to help me, I’m looking for a hero.

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First of all, nix that password book NOW. Change all your passwords with a password manager, Bitdefender, Dashlane, 1Password, and Bitwarden are good ones. Change any Windows PIN, too. Check your admin privileges and don't allow anyone else access to your account. I would also avoid using a shared computer. Knowing that someone is using Alexa and Siri is not a concern. And if you're worried what the boy might be streaming through the Xbox, just ensure that nothing private happens in front of the camera. No one at a remote IP address will be trying to access your MacBook. A router firewall blocks all incoming packets that are not part of established connections. If your devices have been enrolled into Intune MA (which would take good IT knowledge, that boy would have to be a prodigy), it's pretty bad. I'm missing context for the developer accounts, however. 

The bigger issue is that if you're being abused (and abuse often involves children, not just the spouse),you need to report it and get a restraining order. Don't stay in that relationship. And if you have child pornography in your browsing history, you need to take your MacBook to the police, pronto. I do have some knowledge of digital forensics, so if they don't have their own team, I could assist further. 

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DramaKing…I happened to come across this site quite a few times while looking for answers. I am not sure quite yet how to go about using all. I would like your assists if possible. I went to locals once and before heading there had asked to not waste either of our time if he wasn’t knowledgeable nor had anyone that was. Five minutes in and he knew nothing. Said he would call back and two weeks later I had to call him. Said he was sick and calling his guy. Never ever did hear from him again. Then, I spoke with a woman who had done the counseling with her husband for me and this guy when she asked how things were going (previously advising I get myself and children out of the situation and seek help from someone who has dealt with extreme narcissistic trauma…yeah) when I told her; the next day two investigators were at my door. I handed over two Macs and my Envy along with a older Xbox drive and older Mac drive. Over a month they had it in evidence and not one time did they touch it. Even with me checking on it! Then to later tell me that the prosecutor said I have to witness the child stuff being used or find someone professional who knows what they are talking about to help them understand and know where to go from there. I am not sure how to reach out to further and please know that the fact you even took the time to read all that above…too notch human to me! Thank you!

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Witness CSAM being accessed, huh? I call that a bad prosecutor. Browser history is admissible, but if multiple people have access, it may be hard to make a case. 

Probably the only way for me to investigate is to walk you through the creation of a forensic image(s). I can also help with installing monitoring software. The new Hak5 packet squirrel is also a neat tool for monitoring a network, though it isn't cheap. If you have access to your router, I can show you how to set up content filtering and monitoring that way. 

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