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nobody hack this scam site?


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hi guys!
i am new member and i found site scam, them scam a lot of ppl in my coutry
1: them use same 8 server and buy than  500 domain to scam
2,3 month scammer delete domain and use new domain to scam
they go facebook or twitter shill user come site and shill them deposit money to buy some product and then user got profit then withdraw and them not send money
3: they use source code thinkadmin, thinkphp from china
4 i dont know hacking. i research a lot of time but i cannot bypass admin page
i big sad and find anyway can access admin page, even they change password i still find password to login
i want login to destroy delete and warning ppl scam site
i really hope you goods guys can help me, ppl alway ask me money but i dont hae, just hope you guys can help me
some site:

and have a lot of other site
can anyone know hack pls dm me telegram @

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