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C2 HTTPs problem with LetsEncrypt


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I have a Hetzner VPS based in Helsinki Finland. I was able to get the C2 application running in non-https mode with no trouble.

I set up a DNS record for c2.domain.net (my own domain info)...and it routes there correctly.

I have opened port 443, 2022, <non-standard SSH port>, 80, and 8080 on the firewall

When I launch c2 with the -https parameter it launches and says it is running, but I get TLS handshake error messages.

(This is running in debug mode)

info    | 2022-01-01 15:02:58 [*] Running Hak5 Cloud C2
debug   | 2022-01-01 15:03:49 Database view error: could not find key in cache
2022/01/01 15:04:04 http: TLS handshake error from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:64256: acme/autocert: unable to satisfy "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/authz-v3/64138449460" for domain "c2.domain.net": no viable challenge type found
2022/01/01 15:04:04 http: TLS handshake error from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:64257: acme/autocert: missing certificate
2022/01/01 15:13:55 http: TLS handshake error from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:38194: acme/autocert: missing server name

When I check that URL listed in the error message, it says the Status is "deactivated" and that there are 3 challenges listed, all "pending".


It seems to me that LetsEncrypt isn't giving the cert? But I would expect that to show in the debug log.

Any thoughts? any troubleshooting suggestions?


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