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ndiswrapper problem with broadcom


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Hey guys. I'm having a problem with linux seeing my internal broadcom card. It installed fine via ndiswrapper and displays driver installed hardware present. I even ndiswrapper -m I believe to write the configuration and them modprobe ndiswrapper.

The problem is it just doesn't show the device via iwconfig. wlassistant error's no wireless devices found. I'm aware of and do not plan to do any wireless sniffing/auditing with this crappy broadcom. I would however if possible like to get it working and just be able to connect to my wireless network via linux. I'm running Back|Track 2.0 Beta installed.

HP dv6227cl

AMD Turion 64 TL-50 x2

1 GB Ram

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Yea that didn't work "depmod -a" It just don't make no sense to me. Back|Track is seeing the device via lspci, ndiswrapper reports the device as driver present, hardware installed, but as far as a network device it doesn't know that I have any wireless devices.

I really think it is a broadcom issue has anyone successfully used ndiswrapper in linux with an integrated broadcom working?

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