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Setting up "r00kie-kr00kie" Kr00K POC


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I wanted to try getting this python script for the kr00k POC running on my Tetra. Finally got it all working, mainly had issues with cryptodomex, after a while I realized it was a simple package called python3-cryptodomex.. derp. 

You'll need python3 installed, I'm unsure if this is installed default or not, but you can install with the package manager (opkg). I only included the PIP commands for python3 because I needed them specifically for python3, and was running into issues with it installing via opkg install python3-pip, but it may need a specific version, this way worked perfect, so I didn't research much further into it.  I also needed to upgrade setuptools in order to build scapy properly. 

Here's the commands you'll need to use via SSH:

opkg install python3-cryptodomex
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
python3 get-pip.py
pip install -U setuptools
pip install scapy
git clone https://github.com/hexway/r00kie-kr00kie.git && cd ./r00kie-kr00kie

I've also added it to my gist for future reference.

You need to comment out line # 516 of r00kie-kr00kie.py in order to prevent it from killing your remote SSH sessions. Once that's all done, you should be good to go! 

Hopefully this is useful for someone.

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