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Cannot set up nano / faulty reset button ?


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Hello, so I am very very disappointed as I just purchased my WiFi pineapple nano brand new, but I cannot seem to get past the initial phase of setting it up. So I have the firmware downloaded and ready to go, and I plug in my nano and wait for it to boot up, connect to it via WiFi (it’s labeled Pineapple_BBD1), go to the designated setup IP address, and I hit continue. It then prompts me to hit the rest buttion quickly and hit continue. When I hit the reset button, I get disconnected from the pineapples WiFi and I cannot reconnect as it no longer shows up on my WiFi options, and since I’m not connected to any WiFi chrome gives me an error saying “no internet”. This happens when I Choose to also hold the reset button down for 3 seconds as well. The pineapples WiFi hotspot won’t ever show back up after hitting the reset button until I unplug it and plug it back in, and repeat this endless cycle of it not working. Any help? I would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps my nano is faulty.

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Try setting it up using the Y-shaped USB cable.

Wiki page


We advise connecting the WiFi Pineapple NANO to a stable USB power supply capable of providing 9W for initial setup. When connecting to a PC, use the included USB Y cable...

Windows / Linux

  • Download the latest WiFi Pineapple NANO firmware
  • https://www.wifipineapple.com/downloads
  • Plug the NANO into your computer using the included USB Y cable
  • Browse to
  • Follow the onscreen instructions to complete setup
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