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What Password Code is this?


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I'm testing some exploits (with msfconsole) on my computer, and one is to get all chrome passwords (run post/windows/local/gather/enum_chrome). But when its all dumped in a text file, it says to convert it to SQLite format 3.
Once I do, the "password_value" are all these numbers - e.g. 

How could I decode this???

Thanks (btw, the password code above, isn't all there, just incase someone tries to decode it)

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Load a SQLite database and enter the sqlite3 environment by typing the following text at the command prompt:

$ sqlite3 mydb.db

Replace "mydb.db" with the name of your database. A database with the specified name will be created if none already exists.


Convert a value to the TEXT data type with the "CAST" expression by typing the following command at the command prompt:

$ sqlite3 my_db.db INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(CAST(97 AS TEXT))

Replace "my_table" with the name of your table. In the code, the number 97 is inserted into the table as a TEXT value.


Exit the sqlite3 environment by typing ".quit", ".q" or ".exit." and pressing the "Enter" key.


Edited by haze1434
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