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mohammad rahel

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i am unable to fix this problem.when i am trying to install some tools such a the fatrat ReconDog etc than i show this error message E: unable to locate pakge. i have my source list also...

my source list added bellow



# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2016.1 _Kali-rolling_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20160120-18:14]/ kali-rolling contrib main non-free

#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2016.1 _Kali-rolling_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20160120-18:14]/ kali-rolling contrib main non-free

#deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

# deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib

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Because they don't exist in the kali repository.

If you want those tools, find their sites and source and manually install them. If on git, then git clone and follow the install instructions for them. thefatrat is not exactly a pentest tool. It automates other tools which you would probably be better off learning vs point and shoot stuff; if you don't know how they work or what they do, probably should read up on them first. Recondog is a python script. you can get it on git as well.

Edited by digip
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